Francis Pereira statement below:
To Whom It May Concern,
September 12th 2022

My Final statement on 10 + years of living in this loop!
but we found the problem shown on (log 5) and the splash page.
Look at what we have been through? and all the different fabrications to keep it going....

This is crazy! Really it is, So your stroke victim toy caught on to the legal drag (didn't see that one coming huh?) and that was illegal. The misrepresentation, lack of and witholding evidence because of not submitting it into their briefs ???? Why so much procrastination??? And the cover ups?? Anyone who thinks anything, better talk to the neurologist before going any further and remember it happened on the clock of PMA Groups client Leahy Transportation who made the mistake of letting a trainee do a school run, (I'm sure the parents on the route and I remember them all would love to know that). (Going in the journal just more proof of Hindering the claimant.) Really nice weather, stuck in, never a call from any contractor, or anybody for that matterl.. Almost 2 years with this firm April 16th 2021? So guess because we found out my problems are from my neck and neurological issues that occurred from the neck hitting the seat apply pressure in both directions one way ,right to my brain. So is why the other attendant kept asking if I was ok? because I was so "RED" ? guess thats when I was having the stroke but couldn't feel what happened to my neck at the time because of it.. Or would one of you Einsteins have an idea what happned? Because no one has gotten back to me since I faxed the reports to my P.C.P. and my workers comp Dr. Bruce H. Levin wanting to know more about it, but no return call from his practice either right after he asked me was my P.C.P. related to Dr. John Trezseniowski? I replied yes, he is his father and I faxed the results to both of them. I never heard from him again. The lawyer and the Doctor , did they know I had a stroke in the accident and not tell me? because everyones acting suspicious by the appearence of responses. No one will and they want to know why a memoir/journal is being kept? Isn't it obvious? That, this vital information was over looked from the start but an MRI was taken before the fusion to compare the 2021 report to so get a copy of that or would it have been this When they were taking me to the MRI and I was freaking out that I was ging to have neck surgery and never kissed my kids goodbye in case. that when they over medicated me with cocktails???? And I had a bad reaction and instead it hyped me out to the point of super strength. but reguardless there was a report of it in 2013 and the claim was awarded in 2016 and the stroke did not come up in court.
. Anyway the neurologist said to keep my bp low at all times and this is what I am left to work with that I will continue to deteriorate from the neck down (all relative) the IME doctor H.Levin although he talking drugs and alcahol The lawyer didn't object bcause she was trying to make me a pot head. (40 years ago these people are PURE BULL SHITTERS) , dude I'm a man of God! you lied and did you know that I fell there? At the IME you performed on me (we seen the tape recorder in the box like I said I'm disabled, not stupid) Yes my wife pushing me in the walker as photographed earlier and it hit the rubber slab on the exiting concrete when leaving could be why there is recent fluid in there (The only thing I can think of recently was the IME fall because the neck of my head hit the sidewalk,Just ask the firm who took me and my wife (witness) to the I.M.E. ask the driver you had take us there, but PMA Groups IME Dr. Levin stated that I am at my maximum at getting better (and I realize with a stroke some things are not going to ever be right). I tried to contact my Dr. Bruce H. Levin, No response? They all had their chance to help me, they refused a judges orders. Then make a game out of a permanent situation. I want a non structured settlement after what you did , you think any of us trust you? Put it in a trust fund in my name with $500,000.000.00 with no structure, in a trust fund. because 10 years you had to help us and you instead antagonized us. There wasn't any structure to my accident just a bunch of lies and denial also finger pointing and no bus security cam video
, I am glad Omar Lister spoke up to what happened to him by the Leahy brothers after I and my wife no longer worked for the company, (she was dismissed for not giving information on my condition) It was the Leahy's choice to put a trainee behind the wheel, PMA Groups choice to cover them and insure them so I won't get one on account that PMA Group wants to run the rest of my life. Just more medical neglect, Hearings and Bullshit.
I been in almost 10 years and living in poverty the whole time. Council making jokes about my situation “I seen Santa at the airport heading to North Pole Alaska. Or Do you hear voices? all this is under making fun of/toying with a disabled person that you could of helped because I won my claim but had to get into the milking game hoping I die before hand, ain’t happening so lets get on with it. As far as the house , I can have done what do what needs to be done at my leisure and set when I come to visit and have the other house put in my grand daughters name making her mom responsible until she turns 18. I want out of this place and now knowing that I had is a minor stroke on top of a cervical spine injury there is nothing much anyone can do but me doing home therapy and try to keep my muscles tight. Unless PMA Group gets this right in which we all know is not going to happen. They want to make this is almost another year, what do they get to throw it out after 10 years or something?. All Know this is not justice and what Dr. Perrone said I just want to compare notes before this gets federal because it’s plain as black and white and I am not playing their game anymore, they are going to play mine and I have plenty of “stand by and stand ready” I do plan on pressing charges and have already set the proceedures in motion please see log 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 of
Below is added information

Operation of neck fusion bill was picked up by Pathways corp.. not PMA Group.

The Affected Disability List as of 2021

Worked AT Leahy Trans. co. 2010 off the books but was paid in a company check, (Traceable) was put on the books for the St.Davids a run my daughter and her friends were hired also at 16 years old to be special needs attendants (illegal) up to now as I am a victim of them letting a treinee drive a bus.PRESENT Where I have a neck fusuion and recently found out I had a mild stroke from the impact of my accident that was totally over looked.
Disabilities, Motor Skills, Muscle Depletion, Deterioration, & Dememorization, More Medical Fall Out from the Bus Accident in insurers chosen time postponement..

April 2021 Went to Penn Hospital , along with the medical negligence, they found a small stroke the doctor dais was almost a decade old ???? Like my injury occured at that time. Instead of addressing it, someone hacked the page and we have back up of the site on another server so keep trying to hide the truth. Because I want to know if this is part of my problems besides the cervical spins condition. (seen above) Since the accident here is a list of things
I can no longer perform or I am having problems with.
proof of the listed skills is available in pictures and resume

cannot help with house hold chores..
cannot do home maintenance/repairs
cannot hold my grand children or help with their care
cannot really play & do activities with my grand children
cannot open a piece of candy for my grand chhildren
cannot help my own children with their new homes being moving, painting or otherwise...
cannot do backyard gardening or floral placement etc.
cannot service my wife - self age 50 & 40 yrs, healty, active until now
cannot perform simple task such as taking a shower and shaving, making a pot of coffee,
cook (which I loved to do) using lighters, opening soda & many other simple task I now depend on others for
cannot Decorate for holidays
always feel to be in the way

cannot bend easily and limitted neck movement.
numbness throughout areas of my body, lower
back trauma continues, fingers and toes curled from spinal cord
lost extreme weight and lack muscle tone now
cannot walk long distance anymore
cannot play sports or bike ride
cannot go fishing or boating (to unstable)
cannot go horseback riding
cannot run, barely able to walk
cannot stand/lean for long period of time
cannot sit/lie down vertically for long period of time
cannot auto ride long distances
cannot sleep long periods of time
cannot presently drive a vehicle
cannot help with new ongoing neighborhood activities
careful to ride in vehicles entering & exiting

cannot lift
cannot ride
cannot climb
cannot move swiftly
cannot write with writing instrument
cannot sit or stand for long period of time
cannot do photo shoots or videos (hobbies)
cannot use power tools or tools
cannot use hands well at all (spinal cord)
1 finger typing, tire quickly from sitting/standing
Do not think will be able to do Mall Santa this year
slow at working in a computer cannot sit still long
Cannot draw / sketch any graphic forms of art (web designer)
Had my drivers lisense revoked from a lie, Dr. E. Peterick falsified a report stating I had a seizure (which I did not and I have a witness) in 2017
As of 2020 my wife now mentions divorce in every conversation. and I'm supposed to be keeping my blood pressure down ???? (see neurologist)

cannot play guitar
cannot play bass
cannot play piano & Keyboards
cannot play my drums.
cannot cover or interview bands
cannot do interviews
Cannot do video work or editing
cannot carry out productions
cannot move, setup or breakdown equipment

And until recent 2021, found out by going to a neurologist that I had a mild stroke about the time of the accident. So that explains a lot of the reasons I never really recovered and it was driving me crazy why can't I do this, Because I could do anything I put my mind to, well guess even mild it damaged my mind...GGRRRRRR All I heard was "spinal cord compression", well guess what they over looked something, Like a stroke from the fall, They were to into the neck fusion and did they do an MRI before it? Because this recent MRI almost a decade later shows it. and the neurologist put a time to it "almost a decade old" = just after 9 years going on ten) Like 1/4/2012? Now it is a decade old 1/7/2022
and Proof of the finding of Dr. Brody's Report that was with Spivacks Doctors so they had to get a copy of it. And ALL before the award hearing 2/2016 to where it was not intoduced into evidence A couple of my neighbors had the same fusion work done, 1 was walking fine, the other guy Mike McCarthy was walking his dog every morning I kept asking why are they ok and I am having such a hard time? well I guess even it being a mild stroke still left me with impairments which are starting to make sence. unable to get around and the music disorder and spacing out and drifting at points, live on BP pills., Obtained lousy penmenship (write like a second grader) takes me a while to do something that used to take a couple minutes and my writing skills were extremely skilled. and it's all because they overlooked the stroke or thought it didn't matter,
I even mentioned a few times that the other attendant kept asking me if I was ok, she then said "my word your face and head are so red, are you sure your ok?". Well thats probably when it happened because nothing in my life style would of lead to this only the fall on the bus, I was under lifting restrictions due to a unbilical hernia in 2007 from lift a very heavy object that popped out the hernia. Now I have a 2nd hernia because after the surgery the therapist that was sent from the hospital kept telling me to use the invisible bar to pull my self up (She should of told me to lay on my side and push myself up because that spawned another hernia on the other side and is still there.Not to mention the bone spurs in my neck which the neurologist also found. (As seen in the reports above) and multiple falls and landing on my stomach, see video 1/04/2022
they are lucky I am not asking for $750,000,000.00 because I will....The mental anguish ALONE that they (Workers Comp and PMA Group & The Legal Representatives) put me and my family through (read the journal, none of it would be there if they didn't make it occur). Down to the loss of my grand daughter Violet (who would of made it if it wasn't for PMA Group and Comp playing God! and recently the mother gave birth to another daughter 12/07/2020 who my wife takes care of and she keeps me occupied but shows me the other baby should of been here, And because you looked the other way when I fell, my daughter tried to lift me off the floor creating a miscarraige OF MY GRAND DAUGHTER VIOLET LYNN (Alliance Manufacturers Ins.PMA GROUPS FAULT). They wanted to play games, well this is an expensive game called "My Life" and how the judicial system, doctors (ime) Insurance companies and other people who hindered help in my situation being salvaged, For 9 1/2 years they have done nothing but tried to screw me over and I just recently found out about the mild stroke from the accident that left me in this state. That was never looked into either. Yet they want to alter my home to accomodate my situation, who says I want to stay here? I sure as shit don't! I want out of PA Pereiod when this B.S. is over.
Francis M. Pereira.