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Over 9 years and having the same gut feeling that I dealt with all my life , Damn RACISM!, when they see me and I look white , alls good and ask of my name? Spanish, my name, and to think I been through this all my life and still dealing with it apparently IN 2020 well at the bottom I'll go into detail since your a clueless company who likes to pick on uneducated and other individuals who by their injuries or disabilities have comprehension problems that you take advantage of might not come from here, sorry there was no wall when my dad came over from Spain. Wow when your employees are bored they probably pull the wings off flys... Bullies!
You think I'm some stupid Spanish hick? * Read below, the latest at the bottom, see how stupid I am, this time you pissed off the Doctors, (wait until I turn this into a E-Book and make it viral.)...
Let me arrange this so you might under stand, You see I had a life before the bus company, (which proof can be seen clicking the previous firm buttom Here, The Begining ) and PMA company hesitated on helping me, no they actually went out of their way to throw obstacles in the way with IME's and other off the wall responses. So now what? we invested a lot into our Entertainment Business which is no longer validated. And we live day to day because of PMA group and their non compliance to help me. Argueing the situation doesn't extend from the listed injuries? WTF? it's my neck, and everything under it is RELATIVE (in the court order, to accomodate related issues) and after 8 years my body is now showing the fall out to having to have surgery from getting in and out of bed because of the negligence..
PMA Just so you know, Discrimination is Against the law!.

If I had a company and my workers, who helped make my company grow and expand, got hurt on the job,, I would NEVER utilize PMA Companies services for my I.W.C..representatives, these people are just out to hold onto every dollar, their claim adjusters are heartless, they push their issues with no regard to proper proceedure. PMA does not look out for the insured employees best interest, only to hinder their case in the future (witheld my wheelchair payment by any measure until had to again go to court and it was 5 years so even though it finally got paid the life time warranty was null and void.) They know what they are doing and it is done on purpose. remember the further down the lastest news... see them in action until they pissed off my doctors.. 4/16/2019
Meet My New Lawyer
2019 meet Jen Kaufman!

NEWS FLASH!!! (Aug 2020) At This Time... Start at the top and work your way down for the latest they put him through..* At the bottom see where the doctors have had enough of PMA tactics and lies and called workmans Comp for negligence to an awarded claimant, WC issued a form for a UI due to Mr.Pereira's Family and friends telling the Dr's (Surgeon) sent Home Therapist (who questioned and listened from family,friends,neighbors of the 8 ears of mistreatment by PMA and having to use Health Partners),who made a complaint to the surgeon and they called Workers Comp and filed a complaintt (I wouldn't be surprised if my P.C.P. Cheyenne also called) now WC wants a statement from Mr.Pereira about his treatment from PMACO since his operation (8 years later)but Jen never sent one? wonder why? rest assure the url to this journal will be it, because we can't fit all the damage they did in one statement. Why? The journal proves harasment and abuse of authority.
This is what the results of this is, because of the actions of others!
Please read down then please see why, in the previous pages of the journal The Leahy's took the 5th.
We would like to mention that also as of April 16,2019 we relieved Mr. Spivacks firm of any further handling of this claim.
Jen reached out to me then came here to our home, helped me fire my old firm and signed the contract with her in about 2 minutes.

We aquired a new attorney, who reached out to help a previous client that she had to leave in furthering her career.
In this time she aquired her own firm and she was my first lawyer who actually got my claim situated. I was awarded my claim But PMA Group won't follow the judges orders? And this is The Legal System? So here we are STILL WAITING

I won my claim at the end of February 2016.

Yes it says "RELATED TO"

ALSO STATES Above 38. that no one knows me better than me!
As far as Jen I often wondered what happened to her, she had mad skills to her work ethics down to finding errors and mishandled paperwork.

And she was gone, I didn't know much about this stuff, but now I figured it out, sort of. And as the last 4/5 years just went by dormant with Spivack. I was stuck in the legal loop. and send here, there, but to no prevail. oggled, pricked, observed, questioned to death like something will change. BUT NO TREATMENT because PMA Group went against the Judges Orders. So God, sent me an angel, and she takes no shit!
AND this lil lady knows her law and I have things the other firm wasted 4 years on, in 2 weeks since she came here and I released the previous firm, bcc'd her when she received it I signed the contract IN MINUTES and WHOA what a 360 in my life. After a 6 year HELL CAROUSEL ride of BS, hook stories and procrastination. and a UR that is totally a Malpractice suit.and knowingly not that I have to honor the agreement about being on social media, just learned through the experience that they will and do come on your page even under false pretenses (Invasion of privacy, Richard M.Nixon 1974)and take pictures and information and twist it and your now having to prove that they are liars and that's how they keep you looped, well the awesome little Barracuda I just signed on with is to busy and does not have time to waste, she will not tolerate it.
In the 1 month I have been with her, I have the items that it took the last firm 4 years to get, well tried to get so I was told, resulted in my wife had to do the leg work.
Please Continue reading below to find out how this leads up, Read past Website from Spivack & Spivack to find out the reason to switching firms. Click the banner bottom of page to see my new attorney's site.

PMA is not a good company, They know how to LIE, Bully , Harase Threaten and Blackmail disabled claimants and stretch time to a newly, needy disabled person, (I have witnesses for that) This in my opinion they are just vendictive asses who were picked "bullied" on in high school or college is what I've expeirienced and my opinion myself.
PMA thinks they are special, hhmmmm guess what folks? I been claimed to be special also. Hey PMA heard you found the founder of the company facedown in a creek a couple years ago, I check out every thing! WHY? PMA gave me THIS form of P.T.S.D. also they never filed an appeal back in 2016 when I was awarded my claim just thinking I am some Spanish joke, well Jokes on you!This journal and documentations are pretty much proof of it.
And since have contacted higher ups as "The great Republican insurance co" think they can't be touched, read below at the latest who the POLICE had me contact because after I won my claim PMA never appealed, and the judges orders stand. (bottom)

PMA covered these losers below (as THAT is the Leahy Transportation Co., now you don't want to pay up?, With proof being abundant?, watch......)

This is the PMA Group Ins. Co. who has held up the claim long enough using any method, lies, harasment it could...
Pretty bad when Judge's say PMA Group are known for their poor performance, (latest Mediation, witness present)

4/25/2019 Hospital Bed
Jen is Awesome, I have a new hospital bed (Thanks to Dan Duffy who donated one to me in the meanwhile.) and she found many flaws in my case, especially p.o's about the previous firms U.R. she is getting files together and we are trying to get the wheel chair I been waiting on since Pennsylvania Hospital elevator incident. (noted in situation, see Elevator) Jen also found many errors since she left that firm and Juan Rodriquez took it over, (Actually the guy should be a used car dealer in my opinion) and she is dealing with the 4 years of fall out and screwups left behind. I am in the middle of Aquatic therapy and Still trying to reach Moss or Magee for a wheelchair evaluation. (nearly impoddible since Vicky claim adjuster veto's everything even though the Judge ordered her to, but in the time since I was awarded my claim 2/25/2016 claim adjuster has vetoed every request made and thank GOD , Health Partners picked it up.. See this shows how non compliant she was and shows the numerous scripts vital to my recovery, unfilled in other words, let him die like his grand daughter. And I'm sure dhe feels no remorse even though it happened because of her non compliance and none active status on my behalf after court ordered. And Ken Spivack for not pushing any of the issues just trying to double talk me while I studied Juris-prudence and discovered he has no idea what the hell he's doing he is just a slip and fall lawyer with his own therapy station at Priemiere Therapy, most of his clients go there. So I plan on visiting B.Jon Sherman (State Bar) again and this time filling out reports at the site to have those who hindered my progress dealt with accordingly, 8 years worth and written you can say what you want but this Journal pretty much proves all that happened and was said. So we'll see later just how much, I'm just waiting on the judge to say "That this claim was mishandled and they are responsible for non compliance and/or was neglegent, so we can finally press charges for my grand daughter. This has been going on for 8 years because of PMA co. Claim Adjusters.a company who never appealed the awarded claim. Yet mentally put us through HELL without authority. I had to take 23k of my claim and buy the property up the street so My daughter and her kids had somewhere to go because I needed space to get around so I did, errr more liked forced to do this. So my daughter and her children didn't end up on the streets. I am forced to live on the 1st floor now and would of had to put my daughter and her children on the streets so I bought the house because I had no other alternative, They should repay me for the $23.000.00 dollars for the money I had to put out because of the situation created by PMA GROUP covering an illegal School Bus Company.

This is how far PMA Companies treat claimants, couldn't go to a rehabilitation facility, Guess that might cost to much! So makeme pay to take care of my own? Yet they were under court orders,.Above The Law ASSHOLES?

7/04/2019 The Wheel Chair ( see more in old journal)
Still waiting on this and it's been hard but more mind snapping, Have it after such a mission, but can't get it out of my house. Scared? the stares, the panic of falling (again) which as of this date 5-25-2020 is worse the bed restriction and to not try to walk from Dr. Maitlin has made my muscles weaker and can barely get up. The main question even Dr. Bung Soo Kim at Temple (and many other doctors) all looked at every thing and asked I do not under stand how you walk when your in a vertical position. My answer is I have to balance and lock my knees and I had this experience (which I am glad now for although this whole situation was forth coming from an illegal situation in the begining Please see below.
And what of the involuntary version of house arrest I have been forced to live with I can not go far from the place because of complications to my body from the long term neglect from this tragic situation? even with a scooter to not get out with and no help from PMA they were ordered to? I am not a quitter as you can tell by my journal., yet claim adjuster keeps vetoing everything to where I had health partners willing to pick it up. So I also made Jen aware of this and how they have picked up basically everything I did trying to get help but Ms.Veto rejected everything. I had to go to Health Partners which was not easy but went to their legal dept. I signed some forms to which claim adjuster and her firm she reps are responsible for as I got the insurance in 7/2012 as WC turned me down and I was dieing. I had to move to my daughters and seperate from my wife of 25 years but after finding out about the high blood pressure they kept me on as I went back home. Then they covered a lot of testing I had to have done, to which they all should be reimbursed, It is Manufacturers Alliance, Pma Group, Ms. Vickie Eckert Fogle "claim adjuster" yea, the claims adjuster who can't follow a court order and a few others with a worm of a lawyer who can try to intimidate disabled people., yet has to respect that it's their responsibility as it happened at work and they repped an illegal company to which I found out unfortunetly after I broke my neck.

and that was only till 2018 theres another 2 years of visits and test because of the occurences due to this injury. funny going to court and PMA never paid a thing, court for payments 8-11-2020 see letter at bottom.

More in the previous journal (link above), page 3 Lower EMG, LOOK AT IT! STATES "ABNORMAL". Thanks to you PMA company!
Yet you continue to hassel us.and put Mr. Pereira through hell. with all the proof surrounding you! Your people are mental and need to be studied. Better yet workers comp needs to be notified about the way they treat disabled, awarded claimants. And Labor and Industry needs to clean up their act. and get rid of trash companys who make THEM LOOK BAD!

6/24/2019 So many Hearings wasting tax payers money. SEE?
I have never seen so many hearings after a Judge awarded me (see above), said "No body Knows Me Better Than Myself" and after recent attempts at trying to obtain help, PMA Groups claim adjuster Victoria claim adjuster maintained her veto status. So Jen set up court for failure to comply and to penalize, I personally want it stated that her actions caused a loss of life, my grand daughter Violet Lynn Pereira because my daughter having to lift me off the floor and I will always feel responsible for that. She vetoed home health care which left me a burden to my family. And it costed a member in it's untimely wait for help.

And I emailed her as I also had court in Family court to which I took care of from my bed, see My other journal And Jen wrote right back to me. When I emailed her Sooo how did we do? She responded with...
This little lady is just what I was looking for, I had her and muchly appreciated that our paths crossed again, my faith meter has gone up a bit!
This, like all the others was just a waste of a trip, these people are unbelieveable and I don't believe the system lets them get away with dragging it so long, This journal will be a free downloadable E-Book when this is done, and everyone can see how PMA Group handles claim situations. work even after the claimant was awarded the claim showing they think they are above the law, VENGENCE IS MINE, SAYITH THE LORD! Look at the Corvid19 Virus, God is letting everone know that the shit on this planet is getting to be rediculous..

It's not my lawyer, it's the damn insurance co. fault and continues to drag it on, (Must not like hispanic people)

STILL waiting.....Miss my life, Got things rolling with my friend Ron Meliment and made the Philly Music Store and Itunes and things poped up then I was really about to take off with my buddy Michael Davis and the philly Music Zone! We met at OOT (Out On The Town) we volunteered as journalist and photographers and decided to try our own. Man it was getting fun....
You can see the magazines we started on the left links (or on the front page of (As of today 11/07/2020 just click below) Man I miss working! I was an Entrepreneur, Every night was booked click the left nav on the main site and click "Had a life! and many other achievments, Just to understand and know why this has me so upset!"

Then this Driver (Nicholas P.) a 70 year old Trainee Went & Ruined My Whole Life making a come back impossible without help. And recently heard he passed not long afterwards, (Kharma) Then again he was 70 (why would they rrain him to be a driver at that age, he would of been good a couple years as to a younger person who would of maintained a place with the company way more years? huh? Go figure!, But still he was left like this because of their decision.

All my Entertainment training starting with music to production GONE! Because any hope of treatment was prolonged until to late. And watch this Journal does not end up in a .pdf downloadable book "Don't Trust Workers Comp" A book just like the magazines above, and as far as settlement talks is way down below after more shit & slander was slung at me. and I'm not budging because this was illegal from the start.Want to see what I lost? and was moving up from there.

4/25/2019 Doctors visits
In the main menu please click the Situation , then the medical tab , Thanks to Dr. Reed Williams my present Doctor who is leaving in September 2019.
Also Dr. Musa Hepotologist
and my primary Dr. Mathew Trezsniowski my primary and
Dr. Poukas for a very neat experience with the EEG (I always had a thing for lights.)

Well Doctor Petereck Lied/Misdiagnosed and heresProof
and Temple who the day before Thanks giving last year gave me an Endocolonoscopy and found 3 lumps 2 on the top and one maturing to malignance but caught in time at the bottom. Thank yous. Dr. Levin while I WAS THERE YOU WERE A VERY COMPASSIONATE DOCTOR/FRIEND I wish you well. I then recieved a letter telling me of a hearing in 9/2019 as of 2020 now have a Doctor Ian Maitin, MD who said stop walking, to stop falling as to not rupture the hernia, enlarged spleen now and the bloated mess that is now my abdomen. (see below).

7/10/2019 Mediation Hearing 8-21-19
I guess they didn't do the UR they threatened with. Well they are having a Mediation Hearing in August, Am I atteding? I would not give them the satisfaction, I will be sitting with my grand daughters urn and praying that Jen works her strategy that she does so well, I gave her a figure and with the cost of living , the upped minimum wage, the tarriffs and other expenses growing in our country she should shot for even higher dues to the fact that I WAS NEGLECTED FOR 8 YEARS!, LOST FRIENDS, FAMILY AND MY GRAND DAUGHTER. ALL THE MENTAL ANGUISH AND PTSD TRAUMA DUE TO CLAIM ADJUSTERS VETOING EVERYTHING, NOW I AM SUPPOSED TO PLAY NICE? I HOPE THEY GET T-BONED BY A TRACTOR TRAILER BEFORE I GIVE THEM THE SATISFACTION AFTER WHAT THEY PUT ME THROUGH, BEING TRAPPED IN MY BODY WASN'T ENOUGH? WAIT YOU BASTARDS! just more waste of time. If they want me there they will have an ambulance pick me up, return me and the same in September.

7/18/2019 Surprise!
Jen pulled it off, she got my scooter and it will be here on the 19th. Thank you so much, I really made the right choice, you ROCK! Thank so much, can get out after all this time.

7/25/2019 July 24th Stolen.
The reporter said I claimed, that pissed me off...
Man claims (THE POLICE HAVE PICTURES FROM THE CAMS, NOT A CLAIM, I WAS ROBBED!) someone stolen his motorized scooter outside Kensington business
FOX 29's Dave Kinchen reports.
PHILADELPHIA - A man says that the motorized scooter, which helps with his disability was stolen from outside a plumbing business on Frankford in Kensington.
“I couldn’t have been in that store five minutes, picked up the thing off the counter, walked out the door, the scooter’s gone," Frank Perera told FOX 29.
Perera spent years as a prolific drummer. He says a workplace accident seven years ago left him virtually numb from the neck down, making it difficult and painful just getting around, especially he says because it took forever for insurance to pay for the scooter.
“I’ve been without one for so long, I’ve been basically under involuntary house arrest without a bracelet," he said.
Perera says the thief swiped the scooter while he went in for plumbing supplies, but he says he got a look at the accused crook through the store’s surveillance system.
East Dectecives are working on surveillance videos from Betz Plumbing. This IS Trending

Lots going on and a rediculous mediation which actually is sending me to a shrink before I truly SNAP on the neglect because I am not thinking clearly, just see RED!! and I have many people to help me with this task.

Agrees that PMA Group is using a spinning cycle to keep this going as well as Ofc. Rivera who blantenly said "They just don't want to pay you and asked the date and time of the next hearing in May". My psychiatrist reviewed what I provided and then stated that I am not fabricating my allegations, it's what insurance companies do. I am very much in my right and they have no reason,or right to treat me the way they are. That they are playing head games trying to break me down.
On 4-2-2020, I see the main shrink.

Stated that I need a vehicle which is crucial to maintain all these Dr. visits and today (updating page 5-21-2020 )
Dr. T gave me this, and obained my records from Temple Hospital to prove I never had a seizure, I passed out from high blood pressure, if I had seizures there would be a lengthy record with the way my life style was.

Jen called a company for an estimate to alter my living area to better my mobility and they refused and then PMA Companies demanded another IME. Now 6-15-2020 You can see our vehicle which needs tlc to get back up and running another reason why the police were bought in. I got a new scooter but can't get it out due to width and no portable ramp. and the walker has done a toll to my storm door as seen

Won't fit in/out the door and needs a portable ramp for going up/down 5 marble steps. Why the hearing on May12th, 2020 and the IME for it 6/15/2020 ?????????

More Bills Coming and Health Partners were already made aware of the hernia surgery from getting out of bed and have noted it.

Facing additional medical follow ups & Surgery

Some signals from the brain are not going where they are supposed to, I met with Dr.Shakir and Surgeon Dr. Kwan Lau, MD who wants me to loose 30 lbs to operate . They need to know why the spleen is enlarged although Dr. Kwan Lau, MD dictated that the signals were not getting past the compressed spinal cord, from the fusion in my cervical spine in the c-sector. he said it's high risk but thinks he can do it, and the hernia, or its further up
I wonder if they are going to have to remove the spleen after study of the ultra sound images came into my possesion So I don't make it they get manslaughter for procrastination and neglect of medical treatment. And yes I have involved the Philadelphia Police and making a report of all activity as this journal is for that reason, working with a unique kind of P/O, Right OFC. Rivera?.
Which why Dr. Reed William's replacement PT, Dr. Ian Maitin, MD told me to stop trying to walk and placed me on bed restriction until after the hernia surgery. Why?, so I quit falling which could only create a rupture and complicate matters worse. And looking at the recent pictures below ,I understand, but has left me to weak to do much, Need the surgery to start the therapy to see if I am able to get this together = need a pool for Aqua Therapy / and Aquatic Therapy out side the home.
Hernia, Bowel Blockage, Enlarged Spleen. all due to being NEGLECTED putting me in this situation, see records, Health Partners has been covering it 8 years and my lawyer and Health Partners has the records ,Dates. with more to come as Surgery is occuring in the spring (also see below the IME harasement, picking right around my surgery date like I can get there)
They want another IME? Yet this bowel obstruction created by them, (procrastination and out & out refusing) doesn't matter?
Hernia started 2014
A Jefferson home therapist (heavy German accent) The therapist who said when you get up and down use the "Magical Bar" reach out pull up, I and my wife told the surgeon that he said "And that is why you have that hernia" It started to grow in 2014 (So it's Related to the case)
The Hernia is from getting up in and out of bed.
Started to protrude 2013/2014 and growing ever since from can be proved by Dr. Bruce Levin my pain management doctor, who is also at a standstil. My body is so complicated and no therapy leaves no muscle tones and bed sores and constant. I have pain above my neck in areas but nothing hurts below unless bone related and weather conditions (see surgery below)
I have some feeling in different areas like patchy but with movement it changes or stops completely
Showing enlarged spleen, also hernia over stomach area from pulling myself up and other messed up motor skills from the neurons which are creating false positive neuron signals to my brain because of the compressed section of my cervical spine, some signals are not getting through 1 example are food, The hernia pressing down on the stomach is indicating that I'm full when actually I have not eaten so no appetite so weight loss, lack of vitamins, nutrients and more, some medications perscribed (covered by HP not PMA) The signals (neurons) are not getting past the fusion and, it's just weird..but I have to live with it and accomodate myself to it, Even get help on my own for it. Because the Insured company Leahy Transpertation put a Tranee behind the drivers seat of the school bus I was working on being an attendant. Guess PMA should of looked more closely at their clients instead of finding ways to bust WC claimants stones.
Hey PMA if you would of not denied this script for an abdominal binder (see date) it might not of been as bad? your just toying with me like pulling wings off of flys!!!

And while all this is going on, PMA GROUP Claim adjusters want to play more games...tada, now we get to make it civil rights? Against the PMAco, the claim adjusters,even WC itself for not following up on theiir claimants, Yet every 6 months PMA sends me a form for any monies /wages I have earned, knowing I am bed ridden. Yup! nothing like Rubbing your nose in it when your down, Thats ok, there Kharmah is coming. See below they just sent another 4-09-2020, sooner than 6 months because of covid they rather harase me with this, knowing I am in a bed. pictures below.

Ordered me to a new IME? after 65% was scored on an IRE ?????? WTF? these people have no idea.This just makes me fight back more and now others involved as witnesses because I can't do the work But look above and want me to travel with that bagage? These people are Bullies harraseing a disabled person. That ALL IT PROVES!. ...The doctors said they never seen a score that high of 65% percent and see me and wonder how I even manage to move, Determination and no help from a Judge's Orders and well what do you expect if their is no help because claim adjusters don't do their jobs right, Or over step their authority because they are power tripping. even had a judge tell me at a mediation the last claim adjuster I had, She had a rep for poor work ethics. And now I have the senior ? proves you don't have to be a scientist to work for this company......
AND THEY WANT IT IN MARYLAND? (Illegal. only Pa for Pa Iwc.) ALL THIS While waiting on surgery? This is how bad they want to get rid of me, do note the multiple I.M.E.'s all different places and they seem to make them all far from my home which only results in me being a fall risk, Now I fell 2 xs If I fall the 3rd time in Jenkintown I am waiting for an ambulance and suing them for the consistant I.M.E's and not doing anything to help me, like I'm faking this whole thing and again ASS HOLES!

Jen Objected to the rediculous illegal request(Out of state lines.)

Look below as far as "sending me out of state?" P/O Rivera said they can't send me out of "State Boundaries" Yea after this I bought the Police into it, and keeping them informed of every move.

All these IME's are not going to change my damaged nerves, they are not going to make the fusion or bone spurs go away, they ARE just to take up more time, tax dollars and put more people in situations they would rather not be in, The law is now looking this waste of time over and now is starting to show the criminal aspects of the scenerio.
And then notified it was moved close to her office (In Jenkin town??? dated 3-31-2020 at Genex with a Dr.Paul Shipkin, Neurology, just seen one at Temple Hospital 7/2017.

Then that was cancelled over the Covid19 Virus so the harasement continues through asking if I worked lately (again)

AFTER I ALREADY HAD AN I.R.E.!!!Even after I already had an IRE at 65% ratio, And they just keep spinning and this is legal?.

I have a full physical workup with my primary physician 2 weeks before the 3/31/2020 IME, I have to take this long potholed ride for yet another IME like it's going to do something now needing abdominal surgery because of procrastination. I have more, worrying about it and the long ride with my abdomen.
P/O Rivera who is looking into this and recording the case in police reports, wants a closeup of the Maryland address, also glad it was objected because it shouldn't leave the state, but questioned about all the IME's and why so many, he was ticked by the waste of time. (Remember he met me when my scooter was stolen so knows what shape I'm in.)
IME = Independent Medical Examination , invented to just take up more time. And to get a doctor who knows nothing about me or my situation to look me over with their personal opinion.
If you want to know about me contact a doctor who has been involved with my case since it started Dr. Bruce Levin 215-776-6404 whomI just had a video conference with on 5-26-2020 and notices my condition worsening, he him self said to my wife "This is all MEDICAL NEGLECT" So keep making it worse PMA idiots.

Hey remember this is our tax dollars hard at work for "Frivolous IME'S, lies and procrastination".That's how PMA Companies do business.

Even after I already had an IRE and it scored at 65% ratio, and that was in 2016 and look at me now, needing surgery told to stop attempt walking and putting myself at a greater risk so I would probably be at a greater % number due to the neglect I've recieved since.
I.R.E. Page 1

I.R.E. Page 2

I.R.E. Page 3

I.R.E. Page 4

So The I.R.E. Doctor seeing me, And then the doctor seeing me through all this and consulting with me Dr. B. Levin explained to me this and I didn't get upset, I got ANGRY and realized the battle that was ahead of me because I'm not a Quitter.And PMA have done nothing in 8 years to help it, no they instead fight/deny it even after I WAS AWARDED? EVEN AFTER BEING HEARD BY A JUDGE, YET THEY CHOOSE TO BLOCK IT SO JUST LEFT HANGING AGAIN(NEVER AQUITTED IT?) So they are above the law? Is the system that screwed up? I am pulling in every agency I can so they are known for their work ethics. And now things that might of been fixed are becoming permanent. I have to have hernia surgery from getting in and out of bed. They have denied therapy that could of built up my strength that could of helped with getting better not the 9-10 times a day I fall from no muscle tone. Even the last mediation Judge said that my Claim Adjuster Vickie Eckert was a piece of work. and mentioned she was not good as a claims adjuster.(witnesses present) and sucked at her job, and then went on to say how claims have made people crazy, suicidal and even mentioned someone took their life over a claim, is that a trip or what? Like admitting the system out and out purposely make claimants lives a living hell (witness present) and then so on about Eckert (but they keep the ball rolling) and leaving the hearing again no reason for it (in my opinion) my walker was getting away from me and heard him mention please dont let him fall in here. Like I want to fall? I want to break a bone or other stuff, I think I'd rather play drums, run up front and jump on the guitar and other musical instruental antics, my magazine all these beautiful educated women, all the interviews, the advertisements and VIP the composition and structure of the online magazines. (See Journal or old one)..I HAD A LIFE! These people really make me uneasy and keep my guard up all so PMA don't want to put out the money. Guess all these IME's and other weird test and procrastinating the inevidable. and refuse to let me try to build up a life, no they want me to fade away so they don't have my worry,(in my opinion) like the reason for this journal so my family can sue for wrongful death suit amongst many other suits that would open up. , hmmmm lets see . if they settle, a structured settlement in a special needs trust fund and other unbelieveable crap.
YOU ARE PROTECTING A BUS COMPANY, THAT PMA Group/Companies INSURED NOT CHECKING THEIR CREDENTIALS, over half the employees were not up to date on their certifications as long as they got the job and ,paid and thats what happened with me. They put me on a bus with an illegal operator and he went over trolley tracks while I was going to my seat and I fell on the bus. They don't want to accept it, but a judge did. AND THINGS ENDING UP LIKE THIS?, SO A JUDGES ORDERS AND FINDING OF LAW, PERSONAL LEGAL OPINION AMONGST OTHER CREDIBILITY IS DEFIED & DENIED, IS IT NOT WORTH SQUAT? (Sorry your honor but I never been arrested or had a wc claim and thought the system worked different that what I have witnessed along with others been put through, Honorable Francine Lincicome this is what they think of your ruling, make me continue in hell do you know why a final date/ time management was never posted?, Another attendand got Medivacked to Hanaman Hospital because the bus stalled on 95 and gotrear ended after my incident. Nicole Johnson was the driver and all the drivers knew majority of the vehicles were not road worthy, And the driversthey did not have no child clearence, passenger endorsement, criminal background checks, etc etc. other workers in the deposition said nothing but good things about me and the driver and attendant that were on the bus I was on stories didn't match. BUT I HAVE TO PAY FOR IT?
Did you see the information on this log? PMA is responsible for it. This should of never went 8 years.

As of the beginning of April 2020
Jen, like I said " I AIN’T THE ONE! there's to many of us that know the truth! "
This is the DC# The district control number for the report 2020-24-017222. I Said I was working with p/o Rivera on this, I AIN’T THE ONE! They WILL regret ever meeting me! I simply stated, as they are working the new journal up to date. That PMA Group basically treats disabled people with out their highest intentions in mind, Rather, How they pick on disabled people, go against court orders, and never really intending to help them. The hoops I jumped and still jumping and being left with no alternative but to seek personal, professional help physically and mentally seeing a psychiatrist because I don’t trust myself because I never been pushed this far and all the proof I have, and don’t know my limits.But I AM MILITARY TRAINED! But it seems as though it’s like pulling off a flies wings to the PMA Group claim adjusting sickos. Figure keep you up to date ….STILL FIGHTING AND GETTING WORSE, Sores on my body from bed. Therapy available with my research, but due to pre surgery, unrecommended so I lay here daily and driving everyone nuts and the isolation of the COVID-19 virus which PMA Group is just loving because it gives them a legal right to keep the procrastination going on. So I wanted this all Documented, They care of the disabled is less than substantial , and the tactics they use such as sending IME’s out of state. Then scheduling the new IME’s after an IRE was performed. And PMA Group knowing the results were and that there is a surgery looming shows their lack of compassion. I plan to post this in the disabilities Rights Site to show their true colors I have a journal of truth and witnesses. Everyone has a job to do, put these bastards that can treat disabled people like this should be studied, I AIN’T THE ONE! MFR'S I AM THE VICTIM HAVING TO FIGHT BACK WITH THE CLAIM ADJUSTING BULLIES! 8 YEARS OF NEGLECT WHEN THEY REPRESENTED CRIMINALS WHO TOOK THE 5TH IN COURT.

April 16th 2020

Am I making money on the side? AGAIN??? just filled one out less than 6 months ago, These idiots are starting to piss me off.

been no change but geting worse and they want to keep taunting me, they wont like the results. Take it how you like to but the truth is the truth.
by the way about this IME I can't covid-19 go to, (BTW ALL THIS EXTENDED PROBLEMS ARE RELATIVE TO THE FALL) Waiting on surgery for hernia getting in and out of bed so ordered to bed rest to stop falling. leave me alone, I'm not working you instagators, my psychiatrist agrees. YOU are taunting me and been putting me through 8 years of mental anguish, as told by my psychiatrist.!

Another Hearing 5-12-2020

Just to get the modifications needed to help make things easier and to get around the house and in and out of the house and get away from their inflicked house arrest, after surgery. And BOOM Here it is, They sent this right after speaking to the surgeon that wants to do my proceedure when they open the operating rooms COVID19 has to get itself involved, Like I haven't waited long enough.

Well why you make me wait? What about the bone spurs in my neck ass wipes? they have me chokeing daily along with the other failing organs "RELATIVE" TO the compressed Spinal Cord. and NOW .... the wait continues...Wonder if they know this site exist? they wouldn't care anyway, but they will later Or my lawyer will use it to prove to the Judge, the treatment of a disabled person hurt by a company they represented criminals and now trying to find any way not to pay because the company went out of business, If they put this wasted time to good use they would of realized the company was not legit and could of cancelled their contract, No, mess with the disabled afterwards. because they were in error. And this journal more than proves all I said and yes I have plenty of witnesses and an urn with my grand daughter to prove it......
And this below is harasement, First Vickie GiGi Stillman, keep pushing bitch, you are so friggin clueless white trash. when this is over, we have our turn......

So you have the authority to put me in harms way? You can over ride COVID-19 stipulations? They set up a 5/12/2020 court date . Yet the Independant Medical Examination ( I.M.E.) on 6/15/2020 for the request at the 5/12/2020 hearing? WOW! Are you serious? You better think, favors can be returned take that how you want.

Another I.M.E. Cancelled, he 6-15-2020. So I guess no door and bathroom accomodations? Stuck in all summer? until court 8/11/2020? or is it just to waste more time lke this journal isn't enough to prove the inseinity your creating here? I won't quit and I will EXPLOIT YOUR COMPANY FOR THE FRIVILOUS ACTIONS IT TAKES!
What a waste of trees, a waste of time, proof of lies, corruption all this to keep each other paid in our opinion and still no help leading to surgeries, but there it is and thats just this year,
just so you can't deny it. My Lawyer has the records and obtained Health Partner Records who have been covering the bills. (Court for payments 8-11-2020. She also has access to the latest hospital records from Temple and 3/2020 she will also have a copy of the latest primary care physician records right before this bogus IME, they think a miracle is going to happen or just drag it out, why the authorities have been bought in to stop the spinning loop.
And More proof, They now have the Corona Virus to use as a tactic. Look at this They wanted ANOTHER IME, in Maryland (should be in Pa.) and my lawyer objected and then they wanted to send me to a neurologist for an IME on the 31st of March 2020 now with this Corona Virus they cancelled it. Look through this Journal, DON'T YOU THINK I WOULD RATHER BE DOING MY MUSIC, AND JOURNALISM NOT MISSING OUT ON ALL THE CURRENT EVENTS? They seem like it's going to go away? or maybe a miracle will popup and I will be fine? and lets see maybe they could get someone to believe a lieing IME doctor to cancel my claim when I was already awarded it. YOUR grasping at straws and by this journal it is definitely a time buyer the longer you can put it off. Well we aren't going away and The Pereiras owe money from borrowing to stay alive and the people who lent it, they will collect off you PMA co. or the/and claim adjusters who sit in judgement when they have no right or jurisdiction, if they don't get it from Mr.Pereira.
Live in FEAR people! you chose your job? You chose peoples fates and futures? you choose to play GOD? Then expect consequences for your actions, because there will be consequences! So don't point the finger at us for YOUR CHOICES of how you handle Claims. You think I'm some stupid Spanish hick.
Did you ever think of this? that You NEVER "APPEALED THE CLAIM/ORDER", so the Judges "ORIGINAL" Order Stands, right Honorable Francine Lincicome? which means almost 5 years all the litigations was a waste of time , being blackmailed into a ALS test by mediation Judge Obey, going to court for every thing you made lawyer to go to court to fight for, frivolous And now the I.M.E. crap after an I.R.E., to much... Been almost 5 years since I was awarded my claim you lied and wasted time? All that time I could of been getting help? because you never appealed just took matters in your own hands? PMA, It's time to get knocked of your pedistool OR Someone's getting paid, 1 or the other! which make you responsible for all the hell you put me and my family through since I was awarded my claim 2/25/2016? Which includes the death of my grand daughter.(manslaughter in my opinion) because my pregnant daughter picked me up (when I fell out off the bed, getting out of bed.) Well as of today Monday May 4th and I talked to special disabled victims unit who are looking into my journals and they also had me contact a city hall lawyer for the bs having endured and the federal crimes in the journal which the D.A. would have a ball with. (not sure about this one though) Adding the Philadelphia Commission On Human Relations in to the mix because now I want to PRESS CHARGES For making me and my families lives a living hell when you were ordered other wise by the Judge. Proof is through out the Journals. I have never been arrested in my life, but assisted in many, My parents being disabled I learned a lot, And at a young age The crap my pop went through because he was Spanish and my mom and her Bells Palsy treated as special but traveled doing speech's on lables and treatment of the handy capped (seen a lot) but they did a good job with me, Purse snatching, on it car accident helping how I could. (NO RECORD,CLEAN) and will always fight for the truth I AM AMERICAN!.
I am Spanish and Irish heritage, they see my last name Pereira and think I’m a joke, stereo type me, But If they see me, with blue eyes, perfect English and Educated, I get respect and different treatment, (seen it all my life school, job applications where seeing me, my skills, big smiles, Going great, then ask about my last name and all the sudden "We have a lot of applicants, or we do need bilingual people such as your self...etc" Just racist remarks to me, . Even the ARMY, who my Sgt. called me private SPIC! I clocked him and stopped going back to get my butt kicked by a bunch of red necks all the time, Even the senior officers stood there and watched , even said I say anything and the next time will be worse. Notice?And this is a Journal! No one never looked for me? I was right at home same adress. You know why? because of my heritage, there was a lot of that going on back then, The Blacks weren;t the nly ones dealing with it and mine was over my last name, then the good ol gossip or mark next to your name, yea I seen a lot and kept my mouth shut..) And to this day my discharge says “Pending”). I Graduated school while in the Army, stationed at FT. Leonard Wood Mo. 2/1982. Diploma is there.
Now that is racism in the worst form. (mom’s Irish) and being where I am in the (line of Kensington and Port Richmond) and one of the life locals, they think they can play with me and I’ll take it, I didn’t take it from them, fought back and these idiots have no idea what this is turning me into because soon I’m going to snap, you’ll know when because it will be news worthy. They have no right to be judgemental, not when they can't even follow a Judges orders. Or this (going to be a book) would never exist.
I agree things are hectic where I live and it has its problems as seen on the news, but our area is quiet and taken care of. All my friends , neighbors and family are tech suave. They have no idea about me, I was an about town person, magazine Editor/journalist promotions creator which can be seen by this Journal picture galleries in the beginning (top bar) or on the front page of my wife’s site
I was an upcoming Music Industry Magazine Publisher, multi musician, stage production & more with proof on our home site and much more (In the Journal ) not just a school bus employee.
La Pereira is a town (Northwest Spain, Above Portugal) This is where my family is from, my father is from there. Grand father also, Grandmother was from Madrid. We got our windows broke when we spoke Spanish (60’s 70’s) But I was raised around a lot of Irish and Polish neighbors and pretty intelligent and kept a log on the situation, this should NOT be in any litigation or in a court situation,
This never happened before and everything I said was proved and there is federal things I mention in the journal so the insurance co could be knocked off their stool as I was awarded a workers compensation claim in 2016 and the insurance co think I’m a Port Richmond/Kensington Spanish hick and the Journal that was put together was done to prove their lies when it started 8 years ago.
2/25/2016 I was awarded my claim by Honorable Francine Lincicome, problem is it was never dated for a completion time and as a result, things are going on from it, hernia surgery coming up 5/2020-6/2020 from getting in and out of bed as 8 years of medical negligence as PMA Group refused any and all payments to my claim and still are. Hey PMA! I am half white!.
My situation not of my own doing, was due to the bus co PMA Group insured and the fact the man driving had no C.D.L.license and failed the General Knowledge test 7 times in 6 months (as he was a talkative person) means he didn’t have Passenger endorsement clearance. NO ONE SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON A VEHICLE HE WAS OPERATING. (And another one who had a problem with me speaking Spanish. I feel as though when he hit the trolley tracks that made me fall was intentional, didn’t even ask me if I wanted to go to the hospital.
He should of never been behind the wheel. They allowed it, he was a trainee at the age of 70 and if I didn’t do the run I got benched like the last time I complained of a different irate driver, Y ’eves who made a U-turn with children on the bus doing 40 mph, all mentioned in the journal and at that time the insurance company covered the bus company. I’ve since at new -news since in the new journal. I was benched 3 weeks with pay.
Also I have a lawyer Jenifer D. Kaufman she is very good, but she is workers comp lawyer, All these wait games are criminal (holding up statutes on other claims making them responsible for it.and harasement, I feel as though they are being racist or discriminant because of the area the bus co was in to where we live, and the higher abundance of people of color and no paperwork provided as seen by my lawyer at deposition as they took the 5th and the bus security tape vanished. yet here I am still fighting the insurance company, who obviously never checked on their clients or just pointed fingers.
Incredible, it went as far as me falling out of bed and my daughter tried helping me off the floor (pregnant at the time) resulting a couple days later as a miscarriage = involuntary manslaughter in my opinion because they never appealed the Judges orders and took matters in their own hands.

This is how far PMA Companies will go, sure they didn't know about this, but they do now! Damn murderers!
My new lawyer had to take them to court for failure to follow the judges decision and we just had one for modifications for a home remodeling on Tuesday May 12 ,2020 9:15am on video. For them to widen my door and redo my downstairs bathroom to accommodate my previous situation (electric wheel chair wont fit) and this is what I am talking about, If I was awarded my claim then why do we have to go to court for every little thing? (why I will never agree to a structured settlement.) And then to an IME in Jenkintown on 6-15 (proofs in Journal) for the Video hearing in 5/12/2020 ? as nothing changed except now they see the fall out happening and are still pushing for the I.M.E. and I think that surgery for my abdomenal area superceeds their IME. Would you? but no and even had my rep threaten to drop me They do not know this physician, they just hope he will either lie so / or agree that I can work ? And to even be in that situation is dangerous .I bet if my last name was Smith, Jones, Murphy,Jenkins, ETC or something not like Sanchez, Gomez or say Pereira, My treatment would of been different. Why I contacted The Department Of Human Relations
This was mishandled from the start as I told Jon Sherman, even went there when I had some mobility left now all down hill from waiting. YES, we had to go as far as the State Bar to talk to B. Jon Sherman to talk about the situation and find out some jurisprudence because this is a spinning, Ludacris, Slanderous mockery of justice if I ever seen one. (My Opinion and a few others) For proof of this see below 2 links old journal and new and to 2 logs 1 for the previous year and 1 for a combination of them all, I was referred to you by the police Special victims division Police where I live.
The Journals 1st entry was 8 Years ago to keep the memory in case he forgot, it's been a night mare of PTSD he mentions it EVERY DAY! until last year when I obtained a new attorney.
Then after I fired the previous law firm and went with Jenifer D. Kaufman (2nd Journal) who will be attending the video hearing as my IWC rep. and again this is like the 12 or more hearing over non compliance? Proof they don’t follow the rules? Scanned images in the journals.
Please remember,
I won my claim 2/25/2016 and no appeals, PROOF? (The report) Why the mishandling, caught misrepresentation and bullieing? intimidating? (well your wrong on that because I will make your lives a living hell, like you did to me.Why can’t I turn in the opposing counsel? if they are backing up unprecedented acts and lies and told by my lawyer if I turn them in (Because their lawyer backing their illegal actions of an illegal company they covered?) she will drop me as a client?, (I have the text) Also if I mail the Judge F. Lincicome. So where does that leave me? right where these controlling judicial chumps want me, in LIMBO. and this is reasons I befriended the PA State bar a couple years ago. Especially the Disciplinary dept. Sorry Jen not up to more drama.
Is that not racist? the way this claim was handled?,The mishandleing of a client, Medical neglect (Mr.Pereira had to get his own and an abuse of power by the insurance company also known as PMA Companies? My actions of what I think works best for my therapy and trying to get better should be without intimidation. So after 8 years I HAVE TO TOLERATE THIS? Or get left high and dry? Where’s the justice in that? The whole damn system is out of control or as I mentioned someone is getting paid.....As I am open to suggestions at this point because we are just watching life wither away and were sure that's just what they want. Now under bed retriction awaiting abdominal surgery from a hernia from getting in and out of bed? (YOU SEEN THE INSET TO THE LOG.) And as of today 6-15-2020 The surgery got pused back until August, the IME thing is called off et there is a hearing 8/11/2020 for it? for no new evidence but KEEP ME WAITING!!!

This is clearly a mockery of Justice. Also all the added medicalmedical from medical neglect over them not paing and my insurance won't cover (not there place to anywa) relative to the spinal cord compression, Stated by past Doctors seen, saying this is about as good as it gets? I never had professional therapy, just 1 that worked Aquatic and the home therapy researched online , so they think they will hold us up and he's just going to fade away, you are so kidding yourself.
* Remember PMA Group the Republican company is rich white republicans who see the name “Pereira” and think some dumb Spanish hick (you know what I mean.) because I do, been dealing with it all my life. And to try to send me to Maryland in which the Police (yes I made a report, they are who sent me here.) But to send a claimant out of state and think I’m some Spanish hick that will do it, is an insult to my intelligence and again not legal.
Why all the concern over the IME's?

And I want to press Charges on PMA Group/Companies and no one will help me? These Intimidating people have the system wrapped around their finger, because I have a Spanish last name? Well honestly they never met me, so they are going by a name they see and the proof is They call me Frank Pereira, and in an earlier version of the journal they were ask/told by my previous attorney to change my name to my given name Francis M. Pereira. To Stop Calling me Frank!

And do note he mentioned that he sent them a copy of the judges decision/orders so they can't say they don't have them!

Well I passed the SSI test and that was mandatory from the State Dept. and they seen how damaged I am so what does that make you? Follow our own Laws? Your out of your league and you want to keep sending me to IME's? Are you that ignorant or blantantly stupid? or just playing your game? You really are hateful and I don't know why? I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS! The higher ups are well aware of what's going on, can't wait for something to happen.
Notice the date I was awarded my SSI in 2014 ,I had to discontinue it 3/2016 Because I wass awarded my WC Claim 2/25/2016. and it's been hell ever since.
And the present attorney? Is she working for the claimant or for them? threaten to drop the case because their lawyer let them issue an IME in Maryland?, she objected and since we told her we were informing the State Bar Assoc about him and about it, has distanced her self from me. All I know is I better not be misrepresented over proving the truth! Also I want to press charges on the Claim adjuster(s) for wasting time with these ridiculous acts and falseified information, and the company for allowing it.
And stop acting like I have no rights either because I am Spanish/Irish?

This is PROOF of my racial accusations.

The Latest, Here in a time line shows how PMA actions pissed off the surgeon or one off my doctors
& got turmed into WC about their irresposibility WC who sent me a letter for a UI of my treatment from them (8 years later, fibally check the awarded claimant ???), MY TURN ASSHOLES, Let them know how you really operate, with a journal full of PROOF!

July 16th,2020
Pre Surgery Test

More Pre Surgery Test

Approved for Pre Surgery Therapy

Pre Surgery Schedule
Another IME again while planning Surgery

Not Shipken, Now a Dr. H. Levin (who would blow this out of the water with information he should of never gave us as a witness was there and I voluntarily went and got an MRI Brain and Cervical spine MRI with and without contrast, At a hospital that my oldest daughter told me about (results on Log 5) my wife and she was pissed, not to mention that it matched the argumentative phone call with my lawyer who told her that 4 years ago she seen something about my brain (she would of been with Spivick & Spivack then ) and my wife said why didn't anyone do anything about it? she hung up.(see log 5)
And also on the same day as I was to meet the surgeon to discuss when I was going in.

My Docs Angry with PMA and someone called WC?.

They finally want my input from our point of view.
But My Lawyer "Dropped The Ball", said she had it but never turned it in with her briefs. as seen right below image.

So here's a statement. My lawyer can copy paste this for a reply Oh yea that's right, it never got sent in. Proof image below in ur form copy. .
I reminded her it had 23 days since mailed, along with others in my family reminded her, "she was on vacation, she was entitled to it." but the report said this..
I am guessing one of your doctors recommended the treatment and equipment subject to ur
Dr. B Levin was pretty pissed (see below) Figure 8 years ago Leahy Transportation had an illegal driver operate the vehicle I was assigned to, he went over trolley tracks as I was going to my seat, I fell, told broke my neck. Dr. Jallo did a neck fusion in Jefferson on the 1/17/2012 where I fell after the surgery trying to come back from the bathroom, they cat scanned me (10:30 at night the 17th) and then was told workman’s comp was not covering it. So instead of me going in house therapy, they put a collar on my neck and gave me a cab voucher and sent home and my wife got there just in time, she was pissed. and the rest is through the journal but let my life become a burden when had they followed proper procedures my turn out might of been much better. leading to todays problems in 2020 in which I'm now going to Temple under orders from my pain doctor from the lawyers, Dr. Bruce Levin who also stated to my wife this was medical negligence I was going through because of the PMA insurance company denied everything. (heard him from the other room)

Now since being at Temple and my body detereorating, and explaining the whole thing to the surgeon and giving him the journal to help him understand And for the first time in my life doubting my self I took my situation to get better and going and consulting a psychiatrist help to make sure it was not me being paranoid, also agreed the PMA Group were playing the spinning wheel game with me. Taking advantage of me and my disability and I was correct in my thoughts. Iwas instructed to call her weekly with this as PMACO really don't want to make me angry. So meanwhile, The surgeon Dr. Lau sent a home therapist (David) to help get some muscle tone developed. The therapist said my mid section needs most attention due to laying constantly. And asked the family questions about treatment and replied was they medically neglected me since the start and fought against any treatment,as Health Partners only covered so much. He replied with that seems to be the issue they also mentioned Health Partners insurance picked it up and I mentioned I have them sending copies of the bills to my attorney. He wasn't happy hearing 4-7 people including my next-door neighbor all having the same knowledge. My wife Deborah mentioned they have been taken to court many times for non compliance and still made me do other things to get what I needed.. Sooo that's why he sat outside in his car 15-20 minutes after each session? Probably telling the surgeon.that he was told by the patient, family, friends, and neighbors everything he heard in comparrison and seen with his eyes. The new walker is 6 inches to short which will curve my spine the therapist said, And wanted them to switch it. I called Bruce in front of him and left a message. He witnessed it. When he came back the next week he was told they haven't returned the call yet and he was pissed and then said we are putting you in out patient
He then mentioned Out Patient Therapy to tone my abdomen pre surgery, he called and set it all up..Well I was put in progress therapy and they went through my PCP for the scripts covered by Health Partners . at Progress 3400 Aramingo ave. I did my intake Monday and start there Thursday with weekly visits Monday and Wednesday, they will pick me up and drop me off. The Home therapist caught me falling a few times outside, I want him for home therapy after the surgery. The intake manager remembered me from their other place with the previous firm, He remembered me when I mentioned that the driver on the school bus was illegal. I might call the aqua therapy place for Friday's since they are going to see me Monday and Wednesday, Fortaleza Therapy only does Aquatic for men Friday's at 1 (oh yea I forgot Health Partners won't pay for 2 therapy places). Which right now I could use to tighten up so the Doctor can do his proceedure. I tried writing a statement, my 6 year old grandson's would look better, and PMA has come up with another IME in August now with a Dr. Levin not a Dr. shipken (This also pissed them off, PMA pulling that while they were prepping me mentally and physically for surgery at that time) so you can proof the 8 years of denial and neglect loss of my Grand daughter and my skills ,the 8 years of house arrest. The countless amounts of court visits Because of failure to comply with the order of the court, because they fought me on EVERYTHING that was requested or sent me on an IME and when they didn't get what they wanted then an I.R.E. which totalled 65%, leaving my wife unable to go back to work because of me being in such a state and a high fall risk. Bonel medical wheel chair, took them 5 years to pay them voiding my life time warranty. Yet I fulfilled all they requested and they have done nothing for me but make excuses. I have PROOF and much more with documental and imaging proof at Hit previous log showing defense to the firms starts the 8 years of their reasons why not to, even under court orders. It's been a living nightmare for us.
Francis Pereira
Can't wait to see what my lawyer comes up with from this. (and I noticed she has distanced her self from me)
You told me the surgeon is the 17th. If you don't go to the ime I can't represent you for the bathroom. Period.
We have been over this. Please stop texting me and arguing over this. Shipkin retired.

(So go to the IME and blow off the surgery? I Independant M Medical E Examination by a doctor who never met me but was totally bewildered at the results and my wife was present as he did most of the talking with her.)
Excuse me? I thought it was for the door to be widened to get his scooter in and out. He has a bathroom just needs alterations to widen it and cleaning utilities.

That and the bathtub.

Was for a portable ramp, tub? Well never lift him out of? Was a shower that had a door to make it a tub.and a door wide enough for his walker.

Look you's figure it out but he has an appointment that day.
With a surgeon which is more important than an independent Medical Examiner, by someone who don't know his situation, PMA hired just to make him look like a liar.
We have been taking care of him for 8 years. We know the truth.
The Pereira Family

Lawyer Response:
If he does not go to the ime which transportation is set for and was rescheduled at your request I will withdraw as counsel. We have been over this. The surgeon appt is the next day. (no it was the same day see the appointment I got from the My Temple Health website The choice is yours.
I have nothing further to say. If hes not going to the ime I will let them know and withdraw my appearance today. I will ask that I no longer am entitled to the 20% fee and we are done. I'm not screwing around.

So she admits that we went over this before? I can't remember that, and it's things like that is what led up to me getting in touch with a neurologist because of other complaints I was recieving from family and friends because up until 1/4/2012 I had a photographic memory..
but never turned down their IME request of almost 50 or rescheduled one. Or they would of jumped on the non compliance card.
So I had to reschedule my surgeons appointment for this lump I still have because now he refused the surgery (read more below)

Please read the following information regarding your upcoming appointments and long drawn out results.



Provider: Abdominal Organ Transplant

Date: 8/18/20

Time: 12:00 PM

By putting these guidelines in place, we hope to provide you with a safe and successful visit.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many of our non-urgent patient visits will be conducted via telemedicine, which includes phone calls and video appointments. If you are a candidate for a telemedicine visit, please know that your physician will review your medical history and charts beforehand in order to assess your medical needs and ensure that you are best served on the day of your appointment.
While telemedicine appointments are an option for some patients, your clinician will determine if an in-person visit would be more clinically beneficial for you.
Prior to your appointment, you will be contacted by a member of your care team to discuss what type of appointment is best for you. We ask that you voice any concerns at this time so we can address them promptly.
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If you are asked to come for an in-person appointment, you will need to adhere to the following instructions:
· All patients being seen in-person will need to wear a face covering (a bandana or scarf) or mask. Most locations require patients to bring their own mask or face covering. If you are being seen at Fox Chase Cancer Center, please read specific information about required face coverings at
· At this time, we have updated our visitor policy. Visitors are no longer able to accompany or visit patients at all locations. If you need special assistance, please call your care team at least 48 hours prior to your visit so that we can accommodate your needs.
· If the patient being seen is a child under the age of 16, please note that only one parent or guardian may accompany the child. Parents and guardians and children over the age of two are required to wear a face covering.
When attending your in-person visit, please bring:
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· A copy of your medication list
· Your insurance ID card
· Your copay (if applicable) and payment for any balance that you may be responsible for
If you would like to reschedule your appointment or would like additional information, please call TEMPLE
19140 at 215-707-8889
Your TempleHealth Care Team

So this is the true nature of justice? I feel like a fish, reel em in and, whatever!

And she asked me to switch to her firm as seen above at the top of the page. But screw my health and the surgery? It is not as important as an I.M.E.? (Independent Medical Examiner) who knows nothing of the situation? WOW!!!

who has access to my TempleHealth and could of looked up the date up herself , but said in a letter that I tend to "Exaggerate"? which really pissed off my wife as she has been taken care of me.., hey is this an exaggeration?
The latest EMG 2019 by Dr.Maitlin showing ABNORMAL..

And I replied "Jen! If you were trapped in here (my body) for 5 seconds you would be screaming your eardrums out to be free and I been trapped in here for OVER 8 years, trying to work it with no help other than my wifes. don't you dare judge me until you (tried) to walk in my shoes.
I swear she is supposed to be representing me, and never even sent in a indicated and proven by the image of the IME UR above
Did employee send in a statement? NO was checked.

I seen a neurologist 7/2018 at Temple Hospital, Dr.Poukas 6th floor neurology at TEMPLE and passed everything that they could do at my EEG and were limited due to my extended situation. Now in 2020 they also are treating me for the first time for a B.T.I. From my head hitting the bar,reason for speech and looping sentences see blow for latest test, hindering and late results.. The doctors at Jefferson over dosed me at Jefferson and unable to get an accurate MRI , meaning they never really checked my head for trauma. they just went right after the injured area , my neck.
The last Neurologist I seen was 7 years ago, It was at Premiere Therapy and he billed me for smoking consultation? he never looked at my head or neck just sent me to Open MRI Imaging. (He is in martial arts and more worried about cigarettes than his job. Which is considered horrible graphics by many doctors we spoken to.
I thought it was from the neck compression from the fusion, as my dad had a bypass he was getting a lack of air to the brain and slept a lot and was just off the wall at times,, I thought the neck compression did the same to me, thus now learning it could of been brain trauma not that this non smoker would know so after all these years and taking myself to a psychiatrist this year, but to have your lawyer threaten to drop you? That's harsh shit. See the top of the log? Shows her reaching out to me, then came to me at my home, showed me how to and had me dismiss my old counsel and had a contract sitting there waiting and signed within minutes of the old firm being dismissed. (witnesses present)
All this because I am worried about my health and this surgery (never liked doctors) because it's high risk all over an insurance company who represented an illegal bus company trying to make me look fake, get in my body all you bastards and see how fake it is, ass holes! I would like to get back to reality and out of the twilight zone please.. This is where my walker fell while leaving their IME and I fell as my wife did to landing on top of me.

By the way the hearing was posponed , also as we left the IME my wife was pushing me in the walker down the ramp out side to the car (witnessed by the driver) I gave my lawyer the information and time to get the video tape information which I'm sure they had, as we were by the door. 10:18 am) when the rubber across the concrete stopped te wheels dead and the walker fell over my wife landing on top of me.
I had x-rays ordered by my P.C.P. of my head and chest (the bar on the walker the bar that went across my back ,but he is not comp physician so ordered a lung cancer screen because of my age.)
But we made it to their damn I.M.E.

So the IME (more important than surgery?) could be done, and the IME doctor was talking with my wife, asked some questions.about my looping sentences
All of this? The waste of insurance money by Health Parners, btw have to call about this tomorrow and fill them in) Just to get a different doctors opinion?, Now I am out an operation, having words with the doctors because they sent a therapist to my home 3 times, we worked outside as of the pandemic (I don't know where his shoes were?) then put me into out patient therapy at Progress so I would loose 30 pounds and tighten the abdominal area as it was to weak to operate and the reschedule the appointment with the surgeon who then backed out of the surgery after all that?
And knowing I'm facing a high risk surgery because of this accidents side effects and knowing I just seen a neurologist for the IME that was awestruck this no muscles in my hand even said they were "clawlike" So I talked to my Psychiatrist as The Justice Dept. actually had me doubting myself.and I don't trust any of them now after this endeavor. I don't trust JUDGES, LAWYERS,INSURANCE COMPANIES & DOCTORS It's like a loop and they feed off each other. (we caught on to the game) after Judge Obey blackmailed me into a ALS test and my lawyer at the time (Ken Spivack) agreed ? I knew I was stuck until Jen reached out and that's when this segment began, Jen worked for Ken Spivack and actually won my claim but never knew because
I made an appointment at Temple Neurology and Dr.Nancy Minniti, (for Dr. Poulkas) did a Zoom meeting with me and my wife a couple days later actually just Friday (9/11/2020) had me come in and do a 3-4 hour test with her was like a memory game in spots and I evenas they think when I impacted I also recieved head trauma (The doctors at Jefferson basically went right for the neck injury) But we could not figure why the slurring and looping back to other subjects.(Brother teasing him about sounding like a mouth full of marbles) Well it was documented and still working on it but they want me to be observed and that shows they found of today 9/13/2020 still waiting for the IME report, Neurologist reports while nothing is being done to the house to make my life easier Remember I am under an involuntary, unwarranted house arrest.) due to the procrastination of this case.
. I had a zoom meeting with Doctor Bruce Levin Philadelphia Head Neck and Spine who recently used video (from ZOOM) and a Dictaphone and was not happy with the IME and the UR after an IRE was already prformed at 65% and also my treatment as he witnessed this scenario of PMA Group insurance fraud for 8.6 years. He stated As my doctor dictated, This is cruel and unusual punishment’s He also found all these tactics as cruel and hindering as the proof through out this journal. will see in his September report. He also was not happy about being prepped for surgery then it being refused. (As I put it another way of milking Health Partners Insurance as they have picked up the bills all this time. He was also Dr Bruce H. Levin. (1 AWESOME DOCTOR) who in the claim hearing facts out weighed that of a Dr. Gopez who was an IME doctor who PMA Group was using to deny my claim. But the judge herself found to the favor of Dr. Bruce Levin’s report and I was awarded my claim 2/25/2016
So PMACO Read below You can't hide or lie your way from the truth, just waste time and PROLONGING MY PAIN,SUFFERING & MENTAL ANGUISH..

(PMA Group, they may not allow pain and suffering at WC but to prolong it to your benefit? you got problems I will slander well can't say that and try to have your license revoked for the way you treat comp claimants especially the disabled for life ones as I really don't have nothing to do but play your game and, let them see how you treat disabled people....) Sent a letter to the D.A.& All Of City counsel, Labor and Industry, Some Senators, The Govenor and a few more new runners just to bring attention to this drama. Let them see what an innocent man goes through with the system.
The Next Hearing Is another couple months of being STUCK UNDER HOUSE ARREST

I think the poster below shows that DLWC is out of control. and lets the insurance companies do as they please, funny when a lawyer says this is a different kind of law, LAW IS LAW! Which ='s It's #LIE or #TRUTH and then.... CONSEQUENCES!

This was just added 10/27/2020

And this was mailed Oct, 21st 2020 Thanking us for turning in the fraudulent letters. wow now why don't they go over my claim and see what really is fraudulent? Like the actions of PMA Group ins. co.
Thanks Covid, now it's a SKYPE HEARING! WOW! For a testimony almost 10 years later, and was already awarded for the claim?????? that poster above really explains it all. They really don't have their shit together and all they do is point fingers around.
Under lined.

God looking at the above October entry just really blows my mind, (smirk) how these ass wipes feed each other and will drag it just to keep the drama going.

October 16th 2020
Today at 3:00 pm the Lawyer talked to doctor Levin, said to wife on the phone (When my wife started hollering she put it on speaker phone so all of us could hear and witness what she was hearing) that 2016 she (The Lawyer) thought she seen an abnormality in an MRI from back when she was leaving Spivacks firm and they were wondering about MS? "BULLSHIT" 2016? and no one ever bought it up for me to get it checked? And this is the first I am hearing of it and already have 2 MRI's scheduIed with and without dye to see what this abnormalty is (If it even exist), Is that not with holding information? And not to give information to seek help, to which now makes it vital and it could be life threatening? It's 2020 and I was seeking psych help because I felt something was not right when I couldn't deal with home situations and needed a non family member to talk to? all to keep his 20% coming in? Spivacks firm is going under the microscope. I'm gonna have him disbarred as well as Juan Rodriquez if I find out this was done deliberately to milk me., Hey that was 4 years ago and just finding out now? No way, My wifes lawyer hunting now. I am waiting for the state bar to contact me next week. I was already blackmailed by Ken Spivack and Hon Judge Obey to get an ALS test to pay for a wheel chair that was court ordered by Hon Judge Angela Stephano because I almost fell in the court room. I have dealt with people with MS and sorry no comparrison. and this was discovered 4 years ago and my accident was 8 years ago? so it was in his time frame and relative to my injury when I hit my head and over looked since it was seen but not dealt with the wife was livid upon hearing this as well as half the people in the room. She hung up on the lawyer So they went for the neck! 4 years later from an MRI noticed something abnormal and never had it justified? what if it was an an Aneurysm? So I made an appointment with a frontal lobe Neurologist right afterward. Gave them the link to this journal so they have insight on what's going on. The neurologist who is giving me an MS test immediately so I have my proof for the 17th. Then he is going to see what IS actually going on, I still say the compressed spinal cord.
now Mail came in and PMA Group and it's the 6 month wage form which Hell no, and still waiting for surgery for the hernia but they keep throwing obstacles in the way. IME's on dates that I have real doctor appointments, lawyer threaten to drop me if I do not attend? So we will be writing still waiting for surgery because you keep interupting it, and I am also writing on every page also for the latest they can see for their selves this is no joke, I AM NOT THE ONE TO FUCK WITH! I am an invstigative Journalist who is going to blow this damn bullshit story full of lies and drama in the end,
3. REMEMBER THIS. regardless what shape my body is in and I dont see Demensia in that, Just concerned so seeking more help in other ways and will keep it until court and present it to the Judge..,. Ass holes, not everyone's a push over. And this Spanish American is going to show you how!.

My Statement:

Nick P, was told to drive even without a CDL license & without his Passenger Endorsement (Nick failed Gen Knowledge 7 x's in 6 mths * Or he would of known not to move the bus until I was seated (Actually no one should of been on it while he was in training, he's almost 70 years old then)confirmed by dispatcher Dave. by Dave Cybor (Dispatcher who knew he was trying to become a driver) who also layed me off 3 weeks because I complained about an irratic driver in Oct.named Yeves who U-turned with chidren on the bus on rt 63 (turned into woodhaven road)
When my November driver Caroline
was in 3 accidents in 2 days right before Thanksgiving) she hit a S.E.P.T.A. bus, A back hoe on 611 & rode into parked delivery truck the next day)
She kept her grand children on
the bus all day (behavior problems) on the phone half the time because of personal reasons (?)
So Nick took over and was driving special needs students.
Back in Nov 2011 unlicensed,.No passenger endorsement... Just ask sister Judith from St Davids and Our Lady Of Confidence in Willow Grove off Rt 611 (2x's a day) or request the bus camera video or Nicks records., they were on boardThe Bottom line: Nick asked me a question about my Santa appearence, didn't like my answer and popped the gas pedal and made me fall going over tracks.. I already had bad blisters from switching Santa boots and sneaks everyday (holiday season) other than that healthy as a horse for a 50 Year OLD! And I never missed a day either just 2 mornings for court (to find out they were taxing me( And my dead father from 1995)...there was another attendant onboard, Nicole Johnsons (a neighbor and driver) Brothers, Girlfriend who kept asking if I was ok. I also want Joseph and Peter (the Leahy brothers, The Owners who tried to skim on every thing. See Guard Duty and Bus Cleaning on the left.) also Nick the illegal driver and Dave Cybor the dispatcher who knew Nick was illegal prosecuted for negligence and pujering. (refusing to testify) when they know exactly what happened! or With holding Evidence, like the security video because it would prove 2 things, 1. my fall 2. That Nick was behind the wheel.
) but some thing better get done before I take it on. (seen on left, Situation remarks)

(Well 2020 And we took them on and up until now finding out the previous firm was With holding Evidence of an MRI Abnormality when treatment even through Health Partners covering it * until the bills got submitted to PMA Group,* Something could of been done, What if it was an aneurysm? So just was waiting for me to die? ) Down to listening to suggestions of possible MS? since it's a statement, Hogwash! so (TEST SCHEDULED , RESULTS IN TIME FOR COURT) Frontal lobe Neurologist with MS test immediate for court results while we are in the process of letting everyone know from the top down, and they can point fingers at each other, but the #TRUTH will come out! Although thats how you have to fight for justice but the end of the day, I am me and still living in HELL! and any conclusive talks can be put on hold. This has to be bought to a head first. as said multiple times, WE ARE NOT THE ONE'S!

ATTENTION!!! Neurologist/Psychiatrist/Psychoanalysis & anyone who studies the brain.

This is crazy, and the psychiatrist never seen me we only talked on the phone 2/3 times she never seen me and could not pick me out of a crowd. So I have a telemed video meeting with Bruce tonight at 5:30 tonight Monday 10/12/2020 . I have no idea what he is talking about but contradicts his self in a few of the statements, saying it was work related but also a mental thing? I just started this comhar psychiatrist pre covid-19 because of my living situations because of my family all living off my check and never really went into depth with my situation just what happened and it’s been a decade almost of the spinning wheel cycle. And the procrastination of the PMA Group and not getting medical treatment. As you can see by the Health Partners bills. They refused anything and Blackmailed me into an ALS test instead of paying the wheelchair bill and court ordering me to an ALS test. All of this was handled very unprofessionally and the only thing that made sense was you. And seeing outside the Labor and Industry box in which I can prove to be a unorthodox and incompetent office that is running on un devoted workers proof will be going up in my journal of all the letters from Labor and Industry in over a dozen names but all have my address on them, proving they are inadequately run.
This idiot who went to far getting a hold of my psychiatrist who I just started talking to on the phone about family issues not my claim. Making me fire them and threaten to expose them for breaking Doctor/Patient Confidentiality! What I talked to them about in my home life is none of PMA Groups business. And they had no right volunteering information on me especially when they only talked to me on a phone. yet her report which is here Nancy Minniti Report on 1 visit??? but the next one is the IME doctor H. Levin who basically looking at the 2 used her report for his summary (Plagiarism and yes WE will press charges for Falsified Federal Information) also compare to this The so important IME from Dr. H. Levin That I passed up Hernia Surgery for, Click!

H. Levin? You mention my legs are strong? if you had to push your 200 lb fat ass around, and played double bass drums for 50 years, your legs would have strength also. your IME is full of it dude and I aim to prove it., but to call me a drug addict? That's it after I get my results calling the H.S. and filing a complaint. (half the stuff you wrote you got from other (unwarranted reports, err plagerism) so you might want to really think about wwhat you did, btw we fell leaving the building. my wife landed on top of me ) and a lot of stuff you put in is called slander waiting for the test results now....
1. liar even the hospital said I was a fall risk 2. full of yourself My Dr. B. Levin will blow your stateent out of the park, he watched for 8 years the treatment I recieved and turned away for so trust dude....Your Clueless talking to a shrink that knew nothing of my claim except the insurance company was giving me a hard time, I went there for family problems, I already talked to them, THEN FIRED THEM! and a lawyer looking into Dr. Patient confidentiality and other things (I just met them *Dr. Parvinski*, over the phone, goof) if I was on these "hard drugs" then none of it would be admissable ass hole, and I would of never been treated for HEP-C I would of been rejected,.so keep lieing.

And this is a Journal! PMA Group? You giving a the doctors a hard time saying I didn't recieve these a chair lift and a walker?And this is a Journal! sent the pictures to my doctor so he has proof that I did get them, maybe Health Partners covered that to because you never did a thing for me. remember you are representing a bus co, who left a trainee drive kids (and me, how I ended up this way.) Operate on a bus with out proper credentials.= ILLEGAL so what's all the fuss about me? My claims are legitament Your insurance company and Labor and industry prolonged my situation, prolonged the pain, the treatment I had to go to Health Partners, who are looking for youto reimburse them. you should be suing the bus co for putting you in this position or you should of been checking on your clients all I know it's not my fault I was only doing my job so you chose this path and I'm not settleing lightly (see below), because of the treatment recieved from your company.

And to obtain information the way you did? and add it to your remarks?....PMA you got issues, not me .
And Labor & Industries let this shit happen? now where was I? oh yea....Going on the front page, and I have no idea what Dr. Parvinski told him or why she was involved? she don’t know me only what 2/3 little 5/10 minute calls over family matters over the phone never seen me or had to deal with my motor skills in her office. she knew nothing of my claim even said she did not read my journal but can make remarks to an IME doctor? say she over stepped her boundries, and if she pushes it she dishonored the Hippocratic law of breaking doctor / patient confidentiality. She didn’t know why and I told her the IME doctor bought her name into his report and I have a copy. That she better watch I don’t press charges and sue her ass off and btw… SHE’S FIRED! Matter of fact I don't use Temple no more, We moved to a different hospital and being tested for all Dr. H. Levin put in his report when it all comes up negtive, We are going to sue him and take his license. (11-7-2020 Testing back from 1st opinion inconclusive and no signs of MS, MD, CP, nothing indicated) So much for talking to a shrink. I do not agree with the techs results for my brain test done by Nancy Minniti PsychE & Zach Gretch student tech due to you do not even have a dementia Doctor on staff that a tech made this appt. Or I would of seeked help elsewhere. at your hospital, Dr.Poulkas is for epilepsy in your neurology dept. So a couple techs (1 in training Zach Gretch) can make such an important call or the IME doctor was trying anything for PMA Group, to get paid. I do not agree with the PsychE techs results for my brain test due to you do not even have a dementia Doctor on staff and met me once to actually talk to me (frontal lobe Neurologist) that a tech made this appt. Or I would of seeked help elsewhere. at your hospital, Dr.Poulkas is for epilepsy in your neurology dept. And I have other issues she does not know about. Very nice person Nancy Minniti and Zach Gretch. but clueless to whats really going on with me. to say that she (her opinion) thinks that it’s a sign of dementia? I think she is a little off base and do not consider her report viable as many other things are going on in my life other than remembering words after a sleepless night.. I ran my own magazine before my accident and delegated task out to others and she never took any of that or the bands I played with into consideration just what she thought of it. If you like proof of my situation see or links to past work I have done see Do not look for any endorsements for Temple in any of our magazines and advertising instead I would direct others to seek a different facility or hospital from me due to Dr. Kwan Lau and Thomas Santora’s remarks and un professional handling of my hernia, making me go through therapy to loose weight and Santora said it would have to be life or death situation to touch me, I have since reported them to the Hospital admin and Health partners to bill Dr. Kwan Lau as he never followed through with the surgery. I will be using a new medical facility as of now and I went to Penn hey you screw ups did you know I had a stroke when I fell see log 5 and don't EVER judge someone on what yyou think the problem is until YOU have all the information, see Log 5. know it alls,

AGAIN Neurologist/Psychiatrist/Psychoanalysis & anyone who studies the brain.
Do you know what this is? It is a tool that shows Channeling and it's not rocket science but shows the brains function also in an illustration that I designed before any of you can go writing what you think of me, and not get into trouble for it. Because I went to talk to someone about family issues and it found it's way into my claim and had no business being involved H. Levin. Thus prooving that Doctor / Patient Confidentiality had been broken by giving information to Dr. H. Levin an IME doctor who knows me as much as the 2 People I was talking to about personal family matters and Dr. Emily Parvinski name was involved in the IME report as well as notes by Nancy Minniti. But in the words of wacko Trump "Ladies your fired", push it and I press charges! And Slander is 1 as I have an appointment with a frontal lobe neurologist and the results will differ. Watch!!

This is a mixing console for production or bands on stage using audio,
I said I was a music, sound and lights producer in which combined is stage production.
Also many other entertainment special effects and lighting technician. and also a Percussionist/Drummer, multi musician as pictures have prooved. All taken away by a bus driver trainee. Now each line is a channel and by plugging in to it and mixing to the projected sound ,equals a nicely composed full sound at the out put of the main faders (not pictured) on the right side. sent to a pre amp for the house speakers.

1. The first is, these are seperate channels, like a bunch of stereos in one board when effects added and sound projection is level it's a beautiful sound composition..
2.The top where the inputs go (microphones or direct input). also track activation switch/button
3.These are Auxiliary knobs such as adding reverb or delay or voice synth and panning. some better boards have Treble Midrange & Bass knobs per channel
4.This is the pannig knob It directs which way the sound will come from the spectrum either left ,right or center.
5.These are control buttons for muted tracks that are not being used or editing for a recording,
6.These are known as Faders This is like a volume knob for that channel it brings the signal up to accomadate the level of the sound projected from that channel
7.Never let it go into the red, should just touch the end of the green ,before the yellow (vocals) green for instruments. or you end up with a DB sound (over modulated) non the less after your finished the projection should be clean and enjoyable. Then you would use the main faders left and right for out put to the pre amp thus creating a full stereophonic sound.
8.And the remarks of a clueless PsychE
Now Please see the animation projection below to show how to make a moving picture. See my point is they came up with a statement that was in the H. Levin's IME report and from people who had no business this is to prove they are clueless. I called them about a family matter and they had no business getting involved in my Workers Comp Claim Thus breeching the Doctor/Patient privacy act. You guys are out of your league with us. (Dementia my ass). My looped conversation is from being stuck in with no one to talk to, argueing over things, fighting for my rights and things I can no longer control but understand, troubles I can no longer handle, and legal situations I needed help with with being taken advantage of., I got more help from P/O Wilfredo Rivera then from so called "Psychoanalysis" who are totally clueless and should not of been contacted.

Now to see it in action look below this is just a little demonstration to show what you don't know so think before you go Labeling someone.

Now my life and how it's organized. M.P.D. Mutiple Pesonality Disorder (which in my case is a good thing.) This might help you shrinks to understand how I deligate my skills and keep them in order or how I used to, before a bus company let a trainee drive the bus I was on and screwed it up forever!

But make me keep explaining myself, has nothing to do with what happened that day. Illegal company, Illegal Driver, I fell and got hurt , before that was rarely at the doctors an had a full life going on with no problems. So keep pushing it. When I start pressing charges, and launching civil law suits don't come crying it was only part of my job. Because I got hurt on my job and none of you cared, just wanted to do what ever you could to prove me wrong. guess what? It's on you, You let it drag almost a decade. And again my birth given name is not Frank Pereira, It is Francis Pereira.
Well went through 9 years of Records, 25 disc and only 2 open MRI (poor image quality) for 2016 and more happening see below. Sooooo ???
I have my primary physician testing me the 29th for MS and a toxic screen since the IME just done said I was on drugs., And also a neurologist for MS test (2nd opinion) & the front lobe where there was a "POSSIBLE" abnormality (which we searched for in all them records didn't find it, found the records). Will have results before 11/17/2020 (recived my 7th notice today.) & BTW Bullshitters? I am pressing charges so watch what you try to pull, we investigate EVERYTHING!! We always stuck up for the under dogs and now we get a first glance of what they went through from this situations handling. And wewill be reporting it.
All records for 8.10 yearsLike This! It started in 2014 from getting in and out of bed & from trying to keep lifting myself up. In the beginning (before my accident) I was ordered to not lift more than 10lbs from a previous hernia in 2007 from lifting heavy weight. but all PMA Group is worried about is did I make money? Tyrants! are worried about that and not me! Like I'm even employable? WTF? So there you have it. And this is Harasement Which is when one picks on another for different reasons, but these claim adjusters are worse, they pick on disabled people, real snakes. They bite ,eat, shit, grow. And this is proof below sent in 10/21/2020.

You Power/Authority, Arrogant, Ignoring Abusers! This is permanent (see the metal? see the compression? because they bothched it making it to tight? there in the middle of c2-c8 cervical spine with Spinal cord narrowing and further disc depleation (RELATIVE) thus creating "RELATIVE" = IT'S A RELATION NOW TO THE INJURY, no matter what you want to say, the orders are the judges orders!! (see circled findings above)
Take a good look below, idiots!
The metal will never leave, and will constantly create complications
Top of the Fusion, screwed in to tight creating the cord compression = BOTCHED SURGERY!
Listing from Dr.Porter of.complications through out the body due to neuron signals not getting past the narrowed spinal cord as dictated and stated by Dr. Kwan Lau, MD , PMA Group insurance co. follow the Judges orders and Findings of law? Put forth on February 25th, 2016 when the Pereira claim was found in his favor?
See above and below and keep denial on your side because sooner or later the Truth will come out and I want PMA Charged and there's a list as I have been in touch with the Police and PDHR to get this thing situated, the more who see it? Will soon see through it and realize how you operate..

Stop inventing your own tatics. Fabrications from your own doctors (waiting on that hypocratical whistle blow) there are penalty's and they will be consistantly filed upon futher neglect. (All are in question since no appeal) Along with Police involvement and higher services notified even civil law involvement for mis handleings of a disabled person, bet you love to see that on the news. or this being made an e-book and flooded through the internet.

This is over an 8 year workers comp claim I was awarded in 2/25/2016 but the insurance company is just letting the judges orders go un fulfilled. Mentioned before you dn't know who your playing with we go to the brink. Do you remember Terry Gillen? she was running for Mayor but pulled out because her mother was ill, She also is my fathers sister (RIP Pop) making Terry Gillen my blood relative cousin she was notthe only one in politics right Ed Rendell? nd this PMA Grup they think being white republicans, they can ignore a Judges orders.
Think you people intimidate us? We go after bigger fish,
You will know when we go after you....
Time to pit you assholes against each other....The state, yes a friend of mine Tom Wolf, State & City Labor & Industry, Alliance Insurance co., & you PMA Group & every lawyer who ever handled this case on corrupted on my side and backing the illegal cover up on PMA Side side will all be turned in click Complaint button below, complaints filed and we are going to make Labor and Industry look so bad they will go out of their way to blame Alliance Insurance co. who will be going at PMA Group for their tactics and ruining their name creating fault.
The claimant taught us a lot of how the system works and we are learning new tactics every day for this and our own personal use. Like he said…"WE ain’t the ones!"

Well big November 17th telephone hearing was a time taking joke!
I after reading Dr. I.H. Levins report and seeing the same stuff in a PsychE tech report (links provided, compare them your selves) and the Name of a psychiatrist E. P. who I just talked to 2x's on the phone, (she couldn't pick me out of a line up) but her name was in the IME Report. He lied and said I was on hard drugs, so I went and had a tox screen done immediately for my lawyer, also an xray because a bone spur enlarged my epiglotis and they found nothing as it retracked back behind my throat Hey Doc! The only thing I do is self medicate, smoke marajuana for appetite and pain in my neck (besides you fuckers), and diazapan for trembles from nerve damage from the spinal cord compression Well Doc the test came back in conclusive, why? because I don't do drugs, ass hole. (for all the shit I been through in this dramatic ass claim, I am surprised I m not a doper or alchie) But NO! I am a pop pop, dad, husband (At times thanks to this accident) So you got information on me from some one who never me? Only talked to me on the phone, and used what I said about back in my teens and 20's a made it sound current? Just to discredit me for PMA Group? ASS HOLE! They wanted me to talk on the phone, and they couldn't understand me. because of the medical neglect and the bone spurs that are still growing and then they started frustrating me, asking what happened in the begining??? WTF??? Excuse me but I WAS ALREADY AWARDED MY CLAIM, this is about NOW and what's NOT and STILL and should be going on! So they started asking about my living situation, Itold them I was forced to buy a 2nd home up the street so my daughter and her kids didn't end up in the street due to me having to reside on the first floor. (which I should be compensated for, it came from my 48k retro pay) Then also about my mobility in my home and did I fall often? How many times. Then the "what did he say shit again", (IT'S discrimination against the disabled, especially when their negligence CREATED IT, we had to search for our own doctors) Clueless! (Hence all the Health Parners bills) and my Doctor Bruce Levins who has been with me since this started report blew it all out of the water (Thank you Doctor) He studied me, even caught me on film when I fell over getting up in his office and my anke was so weak it turned completely in and I hit the wall that stoped me from falling. I stayed in that position so he could take a picture of the situation at hand. Very good doctor and very observant, and admitted to us I was being medically neglected. Well any way, for all intensive purposes. The phone call ended after a lot of technical glitches and Monday they are sending contractors out to estimate the alterating areas and that was what this hearing was about?, a friggin joke!
Waste of time, hope you all got paid! Justice my ass more like keep it going and hold him hostage. Finally I got so tired and their was a court reporter so I spoke up loud and clear Since you can't understand what I am saying then read about it, I have been keeping an updated journal since it began over 8 years and your all in it. ( so I would remember later or my family would know what really happened to me.) Go to and read what I said.
on that note, started swearing and they ended it. All that I know, is that it proves they know what happened and acknowledged it, gave me what they were their for and I texted my lawyer last evening that I thanked my doctors and then asked what was to happen next awaiting a response., Now do remember as long as this goes on, I am being held in Pa against my will, Due to offers to move to warmer areas for my bones..

Settlement? You want this all to end? I would like to move on since now I am being held hostage, In a crazy state that I would like to have the option to leave, but you had to keep playing these games, your lies, your court room drama, and the fall out, to where you look away from, this? We figure you hindered and lied used every tactic in the book and Look I haven't changed, just got bitter all because you (To the Company CEO), kept up all this hogwash leaving me medically neglected, which kept me in the house in a involuntary house arrest for over 8 years and your neglection leaving family to take care of me, for me to seperate from my wife to get insurance because I needed attention and you refused? to being stuck in a bed to moving home to seek my own help? All the testing, (just because a 70 year old trainee was operating the bud and they covered it? the test PMA RELENTLESS IME REQUEST! All down to have my daughter loose a baby from picking me up from a fall, over looking other injuries even when you sent us there? Yes the 3 falls at I.M.E.s all documented , and witnessed 1 even causing me to wait to get home 40 miles before I could be seen and you look the other way? And Heavens sake all the mediation hearings, when you know what I said at the last one I attended and the hundred or so before that ( I almost fell at one, think it's the same Judge (looks like "House" from TV) the one who said peoople have taken their own lives because of WC! So that shows he's also aware of the time it can go, but does nothing about it? and I almost fell leaving as he said to my lawyer GOD! Please don't let him fall here. Which clearly proves he acknowledges I was a fall risk, had a problem and continues these mediations with out my presence, And why is there even a mediation ? Because an insurance sompany who is responsible in a Judges orders want to refuse thinking that it's not enough for the to pay, BUT WAS ORDERED TO BY A JUDGE? I was awarded my claim 2/25/2016 and we are entering 2021? So why wouldn't you do what you had to do? I could of been a lot better to a point if treated right! And all this B.S. even after I was awarded?) And he is the Judge for the 11/17/2020 mediation hearing? I hope he reads this and gives it fair justice, I just wanted to go to work that day. and now wants my testimony? How many times do I have to tell him the same story? Well every time I just up the Ante then sooner or later they going to stop the bull shit because they are just giving the care givers a reason to get involved.. And if video hearings are now seriously considered a way of life then a statemment written in a Journal should also have the same merit in a PANDEMIC SITUATION! WHY? BECAUSE THIS WHOLE JOURNAL IS THE TESTIMONY! My syayement, Look at the front page I swore myself in electronically and was a victim! and after all the things we were put through having to get lawyers and the fact that everyone got P.T.S.D. from this hey try to be the head of house hold on 700 a month and responsible for 2 homes because I was forced into the situation.(see 2731 Helen) My opinion is my loss is priceless what I lost, but if you want to put a figure to it and the expences of a house hold falling apart and having to get another because my daughter and her children would be on the street if not. And grand children who didn't ask for this and were robbed of a grand father with much education and stamina and left with a burden then that amounts to a a very large figure The loss of family, and other tragic things that occured during this drawn out process and a long awaited settlement (I was awarded my claim with no response) for me to deligate out to my family and friends who helped us in our time of need and were there helping my wife with the fall out of it. My wife, My self! for being put through it. Fact! = $500,000,000.00 YES! $500 million dollars! in a non structured trust fund (you can't keep me hostage in Pa.) I have been under house arrest for nothing for over 9 years. (because I went to work?) So a trust fund and a 1 way ticket out of this bias, racist state and all my legal fees paid and Health Partners insurance company reimbursed And my care givers compensated.
And it's laws that make you stay here, (So I would include the state. who as you see by the journal I reached out to many times) so they can continue to make your life hell. , Because if I have learned 1 thing, I that I learned if it is structured, I will have to go to court for everything I want to take out for, (like I said, just ways to keep feeding each other), it didn't go down that way with the bus trainee who created this tragic life for me. So why am I on the chopping block for things I need? This is cruel and VERY unusual punishment! And why President Joe Biden is watching this like a hawk.

And this is where the truth in Pa is.
Where the Claim Adjusting Snakes breed their poison (lies, conspiracies, make it about the claimant, not those responsible to whom they represented which WILL come back to bite them in the ass. "To easy to track!" (brothers input) PMA Companies,380 Sentry Parkway,Blue Bell, PA 19422, 1-484-530-7860,1-610-941-6861
But put me, my family and friends through HELL? Your next assholes! (No One Is Above The Law!. payoff who you want, this isn't going to go away!)

Their Downfall?, It soon will be their personal problem because of their work ethics & performance!


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