BEFORE CLICKING PLEASE READ THE TERMS OF SERVICE/PRIVACY ACT Your Honor, The Court, Witnesses and Legal Representation, PA Labor & Industry as of today That I Francis M. Pereira (hand on the Bible) TELL ALL INVOLVED, THAT "THIS IS THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH SO HELP ME GOD! Now still sworn in... Everything in this journal/memoir is true and created by the actions of PMA Group insurance co. or we wouldn't be here. but because we start the next decade. Anothr 10 years I figured I would swear in twice." Log 5
Tracking must be enabled for access to this site, we like to know who has visited Truth is in 10 years we never been called on any of it. NO subpeonas, NO Arrest, NO Slanderous remarks, NO feedback whats so ever!!! SO who's covering for who? Because on our end, look around! WHY? Because it is all the truth! And your just playing cat and mouse! And I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE! Omar Lister Statement
Over 10 years of having to take care of him and and PMA Group still won't own up to their mistake, the freakouts, watching what was once a very able person, never asked for help because nobody was at his level of creativity & now has to struggle for everything. I agree to the statement on the previous page & below and his asking of $500,000.000.00 ( Don't look so shocked, you know what you all did, what you put him/us through, we even figured out your game of law in 9 + YEARS! ) Really don't know who your trying to bring down or make it look like its his fault because everyone agrees you are just prelonging the inevidable. But doing so showed more evidence on his behalf that was not provided instead more like covered up. He is going to add more $ the longer you take, I think he should ask for more, personally, (All in his statement at the bottom of the page) He had a great life that was just beginning and he also was a multi talented musician with a lot of equipment, connections besides his photo and video work and some big clients coming in. and his music magazine he created with a friend, Michael Davis that was growing rapidly. And it didn't just effect him, You see I had a life before the bus company also. I was a professional driver, photographer, event coordinator (which proof can be seen clicking the ( My life altered by my husbands accident ) a reporter, photographer and web designer and PMA company hesitated on helping him leaving me to be his care giver, no pay, out of work, living off the unbelievably small check he is given,what if I left? he would of been dead and I would of filed charges for negligence and manslaughter. That's not all, no they actually went out of their way to throw obstacles in the way I, family, friends we all seen it. With IME's and other off the wall responses. I witnessed him being blackmailed for a ALS test to pay for a wheel chair that was court ordered? I seen him told to cancel a surgery appointment to go 30 mles away to have an IME which his pain doctor, Dr. Bruce Levin made and proved his case from the IME doctor. Also as we were leaving we fell I was pushing him in the walker, his lawyer knows of it ask her..This is a game I had to accompany the claimant on and witnessed many strange things, So now what? We invested a lot into our Entertainment Business which is no longer validated. And we live day to day because of PMA group and their non compliance to help him or make it easier for me. Argueing the situation doesn't extend from the listed injuries? YOU CHUMPS, THINK YOUR DEALING WITH IDIOTS? No! but you keep messing with "Barbarians" as we were called, and someone is bound to get hurt.It's his neck (cervical spine), and everything under it "IS RELATIVE" as stated by the neurologist Dr. Christopher Perrone at the bottom of the page in the Penn report., and the rest is contributed by the stroke from the impact that sent a surge of blood to his head creating a stroke, which is why he didn't feel it right away. So come on bull shit your way out of this. as the Dr. mentioned it at his visit Witness present. Look below at the area in question it "ALL IS RELATIVE" (in the court order, to accomodate related issues) and after 9.3 years my body is now showing the fall out to having to do his chores and mine,having to care for ours and also fix the 2nd home he was forced to buy which I obtained my own injuries helping my daughter, he was unable to assist making him a mean, vicious,nasty disabled person again thanks for stealing his life and ruining ours ASSHOLES, but you don't care because of the negligence role of PMA Insurance Companies rejection to my husbands care even under court order of the so called AWARDED CLAIM. Last years therapy scam for a hernia surgery, Which also never happened. All of us preparing for that for nothing, sending a home therapist and putting our family at risk during a pandemic?
PMA Just so you know, We look at this as "YOUR MILKING IT"..
The man I married who celebrated his 50th birthday a week before, The man he became because of numerous health issues from it and it being neglected (Thank you for understanding Health Partners , You should try collecting from these losers, the man who now looks like a hermit, and mean as hell, because of the scar on the front of his neck. Thanks Again ASSHOLES!
"AND TO REQUOTE HIS THOUGHTS TO WHICH I AGREE", If I had a company and my workers, who helped make my company grow and expand, got hurt on the job,, I would NEVER utilize PMA Companies services for my I.W.C..representatives, these people are just out to hold onto every dollar, their claim adjusters are heartless, they push their issues with no regard to proper proceedure. PMA does not look out for the insured employees best interest, only to hinder their case in the future (witheld my wheelchair payment by any measure until had to again go to court and it was 5 years so even though it finally got paid the life time warranty was null and void.) They know what they are doing and it is done on purpose. remember the further down the lastest news... see them in action I was awarded my claim 5 years ago 2/25/2016, even though you can't tell because they still refuse anything I need. But to cover it up ....HEY! a new LOW, They have been HACKING OUR JOURNAL , Links to the left <----- and below bottom of the pages, So now down to now being hacked more than 4 times with proof in the below links, Now the crazy thing is the person (a friend) updated and only let 1 person at 4:45 pm 3-1-2021 know the site was updated he used my cell, then all the sudden hack city again. It leaves me to wonder who's on my side or theirs?. State bar is sending complaint forms should I need to turn people in. Also the Police have been informed as NOW IT IS 1. Breaking & Entering, 2. Tresspassing without permission, 3. Stealing/Removing evidence and the Police have been informed to press charges as you see many Police reports in my journals, I have no problem pressing charges. And will also press charges on PMA Group as who else would want to hide the truth and prolong this drawn out awarded claim? Just the insurance company! Keep playing.
Other Workers Compensation Insurance Companies
1. Travelers Insurance co
2. Hartford Insurance co.
3. Berkshire Hathaway Insurance co.
4. Zurich Insurance co.
5. AmTrust Financial Services.
6. Chubb LTD.
7. Liberty Mutual Insurance co.
8. AIG (American International Group) Insurance co.
9. State Farm Insurance co.
10. Blue Cross and Blue Shield Insurance co. Click here for More!
02/20/2021 After all their lies, negligence and procrastination Now they resorted to hacking my journal and witnesses and friends are finally messaging me about the illegal tactics and cyber attacks!
Pictures below of the new low they went to trespassing and taking things from my site. So I guess they have things to hide, not us this is a journal in other words an open book with pictures and protected by my amendments...Witnesses, This is proof of those who know me and what happened, my best friend that I call brother Kevin couldn't explain it any better so I added his statement, and as far as the site being hacked? JUST PROOVES THAT THEY ARE RUNNING SCARED, WE HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE AND THEY ARE MAKING IT QUITE OBVIOUS THAT THEY DO! The Judge put on more lawyers as I was texted (see below) after the hearing and this came as of 1-26-2021 when the phone hearing I told the court stenographer "My Statement can be found at" . (which then the hacking started after 9 years of being untouched.) The hearing before that December 18th the Judge was sending estimators to my home to see about home improvements, problem with that is the people coming into a sterile home that does not have Covid-19 and doesn't want it. They were just estimators but that could be deadly to us. And now as of Dec 7th 2020 we have a new grand daughter and we are EXTRA PRECAUTIOUS!. So honestly, think about it. It's got to be a real screwed up case when the Philadelphia Police Personel that I talk to and I'm being thrown pointers on what charges I could bring up on being disabled and the way I was treated and to just learn after 9 years I had a mild stroke around the time of the accident. This opens a new page more about that below. But to mess with the head of a disabled person, that was now pronosed with a mild stroke in the begining and 9 years later finding out he's not carzy....HE'S A DAMN VICTIM! of the Insurance company, The Justice system putting it off and why I think it's a paid off thing is back with Spivack and my lawyer sent the Judge a letter that my case was back in the wrong pile, (briefing not decision) was it deliberate? (see on 1st & 2nd page).I calling these idiots out! this was drug on for a reason and little they know they picked the wrong one to play with that's for damn sure! lets get moving people! Didn't you steal enough of my life? keep me under house arrest? involuntary because you refused to have a wheel chair fixed that Comp ordered me to? then when you did pay Bonel after statutes wore out on the life time guarantee? So you planned on keeping me house banned hell I should add another million or 10 just for that. told you before I AM NOT THE ONE!
Witness Statement proving others know what happened & a Hacked Journal since court to cover up the evidence.
Hacked after December 18th hearing
Hacked after January 6th Hearing
Hacked after December 18th Hearing
Keep going assholes , so you got something to hide? we will be monitoring the site a few times a day and the hosting provider is already aware of what's been going on so IP numbers are being recorded (Hey Colorado). KEEP PLAYING!!!! This dictation of these occurrences are going to be none stop until you do. Now to continue on, I had 2 MRI's done 2/27/2021 at Penn Perelman Center to see if there was damage to my head when I fell, My lawyer told my wife she seen something 4 years ago about my brain and my wife freaked out and got very angry because of being uninformed when the lawyer seen it and failed to mention it.. Reaction: So we made a frontal lobe specialist appointment with Dr. C. Perrone, due to looping sentences and other off the wall statements and etc.
MRI of the brain and cervical spine 2-27-2021 Performed At Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine - Penn Medicine
Awaiting on the results and today is 3/4/2021 with no calls, When I fell Jefferson did an MRI then quickly went right to the neck fusion after "not seeing anything" well seems they missed or caused something see below ,So they said, then why was it found almost a decade later?), Duh it's the only fall/accident I had in the years before. So post surgery there was nothing wrong with my brain? So this means if they do find something now, that Jefferson (8th street) over looked it and the other MRI doctors in the last decade did to, then it is on them. And PMA Group Insurance company refused as Jefferson threw me out after my comp claim at the time was rejected, we should know something by the end of this week. Please read below the Neurologist report., below the again shown judges decision below. The neurologist Dr. Perrone also stated to my wife and I That below the nerve damage of the area in study will eventually have complications and deteriorate (my body) all relative due to the medical neglect in the beginning and due to the fall out of the procedure with the passage of time with no therapy or treatment. Then said I do not have to return that my cervical area is what needs attention, I mentioned about Dr. Levin wanting to look into stents, he replied that could be an option. Meaning you bunch of judicial procrastinators that "IT IS ALL RELAVENT! GOT IT?" Friggin air heads, keep my claim going to milk it until someone does something about your actions on this awarded claim. I will be contacting your higher ups about the treatment of Mr. Pereira for the last almost 10 years , yes a decade (1/4/2022 will be 10 years).
NOW, The MRI results as of February 2021
I spoke with Dr. Perrone, he ruled out any known neurological complications like ALS,MS,MD,SEIZURES ANY TYPE OF NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES OR NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS OF THAT NATURE! BUT DR. PERRONE FOUND it and could even give a date to it.and it was right around the time of the fall .....
He did find and reported frontal lobe lesion. (signs of a mild stroke) he said looks almost about a decade old (almost 10 years ago) right at the time of the accident when falling on the school bus ( because an illegal bus driver hit the gas before being seated, going over a trolley track dip at B street and Erie ave. and he had no business other than being another attendant on that bus because "HE WAS A TRAINEE" He did not have his proper credentials including the passenger endorsement which means no one was allowed on the bus but him,(If he had his CDL) while operating it. (I KNOW BECAUSE I WAS A DRIVER FOR THE COMPANY, And Nick was MY bus attendant. He was my attendant for the last 3 years He was 70 and he just started to try driving the end of 2011 was in training and should of not been behind the wheel of that bus with passengers including employees.)
The Below was copied from his account in Penn Hospital.
Results MR Head w and wo IV Contrast ; MR
Cervical Spine w and wo IV Contrast Neuro
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MR Cervical Spine w and wo IV Contrast Neuro
Christopher M. Perrone, MD
Feb 27, 2021
MR Head w and wo IV Contrast
Christopher M. Perrone, MD
Feb 27, 2021
MR Head w and wo IV Contrast
About This Test
Study images can be viewed only when signed in to myPennMedicine.
Imaging Study Report
Help me understand this report
Radiology Images
Study Result
Narrative & Impression
CLINICAL INFORMATION: 59 years old. Reported frontal lobe lesion. Possible demyelinating disease.
TECHNIQUE: Routine MRI of the brain was performed prior to and after intravenous contrast administration.
COMPARISON: Head CT dated 4/3/2013
Infarction, recent intracranial hemorrhage or abnormal extra-axial fluid collection. No midline shift or hydrocephalus.
No abnormal intracranial enhancement.
Small foci of subcortical and periventricular white matter FLAIR hyperintensity without mass effect are identified
which are likely related to chronic small vessel ischemic changes. Possible small left insular chronic lacunar
Major flow voids are patent at the skull base.
Expected osseous marrow signal. Paranasal sinuses are predominantly aerated.
No acute intracranial abnormality. No abnormal intracranial enhancement.
Probable mild chronic small vessel ischemic changes.
I have personally reviewed the images and agree with this report.
Result Information
Status: Final result (Exam End: 2/27/2021 2:53 PM)
Electronically signed by Hoch, Michael J, MD on 3/1/21 at 1022 EST
PORTER – Patient-Oriented Radiology Reporter
PORTER makes it easier to read your report. It shows what the underlined words mean.
CLINICAL INFORMATION: 59 years old. Reported frontal lobe lesion. Possible demyelinating disease.
TECHNIQUE: Routine MRI of the brain was performed prior to and after intravenous contrast administration.
COMPARISON: Head CT dated 4/3/2013
Infarction, recent intracranial hemorrhage or abnormal extra-axial fluid collection. No midline shift or hydrocephalus.
No abnormal intracranial enhancement.
Small foci of subcortical and periventricular white matter FLAIR hyperintensity without mass effect are identified
which are likely related to chronic small vessel ischemic changes. Possible small left insular chronic lacunar
Major flow voids are patent at the skull base.
Expected osseous marrow signal. Paranasal sinuses are predominantly aerated.
No acute intracranial abnormality. No abnormal intracranial enhancement.
Probable mild chronic small vessel ischemic changes.
I have personally reviewed the images and agree with this report.
MR Cervical Spine w and wo IV Contrast Neuro - About This Test
Study images can be viewed only when signed in to myPennMedicine.
Imaging Study Report
Help me understand this report
Radiology Images
Study Result
Narrative & Impression
CLINICAL INFORMATION: 59 years old. Cervical spine stenosis, myelopathy
TECHNIQUE: Routine unenhanced and enhanced MRI of the cervical spine.
Contrast: 20 mL IV Dotarem.
There is straightening of the normal cervical lordosis.
Vertebral body stature is maintained. No focal aggressive osseous lesions. Craniocervical junction appears intact.
Remote postoperative changes of anterior cervical discectomy and fusion are noted at the C5-C7 levels.
Overall there is thinning of the cervical cord at the C5-T1 levels. Subtle small areas of T2 hyperintensity are
noted within the cord, for instance on the right at the level of C5-6 (series 11, image 22) and on the left at
the level of C6-7 (series 11, image 25). These likely reflect chronic myelomalacia. No abnormal cervical cord enhancement.
Paraspinal soft tissues appear normal.
Individual levels:
C2-3: Posterior osteophytic ridging with left uncovertebral joint spurring. There is bilateral facet arthropathy.
There is mild spinal canal stenosis and moderate left foraminal stenosis.
C3-4: Posterior osteophytic ridging with left uncovertebral joint spurring. There is bilateral facet arthropathy.
There is mild spinal canal stenosis with mild to moderate right and severe left foraminal stenosis.
C4-5: Posterior disc osteophyte complex with bilateral facet arthropathy and ligament flavum laxity. There is moderate
spinal canal stenosis with severe right and moderate left foraminal stenosis.
C5-6: Posterior osteophytic ridging with a prominent right paracentral component. There is mild to moderate spinal
canal stenosis with right ventral cord contour deformity. There is bilateral mild foraminal stenosis.
C6-7: Posterior osteophytic ridging with mild facet arthropathy. No spinal canal stenosis. There is mild bilateral
foraminal stenosis.
C7-T1: Posterior osteophytic ridging eccentric to the right with bilateral facet arthropathy. There is no spinal
canal stenosis. There is moderate left and mild right foraminal stenosis.
T1-2: Disc bulge with a superimposed left paracentral superior extrusion. There is bilateral facet arthropathy
and ligament flavum laxity. There is mild spinal canal narrowing with bilateral moderate foraminal narrowing.
Multilevel cervical spondylosis as detailed above, findings are most pronounced at the C4-5 and C5-6 levels as
described above.
Chronic cervical cord myelomalacia at the C5-6 and C6-7 levels. No abnormal cervical cord enhancement.
I have personally reviewed the images and agree with this report.
Result Information
Status: Final result (Exam End: 2/27/2021 2:53 PM)
Electronically signed by Hoch, Michael J, MD on 3/1/21 at 1032 EST
Now the actual report which was sent on 3/20/2021
Report 1 Head MR (Brain) 2 pages
Report 2 Cervical Spine MR (Neck) 3 pages
Do note that this was printed on 3/16/2021 , the so called hearing was on April 21st 2021 Which left plenty of time to be submitted to her briefs, so keep the lies coming and we will keep hitting them out of the park.
How they over looked a frontal lobe lesion (Mild Stroke) & the other possibilities....
Prooving how bad they have screwed my case up, The Bullshit is remarkable they come up with all to milk this claim because they don't want to pay. , I cant get around and my oldest grandson 12 years old ( you feel funny with women doing things a guy can help with and besides my wife, was my biggest helper was sent to live with his aunt who I have seen him 2-3 times since he left ) and I was asking about him coming 1 weekend a month and told that wasn't possible well my lawyer did inform me that I have grand parents rights in Pa..
They even over looked a stroke or they need to get a copy of the MRI from Jefferson before they did the neck fusion and compare them.. My faith in the judicial system drastically went from hopeful to slim to none. Really ! There's been more hearings then I can count and I have not signed on half the documents that needed my signature my lawyer even said that she did it? ,guess she has that right? REALLY! forgery is against the law. Because they actually over looked some important shit that occurred when I had my accident I told them that the female attendant after my fall kept asking if I was ok (about 6-7 times) as she quoted "You look really, really red" probably when it happened.!!! My present lawyer did the deposition This is relavant because it's how the judge made her decision The male driver said I fell at a certain time and the female attendant said I fell at a different time but regardless it's all on PMA for insuring them. 5 days before my accident was my 50th birthday and my health was at 100% other than the hernia they fixed in 2007. So all this new findings is on them for neglecting my medical even though I won my claim they refused to listen to Judge F.Linsicome. orders when she awarded me my claim 2/ 25/2016 so they are responsible for anything else they find also. Trying to do the correct thing, And as I said before....I AIN'T THE ONE, DON'T PISS ME OFF, I WILL RELEASE THE DOGS!
Jenifer Kaufman This is no joke and if you look at page 2 of the 1st report (The head) from the neurologist (emailed & faxed you) it states recent fluid on the brain (wonder if thats when I ignored the surgeon to go to their I.M.E? (or again you would drop me) my wife fell over me leaving the building as she pushed me to the vehicle they provided and the driver witnessed the fall besides a couple others) and that's because they refused to go with the judges orders. But web techs are adding them to my journal while I sit here waiting on FED EX for my new phone. So this is now moving to a new element and the BULLSHIT STOPS HERE! TELL YUCKERS,YONKERS WHAT EVER THE DUDES NAME IS.! and no voices told me to say that, (thinks I forgot what he said on the phone hearing) God! That man is a real asshole! But it seems like I had a mild stroke associated with that accident = more $ so keep going, (my brother cracks his knuckles in the background), see you don't have to be blood to be family Timmy, God makes us family, FOOL! SEE THIS PICTURE THEY JUST TOOK OF ME? It shows what type of peope I congregate with and "Only Real People" Which you are not, picking on disabled people dude?. A Picture of me Easter Sunday (complaint form filled out just waiting to be mailed, you screw up again) and my Family, brothers and friends agree. DUDE REALLY? to ask me if I hear voices,(After I find out I had a stroke from the accident within the last 15 days? and that I'm not nuts, I know people who had neck fusions and are doing great, why not me? for all I've been experiencing, So stop the slander now arss! And Kaufman subitted her briefs without that knowledge.(Feel like we are fighting everyone in the system.) Now I think of it, Your Honor? I want an appology for that or I tell the bar Timmy Yonkers made fun of a disabled person, (I been a study meiser on disibility). My daughters are even now going to get involved, (hearing about this stroke situation seemed to of bought everyone back to the table again.) 1 wants to get a lawyer for her and her mother because of the latest test results that I TOOK MY SELF TO. and thankfully Health Partners covered it. Then you have Jefferson who over medicated me so bad I was like the Hulk, they gave me 3 cocktails to calm me, many medications I have an adverse reaction to and this was one. They then gave me insulin for like 3 days to bring me back down and I'm not a diabetic, but they kept telling my wife I was borderline ???? It was a precautionary meassure? BULL SHIT! You botched it up, now own it. even the fusion was botched the top screw tightened enough to compress my spinal cord (pictures don't lie)
and Dr. Jack Jallo who came a little late telling them step aside to let him make his money, after his assistant had started me off (and I said I had adverse reactions to meds and anesthesia is one, just ask Temple) made his little remark to me (Christmas Tree ring a bell?) and the nurses heard it. Remember Dr.Lee? 1 nurse said don't do that! (Dude I heard everything even when you asked if I was left handed or right handed) I Had to pee and kind of woke up and you said too late (Holding up the bag) but some of the nurses wanted to know was I single, told you I would blog it. Just don't think I forgot what you said to me before I pissed you off and said this convo was going to be blogged and you told the Anesthesiologist to put me back under.and btw Joann was one of the nicest nurses on the team (Red head) just to show you my memory is fine from that surgery. (And yes Tim I heard that from not being completely under not the voices in my head, arss!.)
Then in recovery post op I was alone and woke up had to pee and went to the bathroom unattended, the toilet pipe was broke there was 3-4 inches of water on the floor I sat down groggy and when done went to get up and fell, you rushed me for a Cat scan at 10:35 pm (1/17/2012) Witnesses were available. and should be recorded. Then Jefferson stuck an Asian man in the room to "observe me" as I mentioned lawyer (which was about the fall on the bus but you's were more worried about my fall in the bathroom and being left unatended after surgery then after my lawyer came to my room Steven Bruccolleri, the Asian man left I guess to report I had a lawyer show up. Then they moved me to PT and then they said comp wont cover it and you's gave me a cab voucher and sent me home with a day old neck surgery and didn't even have no one there to recieve me as my wife just got back and had no knowledge of it. But you did do an MRI and we would like to compare them. As far as after It's after wards things have been groggy at times propbably all the opiods you had me on then I was on gabapetin for 3 years (slept and unable to walk or talk so I want to know in that mess when did I have a sroke?, because someones hiding something or over looked something here. Also you have refused (denied) to see me for my 3rd post op visit, telling me you don't take Health Partners (although it was paid for by the company who paid for the surgery ) So deny it Jack Jallo, Remember the conversation we had and my wife saved your ass? because dude we have a score to settle. See left nav (My Surgery) You botched it or your associate Dr. Lee did and thought by over medicating me I would forget it, NOT A CHANCE ASSHOLE! (I am not everyone else, this drummer follows my own beat. And don't take no for an answer) Anyone sees this, Be Warned! JEFFERSON HOSPITAL REFUSES TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY WHEN THEY BOTCH THINGS UP AND WHEN YOU SLIP AND FALL FROM NOT BEING MONITORED AFTER SURGERY, AND YOU CALL A LAWYER FOR YOUR OWN PERSONAL REASONS, THEY TOSS YOU TO THE STREET. BOTCH? Let's see when I have a herniated disc ABOVE & BELOW the fusion area means you tightened the fusion to tight right Dr. Lee? SO! That's where it stands you Botched it. Yes I have witnesses! And x-Rays along with documentation and MRI'S!! Herniation is from both ends of the fusion, therefore it is to tight see the top screw? why is that? It's a lot of extra screw and pushing against the spinal cord. Hmmmmmmmm.
NOW STILL THE WAIT ON THE JUDGE WHO SENT ESTIMATORS TO MY HOME AS CLAIMANT HAS BEEN UNDER INVOLUNTARY HOUSE ARREST FOR 10 YEARS BECAUSE NO ONE WANTS TO DO THEIR JOBS, YET PUTTING US ALL IN HARMS WAY OF COVID 19, THERE WAS 2 HEARINGS OVER IT (wasted tax dollars, remember), EVEN THOUGH I WAS AWARDED MY CLAIM 2/25/2016 THEY STILL CHOOSE TO DRAG THEIR FEET, AND THE HEARINGS WERE DECEMBER 18TH AND JANUARY 26TH AND IT'S THE DAY BEFORE St Patricks Day (March 16th) LETS SEE WHAT LIES THEY CONJOUR UP NOW. And I'm so tired of the whole judicial system making damn excuses, WHAT? 9 and a half years with an abundance of proof, witnesses, & a lawyer who keeps holding her serices over my head if I do anything? yea see the proof in the previous page (high lighted in red and blue color).So all of this is not good enough? Guess PMA Group has them all paid off to keep it dragging, seems like the only scenerio that is viable to this already awarded claim because to this day THEY STILL REFUSE TO PAY FOR ANYTHING. EVEN UNDER A COURT ORDER AND LABOR AND INDUSTRY LEGAL STAFF, INCLUDING JUDGES WHO ARE ALLOWING/ENDORSEING THIS?.
A text from my lawyer telling us both by name she will not have us contact the Judge that we are not to contact the judge PEREIOD. (have a picture if you want, here)
and they are close to a decision (just on renovating our home to get the wheel chair in and out , under house arrest 9.4 years so far and I'm the victim...Can anyone figure that out?) just screams foul play.
Well someone has to do their job, Because 10 years and the game is getting so very old, We can get the text off the phone and put all of it in a scrolling box Emails also. ANYONE Injured at work? just so anyone who pays into Workmans comp realizes they are kissing their money good bye even if they have a solid claim, seems like they all work together and why is it that when you get a job you HAVE to pay into workers comp? We replied with we will flood the media and social media so everyone sees this bullshit. 10 years almost and the neurologist just found a liason almost a decade old from the impact (mild stroke, Has anyone who read this seen that word in this journal? Kevin Smith (statement above) asked us as he could not understand me at times and said I sound like I have a mouth full of marbles, did he have a stroke or something we replied no (about 5-6 years ago) And Jefferson's Dr. Peterick lied about a siezure that never happened (witness was avaiable, Mrs.Pereira) but wrote it up LOG 3 (but never tested me) I took my self to Temple neurology to Dr Polkas and there is a letter from my PCP that said no stroke, and this latest test said No Stroke so we keep dealing with liars who spent a multitude of money for school for me to to have their licenses revolked. So keep playing we are on your tails. MIGHT EVEN DO A VIDEO ABOUT IT AND FLOOD THE NET!. And you can't sue us over outting the truth because it's all around you. (And we are covered by The 1st Amendment) Then saying there will be a decision soon...????, errrr THE CASE WAS ALREADY AWARDED 5 YEARS AGO, THIS IS ALL PROCRASTINATION, NOW JUST DO YOUR DAMN JOBS! Instead of taking advantage of a disabled person who more than prooved their point, remember The deposition they ALL took the 5th and REFUSED TO GIVE UP THE BUS SECURITY VIDEO. And as far as contacting the Judge? He's a very decent person and a good guy Hon William Bendon (reminds me of tv's Dr. G.House, Hugh Grant), but everyone has to answer to a boss. especially when you have put a family at risk to let people into your home during a pandemic putting them all at risk. annd that was almost 4 months ago, how long does it take to make a decision? ADD THIS JOURNAL UP, DOWN TO TRYING TO HACK IT, SOMEONES A LIAR AND IT'S NOT US. WE ARE PLANNING TO CONTACT LABOR AND INDUSTRY.& P.B.A. The D.A. and anyone else who can figure who to forward this to to get this unjust show to end.THIS GAME HAS BEEN PLAYED OUT AND THEY ARE ALL GRASPING AT STRAWS!.And anyone who is against us doing so is part of the problem. today 3/18/2021. I have been with this firm now 2 years on 4/16/2021.
As We Enter Spring still nothing soon WE WILL be calling the State Bar again. And today is Easter Monday still have heard nothing. by the 2nd anniversary of being with this firm 4/16/2021 and still not hearing anything We will be contacting the State Bar also the . and we cant leave out Labor & Industry. Remember some thing, suits! I had a life and you stole it, you covered up for a screwed up comany and thought that it would just skim by, well HELLO! It's facing you and by the way The owner testified at the hearing ? His contest was heard? but I couldn't face him? after being in the house for almost 10 years because his dispatcher put a trainee behind the wheel of a bus , that's a violation of the 6th amendment and my rights, along with the other crap in this circus! He or they took the 5th for2016 hearing, the whole company did. and any doctors who think they had me figured out, well I think the recent intracranial hemorrhage or abnormal extra-axial fluid collection and liesion So at my request due to findings that are recent that also contributed to my condition other than my cervical spine I ask you to have all your hypothesis prooved wrong about Demensia or anything of that neurological nature (which still happened on company time to put my files that are incorrect into your shreddars. and don't worry I will be contacting your chain of command, going to fix up a house to accomodate me in KENSINGTON Philadelphia??? I want to move and nobody ask what I want? You already kept me a prisoner in my own home for 10 years so I am doomed to be in Pa forever? wait until Moday I said I was opening a can of worms friday and I did, this week well be stirring soup....they just keep playing like I'm a piece of meat... guess what? see that map at the bottom of the page, see the one we have at There was a hearing today? 4/21/2021 Got a text that we WON? How? I'll never have the skills I had, I am a burden to everyone, the mild stroke did do some damage to my health and there will be a vacant spot for Violet who should of been between her older and younger sister. It's also my 1st gandaughters 13th Birthday. and on the calendar under it should of said Fran Court. And had we recieved a letter from been there, no statements no fairness like we do what we want and you have to take it, guess what? I AM NOT THE ONE! & Dont forget it! Labor and industry it would of sent a letter, none recieved, that is sneaky stuff. But I guess they are not checking this journal or they would of known I don't want to stay here. Guess I had court again, never got the memo! and why did we have court? for the home modifications? Have You Really Read This Page or Others, I Don't Want To Be Here In Philadelphia's Kensington area, with all the criminal element. I won my claim 5 years ago! and with no appeal and my family and I should not be going through this. I was having a good day and all when picked up on the corner for work and on the bus I was fine until the operator called me to the front (micro bird bus) asking about my personal appearance and poped the pedal going over trolley tracks creating my situation_with no credentials, meaning he should of never been behind the wheel with people on board the vehicle. 4/21/2021 Lawyer
We won before the judge, they need to provide the home modifications.
My Response
What hearing? LABOR & INDUSTRY never sent me a letter that there was a hearing just look at Log 4 and how much paper did they waste on I.M.E.'s ? Well the proofs on the page and all the wrong name fraudulent mail in Log 1?, but couldn't waste any paper to tell me of an actual Hearing the 21st of April 2021 (Personally I would like to know what evidence was turned in on my behalf as you seen in the previous log the statement I made never was entered into it the box marked NO is checked
They better read my statements on log 4 & 5 , This shit they are doing by taking it to a hearing for every little thing wasting tax payers money, And Judge Linsicome said "This is not up for appeal" so what are you doing? your own version of law? So what of the new found (9 & 1/2 years ago) mild stroke? I am sure they don't want to talk about it, but 1 thing they can't change, that it happened on the Tansportation companies watch I was clocked in and on their property. (when I was employed and covered by the companies insurance) The proceedure they are following is drawing straws and is wrong and anyone who supports it should be held the same. They screwed up and want me to pay the price, NOT HAPPENING FOLKS!. In her honors original orders 2/25/2016 stated at the end "This is not up for Appeal" So they had no choice other than constantly disregarding or ignoring her Orders AND TAKE EVERYTHING TO COURT, DENY OR HARRASE ME! . Abundant proof that their credibility is dishonest surrounds you. (CLICK OF MY PREVIOUS LIFE LINKS, LEFT COLUMN). The Had a Life, and the work I did for them off the books "Guard Duty", "Cleaning Buses" and even a couple runs along with other proof..
Bottom line is it never should of went this far to have to keep defending mydelf when they are the ones who put a TRAINEE behind the wheel, It should of been over then, but how could they profit off that? They tell me I would get me home modifications (in a bad neighborhood) and my lawyer walks away with over $600.00 dollars while we keep fighting for our civil rights. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we prevailed/won, but sereiously THE Truth is, I already was awarded my Claim 2/25/2016 And this dramatic drawn out skit should of never occurred, And to this date they have done nothing or even appologized for the situation I was put in. The rest of this has been just dragging it to milk it to death. and this so far concludes what I added to my statement dated it, signed it all belowand it's the truth. Attorney General is already looking through this and it's for the ECA reasons but if they happen to stumble on it? I or my family have nothing to hide. This is from modifications for a home remodeling on Tuesday May 12 ,2020 9:15am on video.hearing. which ended up a phone conversation. Never recieved anything stating the hearing for it was 4/21/2021 and THIS TIME the Owner/Employer was going to put their 2 cents in after taking the 5th for almost a decade and all their illegal activity which I prove through out the journal.. ALL of this and still have the hernia, So whats going on down their? Well like I said the Attorney General is already looking through this. My Statement & wants are below "IN MY FINAL STATEMENT", listed with thngs I can no longer participate in amd challenges I now face.And with the newest information found FINDINGS:
Infarction, recent intracranial hemorrhage or abnormal extra-axial fluid collection. No midline shift or hydrocephalus. No abnormal intracranial enhancement.
Small foci of subcortical and periventricular white matter FLAIR hyperintensity without mass effect are identified which are likely related to chronic small vessel ischemic changes. Possible small left insular chronic lacunar infarction.
Major flow voids are patent at the skull base. so is this a reason for the motor skill issues, or he speech problem or why I can no longer do what is listed below? I would like to know, but you won't pay for it.
By the way you better contact Health Partners Legal Department they want the money back they covered , when you were responsible for it see highlighted yellow in judge F. Linsicomes orders, with no appeal..
Francis Pereira "not FRANK"
The April 21st Hearing That Was Held Without Any Notice To Us. WITNESSES ARE AVAILABLE!
So what's there to appeal ? I Won! Because it cost me my neck (have a deadm mans neck) cost me my career, cost me my grand daughter and is ruining my familyYou know what? Because everyone is not on the same page, And the records are wrong, And no record of any of my evidence was submitted from what is relevant and obvious Do any of you want to come live in Kensington? They had 10 years to say were sorry Mr.Pereira and right this wrong. , errrrr yea right!!!! (They would never say it, even though Joe leahy sir? You were fine when I swept the yard clean (daily), guard duty watching the buses at night because of battery theft 3.5 months straight no days off (witnesses available) who was letting me decorate his office with guitars which he loved. but now can't look me in the eye? Not one word of the stroke obtained during the incident didn't have it when I started, didn't happen with a weight lifting restriction from a previous surgery 2007, so the only place it could of been when I landed on my neck on the bus seat.
Explanation: The Leahy's back in 2013 at the deposition that was performed by my present attorney The Owners Peter and Joseph Leahy and the dispatcher Dave Cyber all took the 5th and refused to testify and refused to give up the security video from the bus cam because it would prove, the fall and also the identification of the operator who created this occurrance. so "4. The Employers contest was reasonable" (as noted in the image) was not credable/viable" but more like questionable. He did have almost 10 years to come up with some bull shit story , They are all pretty good at it. Why this journal was made since Nancy M. Farese-esq bought up my wifes medical records in court having nothing to do with the issue at hand, heard she was a judge now, shows how crooked this judicial comp branch works, she slid me 2 pieces of yellow paper 1at the the begining hearings 1 for $5,000 to go away, next hearing was $50.000 to go away, Hey still here ya lieing unhonorable bitch and them yellow pieces of paper $5,000.00 to go away, next hearing the 2nd paper stated $50,000.00 to go away is what started the journal and keeping notes and proof of all occurrences!, Truths & Lies and manipulative acts!
2. OBJECTION YOUR HONOR! Explanation: The statement from Dr. Brody is inadmissible evidence because if it is then He found a stroke and said the neurological area was a problem in your little hushed hearing..
Mr. (Dr.) Brody's statement is the top and lower EMG and was done at Premiere Therapy matter of fact, he still has a disc of mine probably the one that shows the white cluster of matter. Which is now as of 2021 and Dr. Christopher Perrone calls a mild stroke, but all the brain cells around it are deceased and what parts of me did they function or make work?. (explains a lot about my motor skill situation. because it all isn't in my neck), He was relieved of his license actually they revoked it and his ability to practice thus he is no longer a doctor (according to the I.M.E. doctor Dr. Levin on Old York Road when I should of been with Dr. Kwan Lau for surgery prep , but again the lawyer said if I don't go to it I am dropped.) and anything presented now is Illegitimate. Questionable and Fraudulent. which makes me wonder about the stroke (read below, He never did return our one disc (open MRI) But in the records I just recieved from Dr. Nesbitt who left them at the office and then my new (2016) P.C.P. found them by Dr Matt Trezseniowski had a top and bottom result in his report. The one that proved that I had a stroke. I just want to know why Dr. Nesbitt never said anything and then vanished right before Dr. Matthew Trezseniowski took over the practice, Dr. Trezseniowski would like to know why he vanished also. (In my opinion he got a little yellow paper) Question to PMA Group is? How Many Little Yellow Pieces Of Paper Did PMA Groups Legal Department Hand Out To Quiet People Up? Well if Dr. Brody's Findings were legal like the Leahy's testimony was reasonable, then Dr. Brody's finding of the stroke shoould also be admitted into evidence (should of been any way and I want to know why it wasn't. As a matter of fact AGAIN I WOULD LIKE A LIST OF ALL THE EVIDENCE THAT WAS BOUGHT FORTH TO THE COURT ON MY BEHALF! Because they think wrong if they think I don't6 know whats going on. So Lets see it??????
NOW WHAT IS REALLY BOTHERING ME IS MY LAWYER DIDN'T GET MY MRI's REPORTS INTO HER BRIEFS IN TIME SHE SAID, SHE SUBMITTED FOR "THIS HEARING" AND THE FACT I WAS UN AWARE OF IT AT ALL! Yet in the hearing the judge mentioned to see Dr. Jallo and get an MRI? Actually not Jallo your honor I went to Workers Comp doctor on Frankford avenue, who sent me next door to Frankford Hospital who did a CAT - SCAN and came back telling me and my family they had to transfer me to Jefferson as they were not equipped to handle my situation, my daughter asked what and the reply was "Hope you have a good lawyer because you have a broken neck", Now that scan would show anything at all the discoloration in the brain would be there. This has caused great P.T.S.D. and has took me far beyond my limits and you all think it's REAL funny to drag along a proven case that left a stroke and damaged cervical spine. NOT! The man botched the damn surgery then refused to treat me.& Right when I got a recent Brain scan and Cervical Spine MRI's with and with out contrast before the hearing and faxed to my attorney I have the copies. (and disc) & they never got submitted to evidence, Well If they were submittited they all would of seen it. Wonder who Dropped The Ball As my P,C.P, put it! I just did that at a much better facility, The Perelman Center at Penn Penn Hospital.. (She said her office called I asked my family and none of them knew I called the P.B.A. and it was not on the Docket and it was not placed on the family calendar it would of been below my first grand daughters 13th birth day. ) AND ALSO LABOR AND INDUSTRY NEVER SENT A LETTER, SO THIS MADE NO SENCE! But then I seen this....REALLY, BUT THIS ? IS REDICULOUS! THIS CONTEST FROM LEAHY, THE SAME LEAHY WHO TOOK THE FIFTH AT THE DEPOSITIONS IN THE BEGINING AND WHO'S STAFF FOLLOWED WAY, ONLY THE DRIVERS AND ATTENDANTS SPOKE UP!WHO WE NEVER HEARD FROM AGAIN UNTIL NOW HAS CREDIBILITY? DO I LOOK LIKE I WAS BORN YESTERDAY? WHERES THE VIDEO FROM THE BUS WE ALL KNEW EXISTED? BUT YOUR NOW CREDIBLE? Look at the journal all the illegal things going on Joe?, Pete?, Dave? (Who you paying off now? I know what I seen at the bus cmpany, half them busses shouldn't of been on the street.) MY 6TH AMENDMENT RIGHT WAS DENIED, IS THIS WHY THERE WAS NO NOTIFICATION OF THIS HEARIING? ALSO MY 4TH AMENDMENT RIGHT WAS DENIED THE RIGHT TO PRIVACY, SEEMS LIKE THEY SUBPEONAED RECORDS THAT AS WE RECENTLY FOUND OUT WERE NOT REALLY USEFUL AS A MILDSTROKE AND CERVICAL SPINE INJURY.(why claimants council won't appeal it to have the real truth in the records?) some times just winning a little part "OF A WHOLE CLAIM" isn't everything,. AS CLAIMANT SAID BELOW WHERE YOU CAN FIND HIS RECENT STATEMENT TO THE COURT IF I CAN'T APPEAL IT, AND MY LAWYER FERUSED TO EVEN THOUGH WE PREVAILED WE WANT THE RECORDS SET STRAIGHT AS YOU CAN SEE TO THE LEFT Mr. PEREIRA IS A VICTIM TREATED LIKE A CRIMINAL WHO HAS NEVER BEEN ARRESTED AND WAS A STRONG PART OF THE COMMUNITY AND ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY! Volunteered to put his life on the line for a country that treats him like this. C.B.C. (Criminal Background Check) SEE FOR YOUR SELF.!
Going 3 doors away to my daughters, went to turn around to come down, BLAM!
I hold Labor & Industry responsible for allowing It's Judicial process to defend illegal actions ALLOWING drama to continue! Cant see video? CLICK HERE! May15TH 2021 Almost a month since court.
Why hasn't the lawyer appealed the medical neglect, or appealed the Virtual Reality Therapy? Why do they just let them walk all over the awarded claimant? What about actual physical therapy? What about the hernia surgery from getting in and out of bed? Juds ignore it, it will go away? That was Never done?.
There wer many things going on illegal here, and witnesses to prove it. Also the actions of the Court and PMA speak for their selves while the claimant still is held inside and can't get out by being a fall risk!
So why don't you want to be mentioned? Your name is all through this, even in different law firms, Is there something your not saying? Any lawyer winning/prevailing would use the victory as good publicity. HMMmmmm? As noted through out the site (links to the <----- LEFT), his magazines other graphics and advertisements and skills all gone now be cause it takes 3 weeks, The falling asleep and constant reminders to do it.... IT USED TO TAKE HIM 2 HOURS! SOMETIMES LESS, ALL BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH DRIVERS? And put my old attendant on? I was also employed there as a driver and knew the owners and their office workers crooked ways. They suspended him in October with pay for telling the truth for 3 weeks.
TOMORROW THE 21ST WILL BE A MONTH SINCE THE UNNOTIFIED HEARING! Nothing but an estimator who was not happy with the under bid the previous contractor estimated, He said none of them people work there anymore since the pandemic. Lawyer said then Comp/PMA has to pay the higher fee if necessary, (see the phone text above.) The lawyer has since contacted him. NEXT LINE OF BULL SHIT They pull off, not missing anything.... 5/25/2021 These people that are takeing advantage of a disabled person. 1st off They all live in the same area by Blue Bell, Pa and they are right by PMA Companies Which I find totally Bias. And here it is, I am filing a complaint after this about the representation and the Judge, They can't do this to me after 9 years and the rest of my life suffering. Calling Administrative office for adjudication, the text between the lawyer and me. and she admits about the past that left me like this but wants to focus on the present? HELL We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the past.
To Whom This May Concern ,
My name is Francis Pereira,
I have been stuck in my home for almost a decade.
I have had numerous bouts with the justice system when this was just an easy case of
“The Driver On My Bus Was A Trainee & Illegal”. He went over Trolley tracks at B and Erie and I went flying landing a couple seats back on my neck holding hot tea and watching it so I didn’t scold myself. All explained in journal, help and input from family, friends
I learned recently that I also had a stroke while breaking my neck, this whole thing has been a mystery to me and my family but it didn’t stop the researching for it (what else can I do while laying down or small bits of therapy exercises provided by my family as the insurance company (Remember I was awarded my claim) refuses still to pay for anything so negligence is in many forms here (see below), and I could never figure out why my representation didn’t go at them for it. Then I started noticing that Things my wife and I did and obtained were never admitted into evidence. On top of that many things happed to me under their watch they did nothing about. The Broken Wheelchair, Falls that occurred on appointments they reccomended We go to., The Over medicating having to go through withdraw with no help other than family and friend support., The signatures I never signed, Lawyer admitted to that. so This is JUSTICE????!!!! I created a journal after opposing lawyer handed me a piece of yellow paper saying 5,000.00 to go away my lawyer right there (whom I’m with presently at her OWN firm now. ) the following hearing the same lady Nancy M. Farese-esq (think she is a judge now) handed me a little yellow paper with $50,000.00 to go away! I refused after what I been through, little did I know HELL was right up the street. So When this occurred I had my own life going on and these people have no Idea what they are dealing with. I am federally trained and understand the chain of command (that’s another story) but to make a long story short. These people from these firms listed never added anything into evidence. I my wife would would like to see a list?
I and my doctor just went over an MRI I recently obtained available Log 5 and blew the ship out of the water and didn’t want to go in the past or threaten to drop me (oh you will see) I am providing you with the information you can obtain your self but these people stole my life (All Of Them Who NEVER TURNED IN THE STROKE EVIDENCE, AND THEY HAD TO KNOW IT WAS THERE. STILL NO MEDICAL UNLESS WE GET IT, AND NO THERAPY OF ANY TYPE UNLESS PERSCRIBED BY HIS P.C.P. (and Health Partners only allows so many visits) AND HE STILL HAS THE HERNIA FROM GETTING IN AND OUT OF BED, He is failing and it's all because those responsible still want to neglect the fact he won his claim and they will not do anything for him unless it goes to court, (We see how the justice system makes their money from this and nobody that has represented him has ever stood up against the insurance company) so recently we contacted the bar as it's almost 10 years this claimant was rejected by an already awarded claim.Why? to have it investigated. And we waited and the deterioration by negligence making it hard for him to attend but willing to try, and not adding information as a matter of fact with holding it. (against the law) Witholding & covering up evidence. and the family takes care of him. Then my P.C.P. & I put it together and figured out the game they played (he is not a Workers Comp doctor and not afraid to open his mouth either). First off to get you started the reason I kept the journal. I was present when the wife said she talked to her (attorney) and she mentioned something about seeing something about my head that was a couple years ago so that would of been before 2/25/2016, right? Then why wasn't it admitted? she said she seen something about it? I witnessed that conversation which prompted me to go to Penn Medicine and get the Frontal lobe neurologist to give me a brain and cervical spine MRI. And the results are right here by Neurologist Dr. Christopher Perrone. and that now changes everything and obviously exploited the 10 year old game.
Presently waiting now to get a copy of the form that stated a stroke was found in 2013 (I won my claim in 2016) copy judges orders in the journal, I lost a granddaughter by my daughter trying to help me up also in the journal. Then I lost my daughter to drugs from the fall out of it. The officer who has been helping me out said our backs were against the wall, After we found out they were withholding information (evidence) and not submitting statements and other documents he gave me the thumbs up he said now you have a case. Thank you for your time Officer Rivera.
Francis Pereira
This is a chat from my phone records before the kids showed me how to do screen shots with my phone The Victim in This color and the she Devil in This color here And my opinion is in black, just to set this right kids. Started to copy the phone chats after she made an innuendoe that made me feel uncomfortable.
Me - Still nothing huh?
Lawyer - The company we used previously appears to be mia so we are getting another contractor to do the work.
Me - So basically I am in for the summer against my will. IT'S ONLY BEEN 10 YEARS
Me - Jen , rather they settle , I can have the work done and pay for it with my settlement, I'm disabled not stupid.
My final statement is at the bottom of Log 5. Also added the front page the top above the megaphones.
Lawyer - The driver being illegal is irrelevant at this point. (Oh! so you admit the driver was illegal, what a lieing bitch!!!!)
We can settle if you want but we are looking at around 250-300k not the million that you want. She is a serious nut job AND ABUSIVE of her bar!!!! (and real good bull shittter, how does a criminal act be discarded as irrelevant?) (WHAT YOU DON'T, KNOW IS THAT THE LAWYER SHE HAD ME FIRE WHEN SHE CAME TO MY HOME. *see Log 3* (a good guy named Juan Rodriquez, just a quick talker and the effects of unknown stroke, I had a hard time catching up with him, WHY his name was never entered to the complaint forms because he truly was trying to help me.) HE ACTUALLY HAD PMA GROUP AT 1.1 Million, So they don't think this is a setup? and she wasn't out to help them? BULLSHIT! Snake lady knew exactly what she was doing. she had me low balled, DOWN TO 300 K for the 10 years of shit I was dragged through? Why I bit my tongue at negotiations, she should of never told me where Juan had them. So for your own protection, don't ever hire this snake, Jenifer D. Kaufman, Jen I may have been born at night, just, It wasn't last night. So is that why you reached out mailing me? Coming to my home? Having me sign with you and firing them? (witnesses present) because you had something going on with P.M.A. Group? And you were with Spivacks firm at the time of the finding of the stroke, Juan was not at the firm and probably was never informed about it. I'm willing to take a polygraph whack job, are you?) She thought she was so slick she had a hearing set up 4/21/2021 and never mentioned it to any of us. So guess she forged my name again for that also. well back to the chat....
Me - Irrelevant? Are you nuts? , if it wasn't for Leahy's letting him drive their vehicle. I wouldn't be here.
We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. So Jen Your Quotes of .200, 300 k (Your dreaming) Stop your finger pointing. try looking at my statement along with Omar Lister Statement) (You aso never sumitted)
$500,000,000.00 or we can go $750,000,000.00 for being held against my will and lied to about, my medical, under unwarranted house arrest , medically neglected, With held evidence of an issue that happened at the same time of the impact (THE STROKE) and forged paperwork with my name and the lawyer laughed, although she was admitting it. And what my family has been through especially my daughter been through loosing her baby. Then getting addicted to drugs to help her through her mental pain, and then having a baby recently in which my wife stepped in with my support to raise the little sweetheart and knowing she had a sibling that is not here and I feel it's because she tried to help me, My daughter still won't come back and considers herself homeless. Thanks you basards as if I already didn't have enough on my plate.
Just time to make more calls
Medical negligence, Health Partners paid for everything. Stop siding with them really.
Lawyer - It doesn't affect the value of the case. Obviously you don't want to settle. You want to focus on the past as opposed to the future. Yes he was illegal and caused the accident. But we had a mediation where the judge valued your case at 300K
Me - I was not notified of any hearing, and will take a polygraph test on that. Did the judge get the MRI results? Does he know that I had astroke during the accident when my neck hit the seat sending a surge of blood to my brain?
Lawyer - I am going to withdraw as counsel and ask that a fee no longer be deducted so you can keep the whole check. (yea, run bitch, you were caught) I have been over this too many times. You can deal with the other atty directly on repairs. I am done. You are fixated on things that have no bearing on where we are. DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE? I am on Earth in Pa listening to a lawyer who just used a term that would of been said to a stroke victim, my bearings are fine, by the way buy a pack of breath mints will ya, the shit IS starting to come out your mouth We won but it is not good enough for you because you didn't get to criticize Leahy. No you never entered all the evidence I am done. I will send you a copy of my Withdrawal letter in the mail.
Me - You came to me, had me fire my lawyer remember? So don't drop me. I will file a complaint.
The MRI shows a stroke at the time of the accident.
Lawyer - Then listen to me.And if I keep listening to you, I'd of thrown my life away because you surely are not on my side They last offered a structured settlement of 195K with 50K up front. 15 years to pay out. Judge recommended 300k.This guy is so far gone, he mentioned at a mediation to my husband that people have taken their own lives over comp situations, and when leaving still in the building Fran almost fell with his walker and he uttered to the lawyer "Thank God, that's the last thing we would of needed." Repairs will be 50k. If I can get 350k and you clear 300k would you be done? This factors in the value of the repairs that won't be done but were awarded. I think I can get that or close if you are serious
about settling. But they will not give more than judge recommended.
Me - What if they knew of the MRI. And they offered 300k not 195k that's why I was so angry
Lawyer - That was not their final number but you wanted to stop negotiating. I understand how you feel. If I can get 350 would you take it and be done?
Me - I didn't want to stop negotiating, so don't put words in my mouith lieing witch, It's my 6th amendment right to face Leahy, the judge said he was reasonable, HOW? they took the 5th at the deposition that leaves his contest 9.5 years old and now considered questionable due to 9.5 years of time to come up with an excuse, or a bullshit story. Why? because they took the 5th in the beginning. (refusing to incriminate their selves) And refusing to surrender the video from the bus camera prooved that. I am glad Omar Shariff gave his statement below of his treatment after we were gone, Read below because now it shows they lied so it's not reasonable or questionable, they kept running the business illegally knowingly that all that has happened, it cost Omar Lister, Thousands, his statement is below with a number to the lawyer he has to pay to keep his CDL. Just like the hearing below and her putting words in my mouth, glad I have witnesses.
Lawyer - Should I demand 350k or not? I need to focus on the present if I am to represent you.(HASN'T SHE BEEN REPRESENTING ME SINCE SHE CAME TO MY HOME HAD ME FIRE SPIVACK AND SIGN ON WITH HER? COO - COO, COO- COO?)
Me - Wait until the repairs are done. And I need to get out of the house.
Lawyer - No response After this the young people showed him how to screen capture the chat conversations and he would have them blue tooth the information to his old computer This is insein! Well your wrong In the hearing the judge ordered an MRI be done, well I did it anyway because of the "4 years ago I seen something about his brain comment by during a phone arguement), but the results wasn't submitted in your briefs when you had a month and a half before the hushed hearing and you and the under cover court just refused to submit it. Like you's did with Dr. Brody's report.. Not the first time we caught things not submitted, We suspected a looping run around for a while check the date and WE would like to know just what was submitted on my behalf? .
Have a lot of this stuff and I mentioned the blackmail earlier with Ken Spivack and the judge at a mediation. Sounds like she's trying to get a deal for THEM! Hhhmm???? because it seems like a lot of bad vibes towards me!
Well this is no exaggeration, This is proof of the stroke from the accident, before winning my claim,
The files my P.C.P. Provided for me so like he said.."WHO DROPPED THE BALL?" and he will find out.
To the Judge, William Bendon, I feel as though this was not a fair hearing, Why? 1.This hearing was held behind my back (with out my or my families knowledge or notification) 2. The ammount set forth was totally inappropriate ( I have been house bound almost 10 years and trapped in my home & body for the rest of my life) I seen prisoners get more compensation for wrongful convictions and doing time for crimes they didn't commit.) and the lack of medical attention, still no type of THERAPY! And what of the loss of my grand daughter, and all the un entered evidence including statements And his lack of knowledge of this claim and all of them (PMA Group, The litagation team, and the biased feeling from all of it. (how is that?) Because the Litigation are all neighbors, Pma Group, Judge William Bendon, PMA Group counsel Timothy Yonkers all redside in Blue Bell ,Pa (my attorney isn't that far in Abington) and I am in Port Richmond Philadelphia which makes this a biased set up if I ever seen one. And now after learning of the MRI Results (never entered into my representations briefs) and other un mentioned eveidence never entered into evidence briefing like my statement, and to be called over exaggerated comment shown in Log 4 by my own council didn't (or did know this) and the fact that at the same time as my injury it created a stroke which should of been aditted as evidence & this just arrised May 28, 2021 as you will read below.
Francis Pereira "Not Frank" even has a letter from the previous firm to not call me Frank to please refer me using my given name. Francis M. Pereira
Calling PBA & Administrative office for adjudication.
And calls and made complaints I did, to have this investigated,.what think I wouldn't? wow you really ain't getting it "I AM NOT THE ONE!" See it's under investigation!First Complaint to P.A.D.B. I would also like a different Judge as PMA Group insurance company is Judge Bendon's neighbor in Blue Bell Pa. As I said "BIASED" I know how neighbors stick together. and again my lawyer threatened to drop me after recieving a copy of my complaint form from P.B.A. She should know... "I DON'T LIE" like I'm dence. Like I said "I'm disabled, NOT STUPID!" What did you think? you had a stroke victim that you could manipulate? That's just plain wrong. Seems like you all take advantage of disabled people. Things are not being added presently like Statements, Test results and Documents, But the word of a IME doctor who knows nothing of the case (definitly knew nothing of the stroke as we just found out about it, un less they were tipped off.) but their findings are good? and credible? And my representation going off on me and telling me to stop going back in the past? (I wonder why?) That shit is over, because I did get a phone call, a very Angry and Concerned Phone call Trying to hide the stroke in the past, well it came back up!.
May 28, 2021
Now either Workers Compensation screwed up (Well of course they did) or the law firm at the time (2013) (signed with Spivack and Spivack, Jen Kaufman worked there) either over looked or tried to cover up this important information. But "SOMEBODY DROPPED THE BALL!" as my P.C.P. put it and was upset as he was reading my previous P.C.P.'s files on me, He was more upset that it was never acknowledged.and it was never entered into my claim and he said it " , IT SHOULD OF BEEN ADMITTED!" and still hasn't and he's not a comp doc but was trying to figure why some motor skills weren't working that had nothing to do with the cervical spine he said it was like a "Rubix Cube". as you will see when I put together a list of doctors from my accident to 2013. Spivack and Spivack sent me to Premiere Therapy where I was seeing doctors there. and it was wrong from the start, giving me something called gabapetin and welbutrin at the same time keeping me doped up and on vicadine also so I was letting time of statutes drift away Then I about 3-4 years later unkowing of them, I thought the lawyer handled them affairs and no other lawyer would take them by the time I learned, because statutes were up? WOW! (what kind of shit am I mixed up in) Well Dr. Brody took the MRI disc to study it and never returned it, which makes things even more obvious and questionable because he seen it and didn't want to report it? or some one told him not to?, regardless The last IME Dr. Levin (and the wife and I had a brutal fall which my driver witnessed leaving the visit, all the while not attending a surgical consultation that was right after that (an hour, would of been very late and had to be rescheduled) Dr H. Levin (IME Doctor) told my wife and my self all about the people who work in Carl Contino's Premiere Therapy He named all the doctors and said that the head and neck doctor (Dr. Fras) was a joke (he wrote me up smoking consultations????? ) Also He never really looked at my head and neck. So all these people all know each other huh? and no one finds this biased?
Dr. Porter, and the staff, Dr.Fras who billed me for smoking conceltation, not checking my neck or back, Dr. Brody who was relieved of his license and not able to practice medicine anymore, (but left a report which is right here in my records courtesy of my P.C.P.) I stayed with Dr. B. H. Levin but went to his office at 2nd and Market street as Premiere asked me and my wife to please leave the establishment because my wife spoke up about the NONE treatment I was getting.
Now Dr. Porter went to Med school with Dr. Howard Nesbitt my P.C.P at the time, telling us stories of him and Howard in med school together. ????? at the time. my wife witnessed all of this as she was also my uncompensated or unreimbursed care giver, who witnessed many things that were not done in a professional manner at many establishments we were sent to, (but no therapy) anything to make timeless things to make me break, guess what idiots?, I'm ALREADY broken! and all I have is time to get this thing so big it's a book and publish it , WE WILL!. Just like our magazines (links to the left nav) I am sure this has been seen, probably even printed up by my hackers but one thing stands...THE TRUTH, IS THE TRUTH LIKE I SAID, I AM NOT THE ONE!!!!!!
My P.C.P. Called me after going through found records of the previous P.C.P as he took over the practice in 2016, when meeting him at the start of our doctor patient relationship he said I want to pick your brain to understand you better. Well this became a lengthy conversation after finding out about my 9 &1/2 year old stroke that is still visible and my neurologist Dr. Christopher Perrone who indicated it in the report provided. My P.C.P. was beside himself in anger and felt sorry for me for the way that I had been treated for the last almost decade, and now will probably include his father a well known doctor in the medical society Dr. John Trezseniowski before that I had Dr. Howard Nesbitt who had abandoned the practice with out anyones knowledge. (and a lot of angry patients) and before that was Dr. Donna Loughlin she had left before Nesbitt and I had no insurance, other than getting it for the 2007 unbilical hernia (right side of belly button) which was fixed by Dr. Thomas Santora who performed the proceedure at Northeast Hospital), then I had no insurance, Until after the accident and Workers Comp denied medidn't like doctors anyway and kept a clean and healthy and active life with my own business forming in published media. life with lite celebrations I attended. So apparently when my neck hit the seat it not only wrecked my cervical spine, it also by landing on the main arteries in my neck.
And remembering this (I remember holding a bag it had a tea and 2 donuts in my right hand and I was looking that way when I landed, because I was afraid of scalding myself then the driver hit the bend in the road (Whitaker Ave by the 24th/25th Police district) throwing me to the other side of the bus where my lower back hit the metal around the bottom of the seat, I was groggy but embarrased and the female attendant said countless times are you ok? your face and head are very red, I said I think so, I looked at the driver looking at me in the mirror and I said to the female attendant " He did that on purpose" The next morning he was in the van with Tim (R.I.P.) and Tina Leader as I had a hard time getting down the steps Nick (R.I.P.) appologized in front of them and my wife saying "I didn't think you got hurt that bad". as I got worse that week and they sent me to the comp doctor because of falling and dropping and unable to feel I couldn't hold a coffe cup without crushing it because of not being able to feel as now in 2021 the same.) And by the later study by my doctor and seeing the MRI results said well it looks like upon the impact that it had sent a surge of blood to my brain and my P.C.P. Concured with me that the surge of blood was the most reasonable explanation that caused the stroke, Why? Because this is the reason I had no feeling until my body reactions appeared a few days later and we thought because of my cervical spine I couldn't feel anything. (which everyone seemed focused on) so I was left along with countless doctors questioning and wondering why I was in the situation I was in. Well my P.C.P. found my files from Dr. Howard Nesbitt and in the files he found the entry of the "found" stroke from before my claim was awarded
*THE SMOKING GUN* The Brody Report plain and simple, it exist, they never entered it and the date is right there 8/26/2013 My claim was awarded 2/25/2016
So now my primary wants to find out why it was never introduced into evidence of my claim,And why it was over looked as that year I was court ordered to a wheel chair for almost falling in the court room. May 13th obtained the wheel chair, 4 days later it was caught in an accident when I went to Pennsylvania Hospital to see my grandson who was born on the 19th, they had a fire drill and the elevator doors closed on the wheelchair and broke it. (see Elevator <---- Left Nav) so he thinks the stroke contributed to my motor skills situation and is focused on keeping my bp low, Dr. Nesbitt started the Linsipril 10 mg to control it, after dealing with the lies and drama of the judicial drama of this claim I am now at 40mg of Linsipril which seems to be working for my blood pressure. His main question is why was it not found by any of the Comp doctors or they just let it slide by making his job as my primary physician harder. now 2 years ago the highest I seen it was when I went to Temple for rehabilitation and my doctor then Reed Williams looked at me like a ghost and "quoted" your BP is 200 over 135, how are you alive? He left Temple Sept and went to Houston to study leaving me with Dr. Maitlin who did my EMG and the report is there log 2 that the impression was "ABNORMAL". SO NOW WE FIND OUT WHO DIDN'T DO THEIR JOB OR WAS THIS A FIXED AND CRIMINAL CLAIM? I believe I proved it is. Dr. Matthew Trezseniowski is a good doctor that is not a COMP doctor so he is not into playing the judicial game, but has proof of the situation. So I want to know who never added it to my claim or I'm sure things would of turned out better. negligence so is this why they want to stay focused on the present and for me to let go of the past?, did someone know something? because I will be pressing charges when I find out. And they will be relieved of their positions.God it's like pulling wings off insects. How do I plan on doing this? YOU DID IT YOUR SELVES , I TOLD YOU "I AM NOT THE ONE! THE TRUTH, IS THE TRUTH!!!!!
Francis Pereira
May 30, 2021. June 4th 2021
Told another construction company is looking at the estimates from the previous company who went out of business.
June 17th 2021
Roy another construction man came out and did pictures and measurements, he also said that they didn't request an estimate for widening the front door, when I have a text message above where the lawyer said they were doing everything
Well apparently someone again "SOMEONE DROPPED THE BALL AGAIN, JUST LIKE COVERING UP THE STROKE!This series of bullshit stories, The lies and excuses from these Lawyers, Their Firms, All the Doctors and the Insurance company got to realize this and everything else I ain't the one and stop playing me like a pawn before you find yourself out of a job and on cell block C, idiots! and I think this will help! since you ignorant yo-yo's won't listen, then read, losers!
July 7th 2021 Still nothing, an estimation for the modifications to a home I want to move from but so far not a word, BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE HEARING THE TRUTH! Or is it the chance you can all be diciplined for not proceeding with Judicial protocal?NEXT Blah blah blah, and the city wont return emails or calls and So I have others citys watching to see how Philadelphia operates, how they treat their working class citizens. Pulled Railing out of wall trying not to fall down steps July 14th 2021
Do understand this, Mr. Pereira and his P.C.P. Who uncovered the Stroke and want it entered into evidence, Mr. Pereira WILL NOT Settle until ALL of his EVIDENCE IS ENTERED INCLUDING THE STROKE! ALSO MEASURES WILL BE TAKEN FOR WITHHOLDING EVIDENCE, MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE, PURGERY. Charges will be pressed as seen in the police report., adminstratitions will be notified, PEOPLE WILL LOOSE THEIR JOBS OVER THIS so really think about whats going on as still to this day 7/14/2021 Mr. Pereira still has not been seen by a workers comp doctor or any other, NO THERAPY UNLESS PERSCRIBED BY HIS P.C.P. than the ones he and his family scheduled appointments for ='s PMA Group proving their negligence for medical attention even after discovering the stroke that has never been entered into eviudence. along with countless situations noted through yjis journal that never made in into my evidence so I could get proper medical treatment, (And why was it not entered, that's just intentional? with holding information and evidence. which allows criminal conspiracy and mental anguish to the betrayed patient/client.) and had no help from either side on this PBA is sending us in circles, Labor and Industry wont return calls) Hey these people apparently knew I had a stroke and were trying to keep it quiet, (how I see it.)., With this proof we will come after lawyers bars, Judges benches, and clerical workers including claim adjusters who tried to hide the evidence. The doctors who all fabricated their findings to aid the insurance company. And PMA Group for all the above (all Logs) and for criminal mischief. and Mental & Physical damage.with intented negligence.. My Lawyer threw in the towel. July 17th 2021 After story after story, I finally called it out! Tired of being a pawn I am going to see how far this goes and after the conversation below, and being called a liar? tell that to my P.C.P., Family & Friends and fans so they can hand you your ass.
All she did in 2 years was come to my home, get me to fire my old firm, a hospital bed and a scooter, that was stolen and a replacement. No medical treatment, therapy although she said she tried or she had us going to do the stuff yet non admission of evidence that should of been admitted the evidence we provided (through out the journal) is also rediculous that we had to, THE DRIVER WAS A TRAINEE AND SHOULD NOT OF BEEN BEHIND THE WHEEL! AND SHE ADMITTED IT IN THE RED , BLUE CHAT CONVERSATION! Turned the 9 1/2 year run around into the PBA Dicplinary Board. After logs with previous logs with the Spivack firm, Jen proves she's a no nonscence lawyer and desrves her own firm to which we are part of. But if your compairing notes and need the information click the pages that lead us in the direction we went. Now down to now being hacked with proof , kid left his pic in my machine, hosting provider looking .nfo file placement,, funny thing is the person updated only let 1 person at 4:45 pm 3-1-2021 know the site was updated, then all the sudden hack city again leaves me to wonder who's on my side or theirs?.August 1st
Jens supposed to withdrawal today and I tried other firms who don't want to touch this ,I haven't recieved a formal letter like she texted, but no word either. Hey think if you were stuck in my shoes dealing with it but learning 91/2 years later that evidence was with held from you? Some thing that could of changed the course of everything? Knowing why the off feeling and falling, isn't just the neck,it's the brain to there are dead braincells surrounding that . Is that why I cant feel anything? is that why I didn't feel it in the beginning when I started falling? tripping over air? crushing things in my hand? coffee cups etc. I am going to get to the bottom, now I have to think deeper go back to the notes of the begining in 2012, and see what sticks out and why the information dated 2013 (before being awarded 2016) was not introduced or even looked into.
Would you not do the same thing to try to pick up pieces of your life? And all I have is time to make other Americans aware that the Politiucs are more corrupt then they already think?
August 6th
Now to look over more things but this stuck out. because I don't actually recall meeting or talking with her.a Kim Veon was also my attorney at Spivack? says so in the paper work see? I Thought I seen the name, but never really thought about who at Kens firm, his associates who was deligating the assignments to their minnions. On the left nav bar see and browse documents in the whole case Pictures and proof that there was more to me that a bus attendant, and a lot thats been effected by this outcome down to being a Professional Santa Claus ($72,000.00 in salary to $1,500.00 per week) links all to the <------- LEFT, see lost Santa wages!.
So as of August 6th 2021, JENIFER KAUFMAN ESQ WITHDREW OVER MAKING THE POLICE REPORT ON WITH HOLDING EVIDENCE LIKE OUR STATEMENT, THE STROKE AND I'M SURE OTHER THINGS INCLUDING FORGERY FOR SIGNING MY NAME ON THINGS I WASN'T AWARE OF? SHE ADMITTED IT ON A SPEAKER PHONE WITNESSES PRESENT (Going to have to start recording these), HHMMMM? SOMETHING TO HIDE? SO tHAT'S WHY YOU WITHDREW? I DIDN'T MAKE THE POLICE REPORT ON YOU Personally, I made it on the whole damn 91/2 year SHAM OF A CLAIM!!!! With holding evidence,, covering up the truth, letting the insurance company play this game when I was already awarded. oh we could write a lengthy list!
We need a real law firm now that we know of the stroke that happened during the accident. and not afraid of PMA Group. Someone who make sence of a disaster of the fallout of this case, no remodelers, nothing but the check. 700 a month? live on that 9 1/2 years and willing to look at what I been through and say that could be me, I had a great life taking off and BLAM! You never know, then your stuck, in the house, in your body, and people don't know why your angry???? still no word from Jen. or anyone else, like a creepy quiet went over the city....
Was told by a higher up they were glad to see someone finally put comp in the spot light, they been ripping people off for years. as a journalist I don't have to reveal my source, as a stroke victim I just might not remember them ... :-| I I told you I'm not the one!August 15th Hacked Again, Guess some one really doesn't want our evidence seen, There was a bot created to check the site every 3 hours, and we have updated repeplicas on usb sticks around the world we atomatically upload them along with the proof, the hosting provider has the ip # and entry and exit time of the long list for this, Cyber Criminal, kid are they worth your freedom? because we are pressing charges. As well as the hosting provider for the security breech also know as trespassingon a private server (hacking). hope the pay off is worth it.
Keep going and when we do get you ,you wont ever touch a computer again, or anything else. We own our work which also is covered by the 1st, 2nd 4th and 6th amendment rights also others but they are most important on top of the charges we press for the devious way the hacker(s) tried to cover up the STROKE that someone is doing or paying to be done. and if thats the case payer beware, hope you like prison!
August 8th I recieved the 12th, See this shit as soon as she pulled out after being asked about the withheld evidence of the stroke, all this just to have her removed from the docket? WOW! We wish they wasted that paper on the April 21st hushed hearing to let someone know what was going on!, remember How many times was it mentioned he wanted to leave pa, Yet fight to rebuild his first floor? (yea to keep him and their money here.)
she withdrawaled, isn't that enough? because she worked with the firm Spivack & Spivack who withheld Dr. Brody's information. oh everyone needs to do this, to get paid?, gotcha ! (??????) But you see the wasted paper through out the journal, CORRECT? Then explain why there is not one piece of notification before the APRIL 21st hearing? BECAUSE IT WAS A HUSHED HEARING, UN RECORDED! Your all busted (Taking the law into your own hands and thought the STROKE victim would never figure it out, WELL YOUR WRONG AND THE WORLD WILL KNOW!!!!
As mentioned by Joe below, more club members on Rt. 413 by Cold Stone Creamery and the EMU and llama farm on the road that turns in front of it. and this is just the N.W. Philly pa Chapter of the club we are all basically from all over the country, Some out of it!!!
Damn Justice system thinks it's untouchable, keep going......This has gone from a workers comp case to a criminal case, Withholding evidence and covering it up including hacking the web journal is all a crime, (and it's starting to look more obvious about the source of it.) And being that it is a crime! and we can call the police and fill out another 48 report, (we aint playing anyomore you seen the other report above) that Pop put in with the Mrs. well we are learning a thing or 3 while watching this unfold, Lawyers who never admitted any evidence on Mr.Pereira's evidential behalf???? Only the cervical spine, Not the lumbar spine or The new found, old STROKE from landing his neck on the back of the seat causing and arterial hemo surge to his brain. so just make it go away, he won't remember (guess he blew all your minds) because your going to be bought up on witholding evidence amongs other charges. Looks like Dr.Brody was right to a point as the judge put it in the hushed hearing, when he said that Dr. Brody's statement said a lot of the problem was Neurological, because if he had the blood surge and he had a stroke from it, then that would explain why he didn't feel the broken neck or the depletion of his motor skills, which makes more sence than any doctor in 9 1/2 years could explain...unless they knew ?????? keep going, we're ALL watching. (look at the world map below, click it see "The United States"? Thats President Bidens people seeing how this goes, he knows way more than you think, idiots. He has every top officials attention because he is doing something no one else would do or understand, BY STANDING UP TO YOU! BUNCH OF LYING JUDICIAL FRAUDS! But this time you got caught! you think your above the law? not the civil rights, Are you not supposed to deffend our laws and the people who come to you, was that not in your oath? or ....Did it say take every thing coming forth to court to prolong an ending and to take advantage of the disabled and prolong the anguish of the physically and mentally challenged? SEE YOU ALL, ON YOUR WAY TO HELL!!!! SICK LIAR FREAKS!
These people would give you the shirt off their backs, they even came to my daughters Dressage competitions , NO CHARGE! Just to take pictures and just use the photos for publicity for their new business. Poushe Photos You people are wrong!!!! and I live in French Town N,J. and many of us support him. He was awarded, why is everything such a big deal? Pay him and let him FREE of your chains!, He wants to move, He mentioned that before the accident and you can't keep him hostage.
Your making it easy to sue the State, City, School board, The Insurance Company, The Legal Representatives of this mess, Civally sue each individual who took part in this scam, and backed it. And from what I see labor & Imdustry who you have notified with out response.
Being kept at home with no way out like your under house arrest for something you were a victim of and you won the claim veryone seems to be fighting against it and I'm sure you woud much rather be doing your music thing thanstuck in a house with no medical treatment and
Thanks Nick!, love ya bro! (put up the whole email).
Frank and Deb
(Hey see your getting better on that page maker ;-) lol ) Tell Christy we said hi, she must be 25-26 now (he ain't been out in almost 10 years hopefully that would change soon, our lives have been aliving hell, read above about the stroke, now we know why he focused in a loop).
9/1/2021 & Hacked again only certain things that mention a party we suspected Woke this morning after lawyer searching again yesterday, I can't believe I am being put through this, Hey I am disabled and sticking up for my rights along with friends and family (friend called and said there were images missing from log 5 which leaves us to do nothing but add it in. Get it through your heads PLEASE! People are calling and now asking for copies of this journal (we must be pretty good) can we zip it and mail it? so we are putting up mirror copies on other servers with different URL'S LOOK you did it! Well the Leahy’s did and then they took the 5th and refused to give up the bus security cam footage in 2013 a stroke was found by Dr. Brody and never entered into evidence and now they make a court decision for everything in which a lot is been denied but it's ok for me to lay in this bed under unwarranted house arrest for 10 yearsbecause they fight everything even when the claimant was already awarded in 2016 So if you had part in that you are by backing this insurance company So then own it! You are the one making a decision & in the end PMA is laughing at all of you willing to assist in the defiance of an already awarded case, and when we get them and they go down they will blame everything on the people who helped them, Mr. Pereira was injured on a school bus helping special needs children. a coworker has given all the company information from after Mr. Pereira's accident and the employees were told if they interacted with us in any way they were fired! So he was taught to drive a bus by Mrs Pereira & he said they operated up to 2017 under a different name and false insurance, HE WAS SUED! ? and still paying it off to maintain his CDL license. Because of the company operations was under false, fraudulent insurance. He had a new job and our paths crossed when he had a task on our block in July 17th 2021 and started telling us everything down to the giant feud between the Leahy brothers. He got out when he was sued so is this why you won't let me call up any witnesses, ever?. so You want that on your name? That you backed this kind of business? these kind of people? Remember when you pass your not going to your loved ones oh NO, Your on the downward spiral and you’ll be there by your decision on earth! The word is VICTIM and by lies, criminal activities, God is watching and the fact that for almost 10 years you have been taking advantage of a disabled person. Keeping him in the house for 10 years under unwarranted conditions like house arrest because you refuse anything asked for.. Look! PMA Don’t care (As you can see for the last 10 years but you will when we press charges) WHAT? you don't think they will point fingers? Look at what they put this poor employee through and he did them favors supposed to be a friend, teaching Leahy's son guitar? then treated like this? and other things when he was there, even Guarding the buses at night (proof left hand nav links) so in case this journal gets violated again. and my hosting provider has a list of all the ip numbers that are entering and exiting 1 appeared a few times and we are having a tech go through them and finding the owners then well call the police department in that area and file a complaint and press charges, have them arrested for a list of crimes which pretty much are named through out this memoir .We are still lawyer hunting but also perusing in pressing charges. There were many violations in this claim/case that both sides took advantage of. They thought the stroke victim wouldn't catch on, errr duh? It affected my motor skills, not my memory or learning. just takes a while longer. So keep playng the more this is mentioned and people telling each other Inoticed the map below has grown with views, people taking interest in what is going on and how the victim is being treated. They can see U.S. is not a well running machine. It's very sloppy and no one does their job and different laws for different aspects of ongoing situations, Thank God for the 27 Amendments and Civil rights & Common Sence...
9/04/2021 Hacked again, But talking with Omar payed off, he actually gave me a statement.(Omar Lister Statement) & also it's my mother in laws birthday! Happy Birthday Marie! Like I said if we knew of the hearing it would of been 1. Posted & 2. I would be saying Happy birthday to the first teenager of my grand children.
Hacked again, the nav bar to get to the pages, Really? can't wait to catch your arss.
Now July 17th we came across an old employee of the school bus company who told us some of the things that happened when we were not their anymore. Read Below, shows the Bus Company Owners are frauds and Judge Bendon thought it was REASONABLE????? Omar Shariff Lister statement below: To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Omar Lister I was employed by Leahy transportation from 2010 to November 11 2015 on that date all the
employees were let go all of us where not allowed to receive my last paycheck some employees I know for sure lost
Paychex myself I lost my last paycheck the amount was $540 also I was driving a bus that have fake insurance on
it I was involved in an accident where are you by the Dodge animal that's how I got involved in an accident
I did what I was trained to do and I gave them my insurance information my registration unbeknown to me after the
company shut down for chapter 11 only date I gave you earlier I moved all at my old address 2549 North 16th Street
a friend of mine told me I was still getting mail there this is like a year later so this rain gave me the mail
one of the pieces of mail route open it said that that accident mustache fake Insurance on and because they could
no longer go back to the company they went after me because I was a Hey Driver I didn't even know if they was pursuing
me in regards to that accident they were awarded a judgement against me unbeknownst to me Travis evening suit judgment
7000 because of the fake insurance they on my bus right now I have a payment arrangement the pay that back I always
felt that wasn't right but in order for me to keep my CDL that was what I had to do and it's ongoing if you need
the number to the lawyer that suit me 215-546-1347 David Denenberg other number you can be reached at 215 546-3050
David Denenberg other number as I mentioned earlier always felt some type of way cuz I would have fought the case
if I had even known I was being sued I was told that they reached out to me by mail and because I failed to show
up that's why the Judgment was awarded against me my right with that I put a change of address in at the post office
and that's it 16th and Huntingdon I didn't realize because of human error get my mail was still going to a different
address It was so unfair but I knew I had what I had to do in order for me to continue to operate I'll keep my CDL
license while I was working and suspended it and I was supposed to make a payment arrangement with him in order
for me to keep my CDL if I don't continue to payment arrangement and I lose it it's already been done before so
I don't want to have it happen again someone a little while ago told me that still can be overturn because it's
really not my fault I was able to receive my mail they really didn't truly make an effort to reach me properly because I'm not that Savvy when it comes to the law I need help as well
And a witness to what they did to Frank then also a victim after Mr.Pereira's accident a pawn of their work tactics when the Pereiras no longer worked there. They went under a new name and was using fraud insureance leaving me to pay the bill.
Thank you, to whom it may concern,
Omar Lister
(484) 649-4154
Ex Driver for Leahy Transportation.
(That makes 2 so should we team up , with others pending, that Omar is trying to contact.... and go with a class action suit? and civil suits against employees of all types who's names appear in the paper work.? All up to you!)
THEORY OF UNFINISHED TASK To prove it WAS aconspiracy and that it was all a setup because nothing in that 12 page lie was ever bought to reality SO TELL US WHO'S LIEING? , ...Now 3. This pertains to the installation of the 1st floor bathroom that was never installed . See Below , The building Permit The Prepped area and NOTHING!!!! Just lies from the contractor, who would do all that and chase away workers, you can come up with better than that because you were bought off, admit it. But it is in the The Hushed Hearing it was ordered, building permit below.4. The Employers content was reasonable.Their credibility is shot down by,Omar Lister Statement
But not as Judge William Bendon put it . Yea? on what ever planet your on, This is Why THEIR'S 2 SEPERATE TESTIMONIES with others (Mrs. Pereira (Driver on #93) that these guys were lieing and ruthless. and held posiions over employees heads. And what of the results of this hearing? No bathroom after the wife ripped out our stuff but it was COURT ORDERED but my lawyer leaving me high and dry "ABUSIVE OF HER BAR" while unknown to her which is also a breach of contract, she lured me from another firm under bad ethics witnesses are available (but never called on any of them) and then confronted about missing evidence, she withdrawled and let this High and dry, it's not STALE!!! IT'S A CRIMINAL ACT THAT SHOULD OF BEEN DEALT WITH BY THE P.A.D.B. WHO MADE EXCUSES. EVEN THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE THE GOVERNOR TOLD US TO GO TO P.A.D.B. Well here are the results of Turning in the circus. 1.Complaint to P.A.D.B.1 2. Complaint to P.A.D.B.2 3.Complaint to P.A.D.B.3 4. Complaint to P.A.D.B.4 and they have a reason for these actions? UnEthical crap this is all fixed.
9/5/2021 Hacked again Pictures missing of the stroke and my previous lawyer addressing me in the begining after I fired Spivack, alsothe whole page 5 proved the STROKE and witness statements..
My friends on 611 are getting P.O.'d and will make this a real situation Remember I'm home in bed, so it isn't me. THE HACKING OF THE SITE?, HENCE PROVEN... SOMEONE HAS SOMETHING TO HIDE!!! We have been contacting the judge and letting him know of your actions. Also there is a duplicate site and will email him the link this week so none of you can cover anything up.
The Virtual Hearing 9/10/2021 probably because they couldn't look me in the face after proceeding with the The Hushed Hearing because after wards they never did the work, as a matter of fact they all pulled a dissapearing act Nothing Happened from fake hearing When we do all this above paperwork to let my lawyer loose, We hope it's easier to have her arrested after that! We contacted the bar to have people disbarred, arrested and my wife is also pressing charges for with holding evidence, lieing to the court, signing things in my name behind my back, and basically having hearings behind everyones back (no record) like a mediation hearing (you need more tape recorders or stenographers) and read through many other little Misdemeanors but to hold back medical evidence, now thats time worthy and we plan to press charges as far as we can, Well here is the...
Oh by letting the lawyer go you'll get more montly income? Please do I look like I was born yesterday? She ran like hell when she seen we found the report on the stroke in 2013. so let's get it right. (This was supposed to be a settlement mediation hearing.) They tried to set it up and take advantage of a disabled person that blew up in their face. (no more about it? No Subpeonas and no help from the , why this memoir exist to prove the lies!
New Orders? 9/17/2021, I guess the ones that came with my award letter aren't good enough? This misuse of the court and a setup and it's right in front of your face And here it is all this paperwork for this, yet nothing for the fake hearing on back in April.04/21/2021. see read it.
September 22nd 2021 2 WEEKS TO HAVE TO EMPTY OUR WHOLE LIVING ROOM? We are both disabled and could use some help, I will not burden my friends with this.
Some building 101 came out to rebuild the bathroom ??? Did I mention I want to move like 10 times? WOW! SMH! They act like this is easy to do when we have 30 years of things we aquired? See Log 3 and the ECA crap I went through, man it's amazing how todays society treat disabled people, You get what we give and like it! .......NOT!!!!!!!!!! That's it! I said when it's over it starts, HERE WE GO, FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELTS!!!! I have had it up to here with these liars and law abusing freaks So I turned my side of representation since the hospital and Steven Brucolleri came to my room and I signed a contract to my recent attorney who went with a withdrawal because of asking why things were not introduced into evidence.
This all now is in to the P.B.A. for with holding evidence and procrastination, No medical help unless we went to the firms medical facility Premeire Therapy who screamed at my wife to leave when she complained to them for not helping me I would just go down and sit in a vibrating chair. They would complain that they told me to do what ever I wanted???? Not knowing what was wrong with me? and I afraid of becoming paralized because I couldn't feel?, (ALSO WE DIDN'T KNOW I HAD A STROKE FROM THE FALL then one of the Doctors there Dr. R. Brody who did an EMG and scripted me to Open MRI and apparently found the stroke, but we had already left due to their non professional attitude AND THUS UNINFORMED. AND THE LAWYERS NEVER LEFT US KNOW, WHY? WHEN WE COULD OF HAD IT CHECKED? THE DOCTORS HAD TO SUBMIT A COPY OF THE REPORT TO YOU, SO YOU THOUGHT THIS WOULD JUST GO BYE BYE? YOUR ALL CAUGHT IN THIS WEAVE OF DECEPTION AND FRAUDULENCE) and my current P.C.P. found Dr. R. Brody's report in a box in the back room at the bottom as my present primary care physician Dr. M. Trezseniowski, (Yes the son of John Trezseniowski) has been moving and building up his establishment. and came across the records and called me and asked if I knew I had a stroke, told him I just Found out late Apreil , why I wanted to talk to him, he said Mr.Pereira these records are from 2013, were they ever put into your case? Well now you know why we are going off! You made me do all these IME'S and other test when you knew all along that I had a was not over looked but just ignored? NOT! they were hidden and 3 years deep in the back room in boxes the previous P.C.P. left when he and his wife vanished. and why did Brody loose his license to practice? Something really isn't right here.
And now to turn their side in for Obstruction of a Judges Orders, Refusal of MEDICAL treatment, refusal of a Judges orders and for mocking the court and the laws of Justice. For Fasifying Federal & State Documentation and for Forgery to signatures of Documents that I did not sign. Also not covering the expenses of the bills that were related to the Judges orders (because she to was not informed of the stroke or her orders most definitly would be different) They think they can make this up as they go along....NOT HAPPENING!!!!
Health Partners has picked up all the bills! not Alikai Health LLC, PO Box 829911, Philadelphia Pa19182, Healthcare Provider Attorney William J. Hall, ESQ (Who the P.B.A. has no record of an ID # said he was probably unlicensed) More information below in the "HIT LIST" I will complain until the cows come home or we reach a settlement, I am supposed to be happy for a bathroom that I did not even attend the hearing because of not being notified. Sept 2021 And the mental trauma that they are putting me through is going to blow up in their faces.
And these forms if I am working, Duh do you forget you withheld a stroke from us for 7 years . We had to find out for myself along with my wife, and the lawyer mentioned it ? which caused friction and panic. I went to Penn Hospital (Thank you Health Partners) Thats why she withdrew because I asked her why it was never put into evidence? She responded that I want to stay in the past and I should look to the future or she would withdrawal (see the chats) So lets see that 2013 stroke found by Dr. Brody found but we were never told- And 2016 won my claim, plenty of time to submit it into evdence and get me help. They all knew what was going on and keeping us out of the loop. But they can send us forms for unearned income?
I can't do anything and now my pc is screwing up and they have been hacking me, no one else on this planet would do that, just a hater that would only be involved in this most unprofessional judicial crap.
The insurance company, The lawyers & the Judge You all need help when you think your so slick. guess what ? Your days are coming... And The reply to this dumbass shit is....
You all have been turned you into the bar a few times. And will continue to do so.All I have is time to return the favors here is the proof of the hearing that was held behind our backs. Which the work has been rescheduled ue to my grandson getting Covid. September 25th 2021 Yes 8 years old and bought me home Covid, I tested negative (so far) but the work has altered things at home. I ALSO WATCHED MY DAUGHTER FOLLOW IN MY FOOT STEPS AS SHE WENT OFF ON THE SCHOOL AS HIS QUARANTINE WAS OVER AND THEY WOULDN'T LET HIM BACK IN, WE TOOK HIM FOR ANOTHER TEST AND WHILE MY WIFE DID THAT, MY DAUGHTER MADE ALL THE OTHER PARENTS AWARE OF THE SITUATION, you see when your holding back evidence you put people in jeopardy! and when you do things behind peoples back normally come back to haunt you as my daughter then CALLED THE SCHOOL BOARD BECAUSE OF NO NOTIFICATION TO ANY ONE ABOUT HER SON HAVING COVID THEN SHE CALLED CHANNEL 6 AND 29 AND TOLD THEM THE STORY OF THE WITH HELD SITUATION PUTTING ALL THESE CHILDREN, FAMILYS AND STAFF AT RISK. And now as of today the shit is hitting the fan just like you guys all hiding under the skirts of the P.B.AS. aND SINCE i TOLD THESE PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO NOW COME NOVEMBER 2ND to do the workk, all have a chance of getting CORONA VIRUS, I8T CAN SHOW UP POSITIVE FOR 3 MONTHS, and I now have to live with this. So you just expect me to stay under house arrest? We thought the door was going to be widened to get the wheel chair in and out or am I expected to just lay there in all the dust and fumes of the work? I can't even get away from it? (SEE THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU HAVE A HEARING BEHIND SOMEONES BACK) your the ones responsible for these decisions and don't think I will stop,
Now back to my situation, YOU ALL CREATED (Judge gave her decision 02/25/2016, like it or not)
.Your only adding gas to the fire. We will fight this to the end. Remember this much , you all have to answer to someone and they don't want to loose their professions so the finger pointing will begin now Remember .... I AM THE VICTIM, MANY TIMES OVER! THE BUS CO, THE LEGAL SYSTEM, THE WHOLE WORKMANS COMP JOKE, AND THE PMA GROUP INSURANCE COMPANY. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THIS NEUROLOGIST BECAUSE IT WILL LEAD TO SEEING SHRINKS AND OTHER PEOPLE, WHO KNOW I AM NOT CRAZY AND I ALSO HAVE WITNESSES AND EVIDENCE AND SOMEBODY IS GOING TO HAVE TO LOOK INTO IT YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF A STROKE VICTIM, PLAIN AND SIMPLE!, And I will tell them of my Medical neglect, I will tell them of being kept in 10 years, I will tell them about Witholding The STROKE report and many other things they will have to look into. THEN YOUR ALL CAUGHT THEN MY WIFE, FAMILY SUES YOU ALL! Dealing with the P.A.D.B.
Pertaining to INTERFERENCE after the Awarding Judge made a decision and gave her orders.
I was awarded my claim 02/25/2016 by Judge Francine Lincicome
There was no appeal, Since then I have been going through a loop.
The insurance company PMA Group who's attorney has interfered
with Judge F. Lincicome's Orders, I have not had medical treatment
and have been going to court for every little thing I need. They refuse.
Yet I was awarded my claim. as of present day I have yet to see a
real physician unless my wife gets me there ourselves. Which is how we discovered the stroke also learned just
recently that I endured the stroke during the accident and it was never
admitted into evidence by my lawyers which is under Complaint Form Submitted!
Confirmation Number: 20210524010 and then called the police for withholding evidence
which is listed under 2nd Complaint Form Submitted! Confirmation Number: 20210524010
The Police DC# is 40611 The below attorneys have been putting me through the trials
and tribulations of being newly disabled and now as of April 2021 I and my wife were
informed of the stroke. We filed a complaint File Nos, C2-21-463, C1-21-364 and C1-21-365
with the PADB. We now would like to file a complaint against the lawyers for the insurance company
PMA Group Insurance Company
PMA Companies,380 Sentry Parkway, Blue Bell, PA 19422,
Defendants attorney
Timothy J. Yuncker, ESQ ID# 78408
245 Grandview Ave ste 100
Camp Hill Pa 17001-1712
The actual Insurance company Manufacturers Alliance Insurance Co.
PO Box 5231 Janesville WI, 53547-5231
Insurer's Attorney
Carol L. Cingranelli, ESQ ID# 47958
245 Grandview Ave ste 100
Camp Hill Pa 17001-1712
And will be filing a complaint for the "So Called" Healthcare Provider
Alikai Health LLC
PO Box 829911, Philadelphia Pa19182
Healthcare Provider Attorney
William J. Hall, ESQ (Who the P.B.A. has no record of an ID #)
307 N. Blake st.
Dunmore Pa 18512-1905
as Health Partners has been picking up all the expenses since the accident.
These people are hindering any progress that can or could of been made.
They refuse to follow the MAIN Orders that were established by Judge Francine Lincicome.
There has been medical neglect, 9 1/2 years of un warranted house arrest, Threats of withdrawal,
My representation covering up evidence which proof is also located in the memoir Log 5 (see Stroke)
found by Dr. R. Brody in 2013 at Premiere Therapy, I was awarded my claim in 2016, why was it not admitted along
with my statements down to a mock hearing that we were not notified of on my grand daughters 13th birthday (so
it would of been written with her birthday and also no notices sent as noted many times) This hearing took place
behind our back which is noted on Log 5 at our memoir at April 21st 2021 The sitting Judge
was William Bendon. The lawyer for me at that time was Jenifer Kaufman
a copy of the hearing is also on Log 5 in a slide show high lighted in RED in a 12 page sequence.
The P.B.A. could not find it on the Docket. (This appears to of been a setup) This is misuse and abuse of their
authority, Taking advantage of a disabled person, thinking with a stroke it would never of caught on and with a
broken neck unable to do anything about it? Wrong! The stroke affected my motor skills and feeling , not my memory
or creativity. Now I'm off the meds you had me on it's like all these ideas and the body can't respond because of your decisions
Also on every court paper as you will see in the memoir there is a name that states she is my attorney yet I never
met her, I just know she is from the Spivack & Spivack firm (2013) until the latest phone hearing on Friday
September 9, 2021. But her name is always there.
Kim Veon, ESQ
450 Sentry Pkwy ste 200
Blue Bell. Pa 19422-2319
Can somebody please clear this for me as I have never met her and she has never reached out to me, some thing is defintely off beat here. Like she is a spy for P.M.A. Group and Ken Spivack!
Well there is a police report seen on Log 5 in the memoir that states all Lawyers, Doctors and PMA Group. So yes we intend to press charges to the fullest extent of the law. My wife is also considering to sue everyone herself due to almost a decade of her life being in turmoil. She is the one who has been my therapist, my care giver, my world and since my accident I have been an unappreciative arss but now that I know of the STROKE realize that I need to be quiet and listen and to eventually put the pieces together like we did since April and Dr. Perrone of the Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine explained what was going on. And the conversation with my recent attorney and my wife when the attorney mentioned on speaker phone that she had read something about my head a few years ago (When she was with Spivack and Spivack) and then got her own firm and the perfect target, the stroke victim to up her new firm.
The Pereira Family 10-30-2021
And Of Course The (Their Mother Hen) Diciplinarian of these puppet liars who shows they have their backs, They refer to my complaints as STALE? Are you friggin kidding me? Every day I deal with this and it's almost 10 years and the way it is anyway stale WHY? is because of you bastards not doing your jobs and covering for liars and letting it go this far! Here is the reply I get so I guess you are going to get a taste of my JUSTICE! Beause I will never quit. and There is enough people who have had it with the justice system Iwill continue to hound, exploit and make the truth be known that the justice system is a game that you have to find the right people to listen, what if they got hurt at work? would their families have to endure the same run around, loops and hurdles that my family went through down to getting all their medical records and make sure your lawyer isn't a snake , one that will submit all your evidence no matter how much they are offered not toand how it covers up for itself. And this Journal is proof, so best thing I can say is watch your selves, and your families, you might set off a real wack job there is no right or wrong with them? then there is no right or wrong with how this continues and PADB, I am not finished. They with held evidence and that is a crime I will continue to try to have charges stick, now my wife and family should look into lawyers and sue all involded civally for their part in this judicial setup and for what they endured having to deal with my situation. .And P.B.A No lawyer will take this case you keep sending me to lawyers who see I am willing to go to higher authorities to correct a wrong, STALE? you are a joke! I am now starting to get angry at how the justice system covers their own ,even if they are wrong and I will make sure everyone knows of this.So I am making this memoir show in search engines so others can see the games your lawyers are allowed to do and you and how the justice system helps them covering up their misakes espeacially This is the letter you sent of my complaints well , guess the rest will be silent or should I say STALE? Well here are the results of Turning in the circus. 1.Complaint to P.A.D.B.1 2. Complaint to P.A.D.B.2 3.Complaint to P.A.D.B.3 4. Complaint to P.A.D.B.4 and they have a reason for these actions? UnEthical crap this is all fixed.
People be aware (as you can see) do NOT trust our GOVERNMENT OR IT'S PUPPETS!!!! They try to make a buck on everything. November 1st 2021 After a 2 week covid wait because my grand was a symptomatic The hired company Building 101 also known as Bobs Home Improvement showed..
2 guys show up, 1 lives around the corner from us came first and said he knows my daughter from being up on the corner. Deb asked about the permits as neighbors were having work done and L&I was in the neighborhood.
The next guy showed up and was on the phone and then they said they would be back, and never did The owner called at 12:10 pm and asked why did we send the workers away? We both replied, We never did we thought they went to get material or things they needed. so that was that. Hey Dennis? Why don't you come around and explain what the problem is or I can have a friend stop to ask you. Well anyway, Still trying to figure out what's going on..... and then the following day....
November 2nd 2021 They had 3 trucks and a team
They gave us the permit as shown below.
An older white haired man with a white mustache and beard came in and my wife wanted to remove my stability bars when he said get the crowbars and my wife mentioned her screw driver to get the bars the gentleman looked at the room turned and left , the other guys got into their trucks and my wife went outside to ask him what was going on . He replied there's a problem, she said a problem? he said yes and I'm not touching this and drove off (have cameras all over so I can see whats going on outside and inside when my grand children visit. Also for security and other reasons like this
Remember this is Bobs Home Improvement AKA Building 101 Bob came out and looked then the feed story lines of this will look great when its done, give documentation, have you clear your home.... then nothing, Also tries to make it look like your fault, then they back out with no return call.
My wife did all this work for them to not do the job? She called for Bob numerous times and some lady named Michelle said to contact the people who hired them and have refused calls from us since. So I would not have the court ordered bathroom and all the work my wife did was for nothing she just turned 50 on the 7th so she is going to deal with it. I felt like they were going to pull some kind of B.S. and I was right. now she has to redo the work she did to make space for them to work. To try to get it to some kind of normal for the holidays. We also made a police report on the actions of this and is logged DC# 21-24-73661. Also no one wore a mask into our home just to make note and we are not vaccinated.
Stop Playing Your Games!!! We Know What You Did & What Your Trying To Do!!! (We have 10 years worth of it)
November 8th 2021 and still heard nothing from them All because my lawyer withdrew from my case for me confronting her on withholding evidence,(log 4 & log 5) she admitted it herself that the driver was illegal and the P.A.D.B. is backing that? She even admitted to forgery by signing things for me without my knowledge, what a screwed up system we have here and I'm blowing the whistle on it. So once I get another attorney we are going after all of them as corperate businesses and as individuals for their actions. Also Keep watching and this memoir will be submitted to search engines, Just so people know how far these people will go to extremes to screw you over if you get hurt on the job so check your employer to see who their workers comp insurance is handled by.
November 9th 2021
We reached out to media outlets to see if we could get some help as this has become unreal and bullying a disabled person, I am taking over and getting a civil lawyer.
To Whom This Concerns, I Really Need Help,
My husband Francis was in school bus accident on 1/04/2012. He has been fighting a 10 yr battle against PA Injured
Workman's Compensation. He has been medically neglected from the start. They deny him everything. My husband found
out in March 2021 that he had a stroke around the time of the accident. It was pointed out to us by his present
doctor in an MRI matching the findings in a report from another doctor from 2013 no one told us. Very long story
cut short.
He just lost his 3rd lawyer and now has none. Before the lawyer withdrew (because he confronted her about not adding
the evidence from 2013 into the awarded hearing in 02/25/2016. And why was he and his family were not notified
of the April 21st 2021 hearing.) there was another court hearing (Mediation) that none of us knew about the legal
teams and judge sent no notification, keeping us uninformed. They made a couple decisions and orders sent to us
by mail. The court order my husband was awarded was a new handicap accessible bathroom. A previous bathroom to
be extended and remolded.
On 11/01/2021 Monday morning two workers came out at 9am. I showed them the room to be remodeled. I myself am disabled,
I cracked my skull and had to have a wrist fusion in 2018. I suffer memory loss and dint want to forget. I asked
for a copy of the permits to hang in my window because i have a neighbor doing work on his house and he has his
permits posted on his door. the two workman got in there truck and left. In my home not more then 5- 10 minutes.
I waited for them to come back but they didn't. The owner called 12:10 asking why we sent his workers away? This
work is Court Ordered. I told him that I only asked for a copy of the permits to post (that they could have brought
tomorrow.) I was waiting all day for them to come back.
Tuesday morning 8am 3 men came permit in hand again I showed them the room. One man said to the other " Grab
the hammer and the crowbar" I half jokingly said " What do you need that for all you need is a screw
gun. I work smarter not harder" I meant no offence I have moved the walls at times and only put in a couple
screws for easy removal. I needed the handicap bar taken off the wall before they demoed the room. Next thing I
know the 3 men are in the trucks leaving. I asked where they were going and the man said There's a problem I need
to talk to the boss and I'm not working here and left again only in my home 5-10 minutes. I called the company
and no one will talk to me or tell me what going on. The secretary in office told me to call whoever hired them.
I don't have that info. She was going to call them.
Wednesday, Thursday and today Friday no workmen no contact I have left several messages. I don't understand how
anything I said was cause for them to not do the job, that again the owner pointed out was court ordered.
With my husband disabled I had to do all of rearranging of my home myself. WE were so excited that it was going
to make his life a little easer.
Deborah PereiraThen reality hits when she tried to put back the old one. I thought she was going to have a nervous breakdown.They screwed her.
The Floor, Towels and bathroom necessities cabet, toiletries, air refirbisher, etc. now just the lump of wood seen in photos above. The cabnet the bathroom floor. the shelfs, The Stability bars, gone!
Friday November 12th 2021
We have an appointment with a new attorney today. And it seems like we have been blacklisted by the legal sytem as no Law Firm or lawyer will take the case so we are sending the emails directly to the state representatives, Labor and Industry and to Governor T.Wolf Monday 1/3/2022
It seems like we have been black listed by the legal sytem as no lawyer will take the case
She must of had a good rapport as she knew a lot of Attorneys... Now remember this is already an awarded claim, this was for settlement to get away from this circus and area.
Pond LeHockey- No (she said would take me ,see screen shots)
Martins Law -No
Lundy Law - No
Gay & Chacker - NO
TV Commercial Law firms - NO
Finally went to the P.B.A. - kept referring us back to Martins law and when we said they declined said they can't help us????? Do any of you see the same thing we do? That all the Algorithms point in the same direction? kind of like cops covering for cops, Doctors covering for Doctors, Lawyers covering for Lawyers It's right there in front of you, my P.C.P. was the only one with his head held high demanding why this ordeal even went down, and why it was left to the present state it is in. so back to harrasing the brass. Until this is resolved. Hey it's been a decade, And I have been in my home under unwarranted arrest because they did not comeplete the Fulfillment of their court ordered obligation. and social media leaves bread crumbs, how we found the hackers... and how we caught so many bull crap stories. that's ok wait until your boss gets a phone call....
So we are sending the emails directly to the state representatives, House of Representatives and then to The Governor then to V.P. Harris and then to Joe as you see in Log 4 we have already chatted. Labor and Industry and to Governor T.Wolf as you can see above even the P.A.D.B. is backing the lawyers who with held the information and tried to break us down, IT'S ONLY MAKING US STRONGER AND NOW OUR CHURCH IS INVOLVED. The lawyers took advantage of a disabled victim and were caught with abundant proof in this journal, granted it is lengthy but only because of the actions of these lawyers. And all of it logged above. Tuesday January 4th , today is a decade ,yes 10 years since the accident and still the insureance company PMA refuses to do anything that has been ordered by the court.
No bathroom after ordered by the court to where Mr. Pereira fell down the steps 12 /27/2021 many bruises and scrapes he is refusing until his grand children have gone home. And then will be going to the hospital because he needed to use the bathroom that was never executed although it was court ordered. He is in such bad shape from neglect he has been putting it off to spend time for the holidays with his grand children. and they leave 1/2/2022 and then he is going into the hospital because the court ordered work was never done and he is not using his left side as we think this all has created another stroke and he is sleeping way to frequently. we will find out on the 4th when he goes in. (10 years to the day after the accident and over 5 years since he was awarded his claim with no results from the court orders, why we have sent much of the information to Harrisberg. and we will be pressing charges on that also. and last month his church is also looking to help him with this horrible treatment to a situation that never should of happened because the transportation company put an illegal driver behind the wheel, to where in the screen shots his lawyer Jenifer Kaufman admitted to it and calling the P.A.D.B. about it said the case was stale? Well read below because The Governor Tom Wolf reffered us to you. so I suggest you do your job because every signature will get sent in a list right back to his office LIARS! ONLY BECAUSE OF THEIR PROCRASTINATING ACTIONS !!!!!!
1/4/2022, 10 YEARS LATER! A decade of lies, fabrications and finger pointing, also countless I.M.E's But what did you do to help the situation? NOT A DAMN THING BUT THROW HURDLES.
Which left Mr. Pereira in the state of not even getting a good night sleep. Constant falling and untreated medical attention as we told Health Partners today that PMA Group should be paying these bills not you. Proof through out the memoir. To turn it into their legal dept. All because of P.M.A. Groups conduct, refusal to accommodate The Awarding Judges Orders & Medical Negligence from 2/2016.
Now, Meet The House Of Representatives
A LETTER FROM THE PA GOVERNOR!!! From The Governor, Who is now keeping tabs on this.
I contacted them and recieved a return letter Sent to me by a Legal Interne? using amateures to do their dirty work! This is only adding fuel to the fire!!!!! You just can't trust the Government, It's run by PMA Group not by the Commonwealth, The state workers are just spineless puppets here.. Hopefully The Next Letter Gets Attemtion.
As We Told you, when it's over, IS WHEN IT BEGINS!!!!
You Follow The Chain Of Command Before Thinking Of Making Your Own Choices!
Following The Governors Orders, Wish The State Workers Did , This Whole Thing Is Busted.
February 25th, 2022 Today my appointment over my falling to the left Penn concurred with Dr. Brodys report and shows the stroke, and with the new high blood pressure results from the drama of my claim (witnessed me slouching to the left, seen I was in a prison, front to back by a swirl of the laptop on the lazy susan) now I have to call and make 2 a.s.a.p. appointments for 2 more MRI's the type no contrast, just have to call radiation dept (done set for the 18th). I told him of the drama by the court and then the lawyer withdrawal and them saying it's stale, my daughters getting addicted to Fentanyl and how different family members have my grand kids. And how all this is affecting my home life. He seemed concermed with my falling to the left, and falling in general and I let my P.C.P. know everything. The above picture shows The Brody Report & The picture below shows Penns findings 10 years later and the same, my pcp is sending copies of the Brody report to the neurologist and 2 more MRI's arranged because of my blood pressure and the falling since the lawyer withdrawl and nothing but mental anguish since, cant feel so they want to check for another stroke. So keep playing these games, your decisions are responsible for what I'm going through. I just wanted to go to work that day!.
so its on the right side , which operates the LEFT side of your body he said much of it had to do with the neck area and the unattended problems from there. Well found out on 3/21/2022 that I have to see a Neurological Surgeon whom I will be reffered to on Wednesday 3/23/2022 for my dipping to the left because there was no real change in the MRI, just the decade old stroke from Friday March 18th 2022 just the lack of therapy (which has the neurologist pissed) and still want to look over some things that would of been done 10 years ago if they had turned in the evidence!!! Because we know it exist! When your at a hearing or mediation sometimes you have to look across the table, then again sometimes you have to look at who's sitting next to you, in my case I would rather have video camera glasses or the phone on record, you wouldn't believe the shit they sling! I am an introvert and I sit back and listen and remember then bring it up when it's relavent or to correct someones statement. and to find the real story in between the gossip. Still looking for an attorney but in the meanwhile,
Comments From the Doctor's Office
Hi Mr. Pereira,
Your brain MRI did not show any changes compared to the study from 2021. The neck MRI was also relatively stable,
though I would advise following up with your neurosurgeon to see if any further treatment is indicated.
Dr. Perrone
Written by Christopher M Perrone on 3/21/2022 12:36 AM EDT
Seen by patient Francis Pereira on 4/11/2022 6:59 PM
Study Result
Narrative & Impression
CLINICAL INFORMATION: 60 years old. Head injury in 2012, with persistent ambulatory dysfunction, generalized paresthesias,
and leg spasms, clinically diagnosed as severe sensorimotor polyneuropathy. Additional history of chronic left
insular lacunar infarction and possible multiple sclerosis. Prior cervical myelopathy related to canal stenosis,
treated with ACDF of C5-C7. Presenting with left-sided facial weakness.
TECHNIQUE: Routine MRI of the brain and cervical spine was performed without contrast.
COMPARISON: MRI brain and cervical spine 2/27/2021.
No acute infarction, intracranial hemorrhage or abnormal extra-axial fluid collection. No mass effect or midline
Multiple scattered foci of subcortical and periventricular white matter FLAIR hyperintensity are again seen, most
suggestive of chronic small vessel ischemic changes, not significantly changed since 2/27/2021, noting that the
prior study was performed on a 1.5 Tesla scanner. Probable small chronic lacunar infarction in the left insula.
Stable prominence of the ventricles and sulci, likely related to volume loss. No hydrocephalus. Patent basal cisterns.
Mild mucosal thickening in bilateral frontal sinuses and ethmoid air cells.
Post surgical changes of ACDF at C5-C7 with interbody osseous fusion.
Straightening of the normal cervical lordosis. Trace retrolisthesis of C4. Grade 1 anterolisthesis of C7 on T1.
Scattered degenerative endplate marrow changes are present, without suspicious osseous lesion in the cervical spine.
The cervical and upper thoracic spinal cord is moderately decreased in caliber essentially throughout its visualized
course, unchanged.
C2-3: Small left eccentric disc osteophyte complex. Moderate left and mild right facet arthropathy. Mild effacement
of the ventral thecal sac. Mild left and no right neural foraminal narrowing.
C3-4: Posterior disc osteophyte complex, uncovertebral hypertrophy. Mild bilateral facet arthropathy. Mild spinal
canal narrowing. Severe left and moderate right neural foraminal narrowing.
C4-5: Large disc osteophyte complex, eccentric to the right, with a superimposed right paracentral disc extrusion
directed inferiorly which causes focal cord deformation and signal abnormality. Mild bilateral facet arthropathy.
Moderate spinal canal stenosis. Severe right and moderate left neural foraminal narrowing.
C5-6: Small disc osteophyte complex. Right paracentral disc protrusion which abuts the spinal cord. Partial effacement
of the ventral thecal sac. Mild bilateral neural foraminal narrowing.
C6-7: Small disc osteophyte complex. Superimposed central disc protrusion. Mild bilateral facet arthropathy. Mild
effacement of the ventral thecal sac. Small focus of cord signal abnormality involving the left central cord (series
14, image 33, 34), in keeping with myelomalacia. Mild bilateral neural foraminal narrowing.
C7-T1: Small disc osteophyte complex. Superimposed uncovertebral hypertrophy, greater on the right. No significant
spinal canal narrowing. Mild right and no left neural foraminal narrowing.
Visualized prevertebral soft tissues are normal. Mild paraspinal muscle atrophy.
1. No acute intracranial abnormality.
2. Stable foci of signal abnormality in the cerebral white matter, most suggestive of chronic small vessel ischemic
3. Postsurgical changes of ACDF from C5 through C7.
4. Moderate to severe multilevel degenerative changes in the cervical spine, most pronounced at C4-5 at the site
of a large disc osteophyte complex and superimposed disc extrusion which contributes to moderate spinal canal stenosis.
Disc protrusions are also present at C5-6 and C6-7.
5. Moderately decreased caliber of the cervical spinal cord suggesting myelomalacia.
See above for additional findings and level by level details. Clinical correlation of these findings is advised.
I have personally reviewed the images and agree with the report without modification.
Result Information
Status: Final result (Exam End: 3/18/2022 1:23 PM)
Electronically signed by Mohan, Suyash, MD on 3/18/22 at 1435 EDT
Imaging Study Report
Help me understand this report Looks like a phone all tomorrow to see whats going on.
And talk of a new surgery,That will keep it going. I/We will never give up until a reasonable settlement is made. And now for the surgery update it's 4/27/2022 and the surgeon has redone the mri's and a c-scan and his findings are ...
Bassically, proves that back when they botched the first surgery and it was to tight and the doctor explains of the mess they left it in. (Which also is known as a botched surgery) So now do I do this and hope it will make my life easier? And because of the buldged disc above and below the fusion would be repaired and some of the grinding disc would be seperated. QUESTION IS? Would it leave me paralized? (Wiating for a call back) MY WIFE TALKED TO THEM AND IT SEEMS THEY MAY HAVE TO TAKE OUT THE OLD FUSION AND REPLACE IT WITH A WITH A WHOLE NEW ONE ???
Which I interpret as "JEFFERSON BOTCHED IT" Dr. Jack Jallo and Dr. Christopher Lee of Jefferson 10 years ago, My opinion and others mentioned it. even the video the surgeons statement "It's a mess in there" what would you think? Just recieved a call from my wife that they just might have to remove the work Jefferson did and redo the fusion correctly the incision in my back could be 8-12 inches in length. Why didn't the lawyers doctors look into that? or did they?
I only trust in GOD! And as I SAID SINCE THE BEGINING! ....
I TOLD YOU, I AIN'T THE ONE!!! If you want to view the truth and see the documents and other crazy conflicting, contradicting bull crap and proof how people take advantage of disabled individuals (Click the EMAIL link in the center (above the hearing).
This is for MY FUTURE , my Children, Grand Children, Great Grand children, etc. and Family and Friends who took part in my life this is for them to prove how the GOVERNMENT allowed the state to take 10 years of my life and leave me like a shell of a person!!! why I'm not the man I was, and where he went (many artist and entertainers) were still looking for for us for possible work , we had a online magazine, photography media outlet video editing. ALL GONE! Done with my God given skills proved in THE WHOLE JOURNAL/MEMOIR (CLICK BELOW) CLICK emeil link above to GIVE ANY INFORMATION like Mr. Lister who was a driver and caught in a scheme of the Leahy's. So for the full version which soon will be downloadable in a pdf which can be updated as you seen my magazines, anything is possible and it started with 2 words .....WHAT IF? The lawyer said to my wife in an arguement (I was listening on speaker phone) she seen something about my head A FEW YEARS AGO,, (never informing us even when they first obtained it from the place who had it done, Premiere Therapy who the lawyer sent us to.) to my wife who then mad as hell asked why were we not notified? This made me question it and I went to a frontal lobe neurologist. remember what Dr. H. Levin from the last IME had said about everyone at Premiere Therapy, and Dr.Brody who thought it was neurological? Levin also mentioned his demise , (wife was there because he had an MRI disc we wanted back, so yes there is a witness) Brody sent a report to my PCP WHO FOUND IT IN A BOX FROM THE PREVIOUS DR. H. NESBITT and then giving me copies said This should of been admitted in your claim, I went home calling The Doctor in question and finding out about Dr. Brody's demise a little after my awarded claim and here we are! ....WHAT IF? WHY WOULD HE DO THAT? BECAUSE HE ALREADY SENT MY PCP A REPORT AND THEY WITH HELD THE INFORMATION NEVER SUBMITTING IT AND IT WOULD COME BACK TO BITE THEM ALL IN THE ARSS? (Remember they sent me to this doctor)
May 2022 Adding a new chapter, How the 2nd surgery changed my life and the court denied the surgery a couple years ago. Submitted by Dr. Bruce Levin So I went behind their backs and had it done by the state insurance provider so the next segment will be videos of proof of the outcome of the surgery. link on front page. so yea after finding out the legal crap I was drug through for 10 years was all a waste of time when 5/25/2022 a 3 day stay in the hospital and a 3 1/2 HOUR new neck fusion (splash page) I don't question my self at all on what I asked for above. IT SHOULD BE MORE AND I DO WANT TO PRESS CHARGES FOR TAKING ADVANTAGE OF A DISABLED CLIENT!!! MISREPRESENTATION AND WITHOLDING EVIDENCE AND FABRICATING INFORMATION AND UNAUTHORIZED HEARINGS WITHOUT OUR KNOWLEDGE!
Francis Pereira 3/1/2022
So keep playing these games, your decisions are responsible for what I'm going through.Ihold everyone who took part in this cherade responsible, I just wanted to go to work that day!.
My Final statement on 10 + years of living in this loop! but we found the problem shown on the splash page.Look at what we have been through? and all fabrications to keep it going....
This is crazy! Really it is, So your stroke victim toy caught on to the legal drag (didn't see that one coming huh?) and that was illegal. The misrepresentation, lack of and witholding evidence because of not submitting it into their briefs ???? Why so much procrastination??? And the cover ups?? Anyone who thinks anything, better talk to the neurologist before going any further and remember it happened on the clock of PMA Groups client Leahy Transportation who made the mistake of letting a trainee do a school run, (I'm sure the parents on the route and I remember them all would love to know that). (Going in the journal just more proof of Hindering the claimant.) Really nice weather, stuck in, never a call from any contractor, or anybody for that matterl.. Almost 2 years with this firm April 16th 2021? So guess because we found out my problems are from my neck and neurological issues that occurred from the neck hitting the seat apply pressure in both directions one way ,right to my brain. So is why the other attendant kept asking if I was ok? because I was so "RED" ? guess thats when I was having the stroke but couldn't feel what happened to my neck at the time because of it.. Or would one of you Einsteins have an idea what happned? Because no one has gotten back to me since I faxed the reports to my P.C.P. and my workers comp Dr. Bruce H. Levin wanting to know more about it, but no return call from his practice either right after he asked me was my P.C.P. related to Dr. John Trezseniowski? I replied yes, he is his father and I faxed the results to both of them. I never heard from him again. The lawyer and the Doctor , did they know I had a stroke in the accident and not tell me? because everyones acting suspicious by the appearence of responses. No one will and they want to know why a memoir/journal is being kept? Isn't it obvious?
That, this vital information was over looked from the start but an MRI was taken before the fusion to compare the 2021 report to so get a copy of that or would it have been this When they were taking me to the MRI and I was freaking out that I was ging to have neck surgery and never kissed my kids goodbye in case. that when they over medicated me with cocktails???? And I had a bad reaction and instead it hyped me out to the point of super strength. but reguardless there was a report of it in 2013 and the claim was awarded in 2016 and the stroke did not come up in court. .
Anyway the neurologist said to keep my bp low at all times and this is what I am left to work with that I will continue to deteriorate from the neck down (all relative) the IME doctor H.Levin although he talking drugs and alcahol The lawyer didn't object
bcause she was trying to make me a pot head. (40 years ago these people are PURE BULL SHITTERS) , dude I'm a man of God! you lied and did you know that I fell there? At the IME you performed on me (we seen the tape recorder in the box like I said I'm disabled, not stupid) Yes my wife pushing me in the walker as photographed earlier and it hit the rubber slab on the exiting concrete when leaving could be why there is recent fluid in there (The only thing I can think of recently was the IME fall because the neck of my head hit the sidewalk,Just ask the firm who took me and my wife (witness) to the I.M.E. ask the driver you had take us there, but PMA Groups IME Dr. Levin stated that I am at my maximum at getting better (and I realize with a stroke some things are not going to ever be right). I tried to contact my Dr. Bruce H. Levin, No response? They all had their chance to help me, they refused a judges orders. Then make a game out of a permanent situation. I want a non structured settlement after what you did , you think any of us trust you? Put it in a trust fund in my name with $500,000.000.00 with no structure, because 10 years you had to help us and you instead antagonized us. There wasn't any structure to my accident just a bunch of lies and denial also finger pointing and no bus security cam video , I am glad Omar Lister spoke up to what happened to him by the Leahy brothers after I and my wife no longer worked for the company, (she was dismissed for not giving information on my condition) Omar Lister Statement It was the Leahy's choice to put a trainee behind the wheel, PMA Groups choice to cover them and insure them so I won't get one on account that PMA Group wants to run the rest of my life. Just more medical neglect, Hearings and Bullshit. I been in almost 10 years and living in poverty the whole time. Council making jokes about my situation “I seen Santa at the airport heading to North Pole Alaska. Or Do you hear voices? all this is under making fun of/toying with a disabled person that you could of helped because I won my claim but had to get into the milking game hoping I die before hand, ain’t happening so lets get on with it. As far as the house , I can have done what do what needs to be done at my leisure and set when I come to visit and have the other house put in my grand daughters name making her mom responsible until she turns 18. I want out of this place and now knowing that I had is a minor stroke on top of a cervical spine injury there is nothing much anyone can do but me doing home therapy and try to keep my muscles tight. Unless PMA Group gets this right in which we all know is not going to happen. They want to make this is almost another year, what do they get to throw it out after 10 years or something?. All Know this is not justice and what Dr. Perrone said I just want to compare notes before this gets federal because it’s plain as black and white and I am not playing their game anymore, they are going to play mine and I have plenty of “stand by and stand ready” I do plan on pressing charges and have already set the proceedures in motion please see log 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 of
Below is added information
Operation of neck fusion bill was picked up by Pathways corp.. not PMA Group.
The Affected Disability List as of 2021
Worked AT Leahy Trans. co. 2010 off the books but was paid in a company check, (Traceable) was put on the books for the St.Davids a run my daughter and her friends were hired also at 16 years old to be special needs attendants (illegal) up to now as I am a victim of them letting a treinee drive a bus.PRESENT Where I have a neck fusuion and recently found out I had a mild stroke from the impact of my accident that was totally over looked.
Disabilities, Motor Skills, Muscle Depletion, Deterioration, & Dememorization, More Medical Fall Out from the Bus Accident in insurers chosen time postponement..
April 2021 Went to Penn Hospital , along with the medical negligence, they found a small stroke the doctor dais was almost a decade old ???? Like my injury occured at that time. Instead of addressing it, someone hacked the page and we have back up of the site on another server so keep trying to hide the truth. Because I want to know if this is part of my problems besides the cervical spins condition. (seen above)
Since the accident here is a list of things
I can no longer perform or I am having problems with.
proof of the listed skills is available in pictures and resume
cannot help with house hold chores..
cannot do home maintenance/repairs
cannot hold my grand children or help with their care
cannot really play & do activities with my grand children
cannot open a piece of candy for my grand chhildren
cannot help my own children with their new homes being moving, painting or otherwise...
cannot do backyard gardening or floral placement etc.
cannot service my wife - self age 50 & 40 yrs, healty, active until now
cannot perform simple task such as taking a shower and shaving, making a pot of coffee,
cook (which I loved to do) using lighters, opening soda & many other simple task I now depend on others for
cannot Decorate for holidays
always feel to be in the way
cannot bend easily and limitted neck movement.
numbness throughout areas of my body, lower
back trauma continues, fingers and toes curled from spinal cord
lost extreme weight and lack muscle tone now
cannot walk long distance anymore
cannot play sports or bike ride
cannot go fishing or boating (to unstable)
cannot go horseback riding
cannot run, barely able to walk
cannot stand/lean for long period of time
cannot sit/lie down vertically for long period of time
cannot auto ride long distances
cannot sleep long periods of time
cannot presently drive a vehicle
cannot help with new ongoing neighborhood activities
careful to ride in vehicles entering & exiting
cannot lift
cannot ride
cannot climb
cannot move swiftly
cannot write with writing instrument
cannot sit or stand for long period of time
cannot do photo shoots or videos (hobbies)
cannot use power tools or tools
cannot use hands well at all (spinal cord)
1 finger typing, tire quickly from sitting/standing
Do not think will be able to do Mall Santa this year
slow at working in a computer cannot sit still long
Cannot draw / sketch any graphic forms of art (web designer)
Had my drivers lisense revoked from a lie, Dr. E. Peterick falsified a report stating I had a seizure (which I
did not and I have a witness) in 2017
As of 2020 my wife now mentions divorce in every conversation. and I'm supposed to be keeping my blood pressure down ???? (see neurologist)
cannot play guitar
cannot play bass
cannot play piano & Keyboards
cannot play my drums.
cannot cover or interview bands
cannot do interviews
Cannot do video work or editing
cannot carry out productions
cannot move, setup or breakdown equipment
And until recent 2021, found out by going to a neurologist that I had a mild stroke about the time of the accident. So that explains a lot of the reasons I never really recovered and it was driving me crazy why can't I do this, Because I could do anything I put my mind to, well guess even mild it damaged my mind...GGRRRRRR All I heard was "spinal cord compression", well guess what they over looked something, Like a stroke from the fall, They were to into the neck fusion and did they do an MRI before it? Because this recent MRI almost a decade later shows it. and the neurologist put a time to it "almost a decade old" = just after 9 years going on ten) Like 1/4/2012? Now it is a decade old 1/7/2022 and Proof of the finding of Dr. Brody's Report that was with Spivacks Doctors so they had to get a copy of it. And ALL before the award hearing 2/2016 to where it was not intoduced into evidence
A couple of my neighbors had the same fusion work done, 1 was walking fine, the other guy Mike McCarthy was walking his dog every morning I kept asking why are they ok and I am having such a hard time? well I guess even it being a mild stroke still left me with impairments which are starting to make sence. unable to get around and the music disorder and spacing out and drifting at points, live on BP pills., Obtained lousy penmenship (write like a second grader) takes me a while to do something that used to take a couple minutes and my writing skills were extremely skilled. and it's all because they overlooked the stroke or thought it didn't matter, I even mentioned a few times that the other attendant kept asking
me if I was ok, she then said "my word your face and head are so red, are you sure your ok?". Well thats probably when it happened because nothing in my life style would of lead to this only the fall on the bus, I was under lifting restrictions due to a unbilical hernia in 2007 from lift a very heavy object that popped out the hernia. Now I have a 2nd hernia because after the surgery the therapist that was sent from the hospital kept telling me to use the invisible bar to pull my self up (She should of told me to lay on my side and push myself up because that spawned another hernia on the other side and is still there.Not to mention the bone spurs in my neck which the neurologist also found. (As seen in the reports above) and multiple falls and landing on my stomach, see video 1/04/2022
they are lucky I am not asking for $750,000,000.00 because I will....The mental anguish ALONE that they (Workers Comp and PMA Group & The Legal Representatives) put me and my family through (read the journal, none of it would be there if they didn't make it occur). Down to the loss of my grand daughter Violet (who would of made it if it wasn't for PMA Group and Comp playing God! and recently the mother gave birth to another daughter 12/07/2020 who my wife takes care of and she keeps me occupied but shows me the other baby should of been here, And because you looked the other way when I fell, my daughter tried to lift me off the floor creating a miscarraige OF MY GRAND DAUGHTER VIOLET LYNN (PMA GROUPS FAULT). They wanted to play games, well this is an expensive game called "My Life" and how the judicial system, doctors (ime) Insurance companies and other people who hindered help in my situation being salvaged, For 9 1/2 years they have done nothing but tried to screw me over and I just recently found out about the mild stroke from the accident that left me in this state. That was never looked into either. Yet they want to alter my home to accomodate my situation, who says I want to stay here? I sure as shit don't! I want out of PA Pereiod....
sincerely, Francis M. Pereira 4/16/2021
This Journal Of Events Is Covered By Our First Amendment Rights
Terms of service, Freedom of Press and Speech or read the privacy statement, link provided on each Log. Tracking must be enabled for access to this site, we like to know who has visited If you hire these firms, have a jar of Vaseline handy because your about to get screwed. Truth is in 10 years we never been called on any of it. NO subpeonas, NO Arrest, NO Retaliation for truthful Slanderous remarks, NO feedback whats so ever!!! So I Guess The Truth Scares Everyone, NOT US!!!!! SO who's covering for who? are you pointing fingers yet? Because on our end, look around! WHY? Because it is all the TRUTH!!!!! And your just playing cat and mouse! which is getting old fast and click that map below, a lot more visitors, guess you like showing this off to your friends or trying to keep companies you already have. Remember We were Trained to Wait and Utilize the chain of COMMAND!!! * See Log 4 under The Discrimination act, Do Remember I AM Spanish. Well from what I see above this is a joke too, TOM WOLF TOLD ME TO GET A HOLD OF A DEPARTMENT, THE DEPARTMENT TOLD ME THEY CAN'T HELP ME, SO LIEING LAWYERS HAVE RIGHTS MORE THAN ALREADY AWARDED VICTIMS? JUST insureance companies don't have to live up to their end and a judges orders, means squat to them because they deal with medical they are untouchable? bt we handle it and it's jail time? WHERE WAS/IS MY MEDICAL?, I'VE BEEN DENIED 10 YEARS IN WHICH 6 YEARS WERE COURT ORDERED! Time to make a new left link and make a page of Video Testimonies!
WE Are Not Amateurs! We Research & Consult With The Best!